Doomed Planet

Good For You, Craig Kelly

The Coalition needs Craig Kelly but they certainly don’t deserve him.  The pile-on against Scott Morrison, for his vacation, his ‘lack of leadership on climate change’ and his alleged responsibility for the bushfires, has been of Trump Derangement Syndrome proportions.

Kelly comes out in a combative interview with ITV talking head Piers Morgan and (a) defends the PM regarding his vacation, (b) points out that the bushfires have nothing to do with climate change and (c) that in terms of emissions reductions we are doing more than most countries.

And what thanks does he get?  Minister for water resources, drought and a lucky dip of other portfolios, David Littleproud, says:

That’s just a sideshow. He doesn’t represent the views of the government and you know what I couldn’t give a rat’s what he said, it’s irrelevant, let’s just focus on those people that are out there that need our help. 

This is the same Littleproud who, only months ago, opined that he ‘didn’t know if climate change was manmade’, only to scuttle behind a ‘clarification’ when challenged by that bastion of objectivity The Guardian:

… he “totally” accepts that worsening droughts are linked to climate change, as he signalled more taxpayer support for regional communities was coming as Australia’s big dry “escalates”.

Now there’s a man of conviction for you.

Sometime ago I postulated in this forum that logic dictated there must be someone in the Liberal ranks who was sceptical about CAGW and I lamented that they did not speak out.  Craig Kelly took me to task on this and I was pleased to acknowledge  in a subsequent article, that Kelly had given voice to the sceptic position and has been doing so ever since.  His mastery of this brief is second to none among the political class.  He can cite chapter and verse of the relevant research to support his case whereas the best the wets in the Liberal Party can come up with in response to Kelly’s specific points is along the lines of Treasurer Frydenberg’s anodyne contribution to this latest furore:

Our view of climate change is that it’s real. We accept the science.

While Mr Frydenberg said fuel loads had been a factor in the bushfires, he said climate change was causing hotter, drier summers. 

Which is exactly what the Greens want him to say so that they can go on beating the government over the head for achnowledging the ‘problem’ while not doing enough, by their yardstick, to remedy it. Let me summarize Craig’s argument.

Order Peter O’Brien’s Bitter Harvest here

Firstly, even committed warmist Dr Andy Pitman has conceded there is no direct link between drought and ‘climate change’. Like Littleproud, he then demonstrated quite the talent for back-scuttling.   ‘Climate change’ is in quotation marks because Pitman was talking about one particular form of climate change – the kind caused by atmospheric warming as a result of human emissions.  He has to say that, because a warming climate of this nature will produce a wetter world.  That is why most of the world’s rainforests are in the warmer tropical zone.

The current bushfire emergency has come about because of three factors:

# the prolonged drought

# the accumulation of fuel, and

# the malice and/or carelessness of almost 200 people charged with starting fires

In as much as high temperatures have contributed to the problem, if they really are records  (a doubtful proposition, given the revelations of Jennifer Marohasy et al regarding the BoM’s adjustments acolytes), they are only marginally higher than in previous decades and would  have had no greater impact now than in the past.

But on the subject of CAGW itself, no-one has done a useful cost/benefit analysis of CO2 mitigation.  That is because no-one knows just how much warming will occur in the future, how much of it will be due to man-made CO2 emissions (as opposed to natural climate variability) and how much of it will be beneficial.  So the ‘precautionary principle’ argument is often made, illustrated by rhetorical devices such as comparing the price of CO2 mitigation with that of insuring one’s house – something most people do without thinking twice.  That decision is almost instinctive but how much one is prepared to pay requires more thought. But analogies are often imperfect – sometimes laughably so, as recently demonstrated by Peter Van Onselen.  We don’t insure our homes to prevent bushfires but to recompense us in the event that one damages or destroys our house.

A better analogy, but again imperfect, is a military operation.  If your country is threatened with invasion there are two options – strike first in a do-or-die pre-emptive action, or prepare your defences, build up your strength and allow the enemy to exhaust his resources before launching a counter strike.  You would only adopt the first strategy if the danger was ‘clear and present’.  That is not the case with CAGW, despite the hysteric frothing of Piers Morgan and his sidekicks in the clip above.  In the CAGW sense I’m talking about adaptation – more dams, more robust infrastructure etc — because what we do know with certainty is that, regardless of CAGW, we will continue to see floods, droughts, bushfires and cyclones.

Even if they’re not prepared to diss the CAGW myth entirely, any half-smart conservative government would leap on Craig Kelly’s contributions to enable them to craft a case for making haste slowly and directing resources to the cause of adaptation rather than mitigation. On climate change the Coalition is half-pregnant and that is their problem.

Good on you, Craig Kelly.

FOOTNOTE:  Piers Morgan came off less well during a 2014 encounter with another prominent Australian. Readers are invited to extend their sympathies to the ITV bully … or not.

9 thoughts on “Good For You, Craig Kelly

  • Salome says:

    Littletobeproudof needs reducing to the ranks.

  • Doubting Thomas says:

    That reaction by the Liberal ministers to Kelly’s interview was nothing short of disgraceful. They are beyond redemption, and the only thing likely to keep them in power is the certainty that the ALP will always be worse.
    Shame on them.

  • Salome says:

    It is about time that Coalition members realised who voted for them.

  • Charles says:

    Kelly’s a ripper, the Coalition need more like him, and he’s correct as well, more power to him.

  • lhackett01 says:

    The problem with politicians generally is that they go where the wind blows. Numbers (voters) count.

    Few have the integrity to seek and take impartial advice, to question the rigour of that advice, and stand for the real evidence. In part, this is because too many have little understanding about the science and technicalities of climate change. Often they conflate climate change with man-made carbon dioxide emissions, one and the same in many minds.

    The media generally and others with ideological bents have the power at the moment in Australia, and the World. It is next to impossible to be heard if you are a sceptic.

    So, good on you Craig Kelly.

  • john.singer says:

    Thank you Peter O’Brien, back-benchers like Craig Kelly need support for voicing the thoughts of the electorate as well as their own. In a very weak Cabinet we have two very weak Ministers, Littleproud who is making a mess of the drought and the Murray-Darling Scheme and Frydenburg the Minister promoting the rejected NEG foolishness.
    The Prime Minister needs to grasp the nettle and nnounce an independent inquiry into the actions taken by Australia and the other Nations of the World in the face of the reputed Climate Change resulting from CO2 emissions. Accompanied by a very strong comment that the findings will be released and promulgated to the world regardless of whom it might offend.

  • DG says:

    John, beware of RCs. The terms of reference, choice of commissioner and asssiting counsel and witnesses accepted are part of the mix to get the answer you want. I would expect an RC on this topic to toe the popular uncritical and somewhat scientifically fabricated line.

  • Doubting Thomas says:

    DG, I agree. The accepted rule of thumb is that politicians only ever appoint Royal Commissions to produce the outcome they want.

  • DG says:

    Back to the interview. When Craig was asked if he disagreed that the climate was warming to dangerous levels he replied ‘yes’ after hesitating. I would have replied ‘no’ and added, ‘we’re not yet near the Roman, Medieval or Minoan warm period experience, so stop panicking Morgan, you are frightening little children and yourself. Your talking about models that can’t even match observations. This is a party game and you’re wasting my time.’

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