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What a Supine Conservatism has Wrought

David Barton

May 21 2024

7 mins

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. As that has been the approach of Australia’s conservatives for far too long, we are in deep trouble that is about to get worse unless … well, read on.

What conservatives have been doing for at least the past 40 years no longer works, but this realisation has yet to dawn on most. We all know the world has changed. People over 60 can remember leaving money out with the milk bottles, for instance, or doors unlocked at night because the push-in robberies that are now nightly events were so rare they warranted front-page attention. Public institutions could be trusted to uphold rational and conservative values, and the lobbying of politicians and bureaucrats usually brought about sensible change. Sure, it wasn’t perfect, but at least it enabled a cohesive, well-functioning, largely democratic society which mostly acted in the best interests of the population. Not so today.

The old tools and strategies no longer work. Petitions to politicians and parliaments are routinely ignored regardless of how many signatures they garner. ‘Consultations’ conducted by bureaucrats are meaningless, resulting in pre-determined outcomes. Letters to ministers  go unanswered. Politicians, weak and spineless, spurn principles, and, in many cases, obsequiously agreeing with the Left, now in complete control of the parliaments, the bureaucracies, educational institutions, the media and, increasing to the detriment of justice,  the courts.

Nowhere has this corruption of our institutions been more recently demonstrated, to cite but one example, than the 2024 Australian Book Award going to Thomas Mayo and Kerry O’Brien for their disturbingly misleading propaganda piece The Voice To Parliament. How can an Australian cling to confidence in any of our institutions?

The Left has grown cocky, now simply doing as it pleases, bullying, intimidating, shouting down and cancelling those who dare to get in their way by speaking the truth, a rare commodity these days. Current events in Australia stand in mute testimony to this fact. Institutions such as the Human Rights Commission, rather than honouring the noble words of their charters, now assist the woke bullies in howling down those who dare to disagree. It’s now more clear than ever that leftists feel any need to heed the appeals of any and all who oppose their agenda.

Yes, conservatism is in deep trouble. The much-lauded ‘silent majority’ shrinks year by year. The polling results from the failed Voice referendum are instructive. In conservative rural areas, the No vote was as high as 80 per cent, yet in some areas of the big cities it was the opposite. Allegedly, as Yes-vote losers insist with a sneer, it was the ‘less well educated’ who voted 60-40 against the proposal to divide Australia by race. But country conservatives are a minority. By way of example, the population of Victoria is about 6.9 million, yet the population of Melbourne runs to around 5.2 million, leaving a mere 1.7 million, or a 24 per cent minority in rural Victoria. Arguably, while perhaps less equipped with degrees in sociology, women’s studies and the post-modern like, rural Australians are much more in touch with reality than their city cousins, but their numbers are tiny by comparison.

The demographic statistics get worse every year, with older conservative people dying off while younger Australians indoctrinated by the education system, now all but entirely the domain of the Left, are supporting the “progressive” causes and crusades drilled into them since kindergarten.

The Left has played this long game for decades. They know that, eventually, all the old-school conservatives will be dead and the young socialists will replace them. Heaven help us all. What will happen when ‘silent majority’ conservatives disappear, as they surely must within the next ten-or-so years? Who will rescue us? Where to turn for hope that all this is simply a bad dream?

The challenges Australia faces from the woke socialist left onslaught are myriad. The scams of climate change, ‘sustainability’ and ‘net zero’ are damaging the environment, increasing costs and sowing economic ruin for many. Despite the Voice defeat, the wholesale handing over of Australia to Aborigines both genuine and faux continues to divide the country along lines of race. Histories of the West and Australia are now recreated by fabulators who bare-faced swear their invented narratives are fact. White males are traduced and held responsible for the ills of society while transgenderism insidiously undermines the rights and integrity of women. New attempts are mooted and made to control and censor information. Christian schools are censured. Unfettered immigration changes the composition and character of our population, distorting our values, sowing division and creating a housing crisis to boot.

How has all this come about? It’s simple really – conservatives have been too nice for too long to those who should have been recognised as their enemies, who should have been vigorously fought until roundly defeated. The modern Left has used complacent conservatives’ own values and virtues against them, taking good manners and civil discourse to be signs of weakness. Conservatives have simply been too tolerant, too lenient, too accommodating and too forgiving. We’ve been so weak in our convictions, so polite, that we’ve fallen victim to our own decency. Look, for instance, at Their ABC and the succession of Coalition ministers who declined to make the national broadcaster honour its chartered obligation to be fair and unbiased.

The decline of the old Australia continues to be exacerbated by the mass importation of immigrants who fundamentally disagree with and are opposed to our Australian values and way of life, all the while reaping its benefits. One might wonder what they are even doing here. That’s one question begging for an answer, but there is another of greater pertinence: Who’s letting them do it and why?

As a result, Australia is now manufacturing leftists at a rapid rate through a hijacked and corrupted education system while enshrining socialist nostrums and, even worse, religious radicals and fanatics. These imported divisions and learned disharmony are now clearly apparent in Australian society through near-daily protests and street-scene endorsements of pro-Hamas demonstrations and the abhorrent anti-Semitism that goes with them, appallingly echoed by Albanese & Co.

The grim truth is that Labor now depends on Muslim votes in western Sydney, likely soon in Melbourne and other Islamising seats, and sees no choice but to pander, as evidenced by the appalling decision to back Palestinian UN membership.

Wholesale Muslim immigration has hung Labor and the Left by its own petard and there can be no going back.

No civilised democracy can have two diametrically opposed world views such as Christianity and Islam living in the same country and expect harmonious coexistence. That has been shown the world over – look at France, Sweden, and the UK. Why should we expect Australia to be any different? As immigrant numbers increase, as a society we have decayed into disharmony and tribal separatism because there is no longer any homogenous culture based upon shared values, beliefs, self-discipline and respect. Without these qualities it is not possible for a functioning, cohesive society to exist.

And what is the end-game here? It’s the promised socialist/communist ‘Shangri-la’ — a state of delusion where everyone is supposedly equal and the planet is saved, but we need look no further that Russia, China or Venezuela to see how that turns out. Nevertheless, for the last 20-plus years conservatives have lost every battle to the Left. We must recognise the world has changed, the old ways have passed away and the new ones prevail.

The old strategies are simply no longer effective, meaning we must develop all-new tactics to fight back. It’s now long overdue for a complete change of strategy, but what is that to be? Rather than wasting our time fighting individual issues, thereby tying up our scant resources (just as the Left would have us do) we must adopt a completely different approach and instead talk about what is behind the issues and why the Left and its subsidiaries are pushing them so assiduously. There is only one solution – to awaken and activate the remaining ‘silent majority’ before it is a majority no more.

The first step is to demand so-called conservative politicians (aka the Liberal and National parties) return to their roots and properly represent their conservative constituents and the traditional values and beliefs of Australia. To achieve this, we will need to recruit, educate and train a whole new younger generation of conservatives.

Unless something changes, and changes radically, the Australia we knew will be irretrievably lost. Those of us who see and understand what is happening yet do nothing but grumble and submit will have only ourselves to blame.


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