Barnaby Joyce’s Damp Squib

Ron Pike

Nov 27 2014

7 mins

dryIn proudly announcing his dam-building agenda, Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce said, “water is wealth and stored water is a bank”, adding that  he wished to “recapture the vision and purpose of the Snowy Mountains Scheme.” They were noble words, but sadly what the Minister announced was neither visionary nor will it give Australia the “bank” of water we so desperately need.

On Joyce’s short to-do list are some puddle holes in Tasmania and Gippsland, where there is no immediate need for more water. Where the need is now urgent, if we are to produce the goods needed to honour our commitments to the China Free Trade Deal, there is nothing on his agenda.

Nor does Joyce recognise that our “water bank,” like our budget, is in the red because, while our population has more than doubled over 30 years, we have not provided water-storage capacity to guarantee our needs. This escalating water shortage has been further depleted by the needless and counterproductive…


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