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The Virtue of Courage

Simon Haines

May 29 2024

11 mins

Professor Simon Haines is stepping down this year from his position as the founding CEO of the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation. This is an edited version of his welcoming speech to the Australian Catholic University’s new scholars for 2024

IT’S ALWAYS wonderful to greet new undergraduate scholars, but this year for the first time the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation also has twelve post-graduate scholars, taking the new Master of Liberal Arts degree in Western civilisation, the first ever in Australia. It’s a real breakthrough moment, another exciting first for Ramsay, with potentially huge impact on mid-career professionals. I do hope that many scholars taking the undergraduate degree will go on to the Masters of Teaching that Australian Catholic University has linked to this degree—that double qualification will make you the best teachers in the system.

The words scholar, scholarship and school come from the ancient Greek word schole, which meant leisure or…


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