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Adrian Williams

Adrian Williams

The Latest From Adrian Williams

  • Churchill’s Loyal Foot Soldiers

    The March issue of Quadrant includes an article by David […]

    Apr 01 2019

    8 mins

  • Churchill’s ‘Admirable Self-Restraint’

    Churchill confided how he 'felt like', but didn't, tell Stalin, ‘I fight tyranny whatever uniform it wears.’ Clearly the moral compromises of the Soviet alliance weighed on his conscience, as is evident in his memoirs' bleak final volume. He grasped that one vile despotism had been replaced by another

    Jan 03 2019

    17 mins

  • Muhammad: Social Justice Warrior

    A woman or girl in any number of Muslim countries may face forced marriage, gender apartheid, honour killing, female genital mutilation, polygamy and harsh punishment for being a rape victim. To author Susan Carland, aka Mrs Waleed Aly, any mention of this is Islamophobic

    Jul 08 2017

    7 mins