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Invasion Day Misfits Start The Party Early

Timothy Cootes

Jan 26 2024

5 mins

The anti-Australia Day misfits, I’m sorry to report, have kicked off their revelry a day early this year. On Thursday morning, passersby in Melbourne CBD reported to police the vandalism of the Queen Victoria statue, which had been doused in red paint. More daringly, the criminals also took an angle grinder to Captain Cook’s statue in St Kilda and spray painted ‘The Colony Will Fall’ on its base.

Not much about this is surprising, really. January 26 and its lead-up is the favourite time of the year of radicals and Aboriginal activists, despite all their fashionable whining about the ongoing trauma and bruised feelings the date allegedly causes. Moreover, the defeat of the Voice referendum last year has provoked a desire for revenge against the broader Australian public, so the protestors were always going to be noisier and more annoying than usual this time around.

What’s also unsurprising is the reaction from academics and professional activists, who have had their hearts…


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