The following articles document the capture of Australian primary and secondary education by green/Left lobbies and teacher ideologues.

Big plans for the planet, especially kids

Primary English Teachers Association launches global-warming activist manual for kids 5-14yo

Federal and State Education Ministers sponsor green/Left biased resources portal (“Scootle”) for schools nationally

At least 550 schools are promoting an error-ridden Green propaganda film/fantasy “2040” by Damon Gameau

♦ Green/left lobby Cool Australia’s teaching templates are now being used by 52,540 teachers in 6,676 primary and high schools (71% of total schools). 3.2m students used the material in 2020.

More on Cool Australia here and  here – which includes WWF Earth Hour nonsense for schools

♦ Australian Academy of Science school material (ca 2014) demands teenage activism and promotes anti-mining agenda. From 2013-2015 the Academy’s Science by Doing (SBD) site was signed-on by about 9300 secondary science teachers, or 37% of Australia’s 25,000 science teachers, along with 50,000 students. 

♦ Schools and teachers nationally and by state promote Bruce Pascoe’s debunked thesis of pre-contact Aboriginal settled agriculturalists

Reconciliation Australia introduces racial politics to pre-schools and kindergartens


One thought on “

  • brandee says:

    The Liberal Party in NSW was recently in receipt of my brickbat about the failure of the Coalition to trim the school syllabus of such error ridden topics as listed in this article. NSW education Minister Sarah Mitchell of the NP is totally weak as was her predesessor. Only Mark Latham of One Nation is raising the alarm from his position in the NSW upper house.
    Federally the Education Minister acknowledges a problem but takes no action. Maybe the resurgent Liberal Democratic Party [prominent former LP conservative John Ruddick is standing for election in Manly] will provide the catalyst for reform.

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