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It’s Not Your Grandfather’s Colonialism

Paul Collits

May 14 2024

9 mins

If you haven’t heard of Eva Vlaardingerbroek before, well, you have now.  Perhaps you have previously seen her on The Mark Steyn Show.  Given her name (the second one), you’ve probably guessed that she is Dutch.

She has just scored somewhere approaching 50 million views of a speech she has delivered in Budapest, my possible future home.  It was at that city’s CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference).  Yes, 50 million.  Thanks to Elon Musk’s takeover of the former Twitter, readers can see this extraordinary speech, but not on YouTube. The Google-owned platform took down the clip after declaring it “hate speech”. 

A written version of the speech can be found here. Canadian blogger Lauren Southern thinks that this speech, which goes for a mere twelve minutes and forty seconds, will “change the internet”. No wonder the progressive elites want to shut Eva down.

The subject of her speech was also about change — the big change that’s coming to the West.  Well, in a sense it has already arrived. This is the massive movement of people from what we used to call the Third World to what we used to call the First. Eva reveals just how much European cities have become African and Middle Eastern enclaves.  Her numbers shouldn’t come as a surprise, for in Australia one third of us were born overseas, and a half of us have one or both parents born overseas.  She names European cities and lays out the proportion of new arrivals in each, with Brussels taking the prize with its population now composed of some  70 per cent migrants.  As Eva notes, whites – for want of a better term – are in the minority already in these places.  It is the same right across Western Europe, including her native Netherlands.

No one can possibly dispute the size and shape of the change.  Nor that the acceptance of huge numbers of migrants who are not from cultures anything akin to the West, nor with values anything like our own, is occurring as a result of deliberate policy.  Nor that this policy is new.  What is disputed by the progressives is the attributed motive for the policy.  Eva, Lauren Southern and Holland’s Geert Wilders – who also spoke at the same CPAC – and I believe that the reason for the new policy is to replace the Neanderthal nativists who have previously inhabited our countries with a new lot.  Unsurprisingly, a message from Wikipedia springs from the page under Lauren Southern’s podcast:

The Great Replacement, also known as replacement theory or great replacement theory, is a white nationalist far-right conspiracy theory espoused by French author Renaud Camus.

The attempts at “curating the public mind” by controligarch, “fact-checking” platform entities really are farcical.  Sadly, they are also sinister and effective.  Farcical and sinister in equal measure.

What the coming wave of mass migration signals, more than anything else, is the greatest instance of hyper-colonialism in human history.  And it will only get bigger.  Geert Wilders pointed out that Africa’s population is projected to grow fourfold by 2100, from a current 1.4 billion to around 5 billion. That is a lot of Africans. And apparently about a third of the current 1.4 billion want to move!  To where?  Guess.

It cannot be denied that what is occurring now is Colonialism 101.  Far more invasive, too.

It cannot be denied that what is occurring now is Colonialism 101.  Far more invasive, too.  Often, the British colonials either left the existing occupants to themselves, often worked with them, made treaties with their leaders (in New Zealand), and took their children into welfare if and when it was requested, only later to be accused of generational theft.  (Hat tip to Keith Windschuttle, for all his mighty works in this area).  The new lot often threaten us, take over whole suburbs that become no-go areas – a form of apartheid – and inflate the crime rate (as they are doing in Europe).  They drive up unemployment and drive down wages.  They add to the burden of welfare, almost from the moment they arrive.  They diminish the speaking of English, which many of them do not speak and do not know.  They bring old-world enmities and hatreds to our shores, as a growing number of university campuses now seedily attest.

Astonishingly, those among the progressive class, who say they hate colonialism more than just about anything else, absolutely love the nouveau colonialism currently under way.

There is another view, more nuanced, which doesn’t mind good colonialism.  (And, holding this view, I speak as the great, great grandson of one who was transported to Australia by the British authorities and who didn’t have any say in the matter).  It favours the colonialism of the Enlightenment and of the Industrial Revolution, the colonialism of Jesus Christ – “go and teach all nations” – the colonialism of running water and internal plumbing, the colonialism of fossil fuels, the colonialism of wealth creation and wealth transfer, the colonialism of social mobility and the colonialism of Bach and Mozart.  The colonialism of giving to the people a free(ish) economy and the opportunities for productive labour and entrepreneurship.

This alternate view of history hates bad colonialism.  The colonialism of multi-mono-culture, of enclaves of hate, of the new world order that marries neo-liberalism with neo-Marxism.  The colonialism of mass invasion by hordes of people and not just settlement by a governing class, as occurred with the Brits and the other Europeans.  The colonialism of people who hate us before they get here.

I suppose progressives might say the same thing, only with a very different view of what counts as good and bad colonialism.  They prefer what I call bad colonialism.  Like many of our new arrivals, the globalist elites hate us and our values.  They don’t hate “colonialism”, only our former brand of colonialism.  As Eva says, the elites have declared war on us and wish to replace us, which is exactly what they are doing.  Replacement “theory” has become replacement “reality”.  And we are inviting them in.  Well, our governments are, on our behalf.  For our own good, they say, and perhaps even believe it.

It isn’t a coincidence that Eva’s speech came at a time of escalating violence and crime in Western countries, much of it perpetrated by new migrant arrivals.  As she says:

Our new reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes, stabbings, killings, murders, shootings, and even beheadings. But let me be clear about one thing: This did not use to happen before. This is a newly imported problem.’

No, it didn’t use to happen.  Eva quotes the late Samuel P Huntington, who, nearing the close of the twentieth century, wrote a provocative and perceptive book called The Clash of Civilisations.  Helpfully, the Washington Post published the first chapter. I doubt of the WAPO would be publishing this today.  The title gives away the main argument.  The clashes of the future will not mainly be between nations or social classes but between cultures. They will not be between the rich and the poor. They will be between peoples belonging to different cultural entities. Tribal wars and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilizations.

Well, we still have the old wars (Ukraine) but we also have civilizational wars, as we now see in the Middle East (ignoring the arrant b.s about Gaza and genocide repeated by useful idiot students and leftists who cannot be expected to know better).

Eva’s debt to Huntington is substantial and acknowledged.  She has other debts, of which she herself may or may not be aware.  Enoch Powell comes readily to mind.  Eva didn’t mention his “rivers of blood” speech, but she might well have. James Burnham’s tome Suicide of the West comes to mind.  His bete noir at the time of writing was Soviet communism, but his sentiments travel easily to today.  Then we have Bruce Bawer’s 2006 While Europe Slept and Christopher Caldwell’s 2009 masterful Reflections on the Revolution in Europe. Eva has it in for Brussels, the proverbial evil empire, and the gameplan is, indeed, revolutionary, as per Caldwell.

Eva has it in for Brussels, the proverbial evil empire, and the gameplan is, indeed, revolutionary, as per Caldwell.

Huntington’s anticipated big clash was with Islam.  Written, of course, well before 9/11.  In a later work, his last, Who Are We: The Challenges of America’s National Identity, Huntington noted the rise of the globalists, rich American businessmen with a sense of global citizenship and little regard for their homeland.  So, he nailed two of the four current, existential threats to Western virtues and values, Islam and globalists, even though he didn’t yet fully understand what mischief the globalists would get up to.  The other two threats, Chinese economic imperialism and destructive, home-grown Western progressivism, are just as real, and the four, working in some sort of loose alliance, form a daunting barrier to a Western future worth knowing and valuing.  A Hobbesian dystopia which it is our dubious privilege to be witnessing in, as they say, “real time”.  An existence not so far from the world described by the late Cormac McCarthy in his exquisitely brutal novels about the lawless, violent badlands of the American-Mexican border country.  For Huntington, two out of four isn’t bad.  No one else saw the emergence of the big four.  (Coincidentally, the title of one of Agatha Christie’s spy-type novels).

Where there is an action there is an equal and opposite reaction, as Isaac Newton observed.  Not all of us are accepting the coming colonialism; the natives appear to be restless.  Lauren Southern suggests that conversations and topics about culture not allowed to be discussed a decade ago are now taking place in the mainstream.  More than this, some of them are taking to the proverbial online streets.  In the video below, protesters can be seen waving banners saying “we want our country back”.  Perhaps some of them will vote for Laurence Fox’s Reclaim Party.  I doubt many of the protesters have heard of Bruce Bawer or Chrisopher Caldwell or James Burnham, but that matters not.  They feel betrayal in their guts.

Yes, the natives are restless, and whatever they might think about the colonialism we all had to have – because colonialism is an embedded human characteristic – they don’t think much of the new colonialism.  As one commenter noted  below the linked clip:

Bloody brilliant….. It’s getting bigger. The Brits are rising.

Sadly, not in England’s capital, where they just re-elected the truly appalling Sadiq Khan, the absolute poster boy for the new world order.  It ain’t called Londonistan for nothing with, as Eva noted, 54 per cent of Londoners now foreign-born.  Replacement works!


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