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The ABC on Gaza: Exactly as Expected, Except Worse

Tony Thomas

Nov 09 2023

13 mins

Forlorn creatures of habit, our household watches ABC TV flagship 7pm News (Victoria) nightly. As I remarked across the dinner table at 6.59pm on Tuesday, “Stand by for Hamas footage of suffering children in Gaza, with no ABC mention that Hamas uses them as human shields.”

Sure enough, we got loads of this, climaxed by a Hamas-approved or provided clip of a girl about 8, said to be from a refugee camp in northern Gaza. Her face is disfigured by oozing wounds and blood runs from her eye socket and nose. There are bleeding holes on her neck and shoulders, and her once-white T-shirt is filthy from the blast and grit. Her hair is tangled and filthy. In shock, she speaks hysterically to camera of a missile hitting her family and showering bricks on them. “Where is my Dad and where is my Mum?” she begs in Arabic, ABC correspondent Allyson Horn acting out the translation.

The preceding item was about Aboriginal teen Cleveland Dodd’s death in a Perth prison, with newsreader…

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Tony Thomas

Tony Thomas

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Tony Thomas

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