Editions: 2012

December 2012 Volume LVI, No. 12

Who Was Good King Wenceslas?

Roy Williams
Not Yet
Myra Schneider
Reaping the Whirlwind
Philippa Martyr
Luke Whitington
Sacred Traditions Invented Yesterday
Keith Windschuttle

November 2012 Volume LVI, No. 11

Hermann Goering and the Burning of Bialowieza

Roger Underwood
Theatre of War
Suzanne Edgar
The History of Sin
Michael Giffin
Leaving Somers Beach
Suzanne Edgar
The Not-So-Great Eric Hobsbawm
Keith Windschuttle

October 2012 Volume LVI, No. 10

Who Is This Whitefella Fella?

Joe Dolce
Taken for Granted
Philippa Martyr
So Much for Loving
Jillian Schedneck
Fifteen Short Poems
Jennifer Compton
Short Takes XI
Alan Gould

September 2012 Volume LVI, No. 9

Close Combat at the HRC

Keith Windschuttle, September 2012
How Obama is Fashioning Post-America
Daryl McCann
Under the Gaze of KL’s High Rise Eyes
Robyn Lance
On the End of History
Mervyn F. Bendle
Zurbaran’s folds
Jacqui Wise
Cultural Erasure
Patrick McCauley

July - August 2012 Volume LVI, No. 7-8

A Date to Mark with Regret

Keith Windschuttle
My Hands Are My Heart
Iain Bamforth
A Visit to Cambridge
Peter Hansen
Something in the Grass
Knute Skinner
Letters to the Editor
Helen J. Wilson, Suzanne Edgar, Robyn Williams, Philip Webb, Matthew Heeney, Tony Minchin, James Guest
The Last of the Coastal Liners
Geoffrey Luck

June 2012 Volume LVI, No. 6

Chinese Spies and Our National Interest

Paul Monk
The Gangster Who Reigns Over the Kremlin
Daryl McCann
Michael Galak
Tom Glew
Jennifer Compton
Letters to the Editor
Ray Evans, Wilson Tuckey, Michael Kile, Edward Drabik, Andrew Brown, Brian Doak
The Return of Terence Rattigan
Neil McDonald

May 2012 Volume LVI, No. 5

Bob Hawke’s Boon Companion

Stephen Holt
Selecting a Capital Territory
Tony Winkelman
“Pro Patria”
Olivia Byard
Letters to the Editor
David Young, John Stone, Colin Pratt, Hal G.P. Colebatch
The Mystery of the Waratah
Pauline Conolly
Elizabeth Smither

April 2012 Volume LVI, No. 4

Deaf & Dumb

Michael Connor
Among Those Missing
Bruce Dawe
Girls Are Exciting
John Whitworth
Letters to the Editor
Peter Proudfoot, Kerry Boulton, Frank Pulsford, Chris Curtis, John Hill, John Wetherall, Donald G. Runcie
Swinging Theodolite
Rafe Champion
Ab Origine
Margaret Harvey

March 2012 Volume LVI, No. 3

Why Conservatives Should Support Same-Sex Marriage

John Zerilli
A Strange Thing
Duncan McIntyre
John Carey
Letters to the Editor
J.A.H. Brown, David F. Smith, Geoffrey Luck, Michael O’Connor, David Smith, K.A. Nelson, Peter Hamburger, Andrew Green, Gaby Berger, David Chapman, John Williams, Bernard d’Abrera, Tony Andrews
Gay Marriage and Legal Fiction
John de Meyrick
In Memory of Uncle Leon
Roy W. Gotaas

January - February 2012 Volume LVI, No. 1-2

The New Russian Novelists

Irina Dunn
After the Wedding
Victoria Field
Learning to Know One’s Place
Graeme Hetherington
Letters to the Editor
Hal Colebatch, John Hill, Suzanne Edgar, Susan Reibel Moore, Murray Mitchell, Christopher Cooper, Bernard d’Abrera, Reg Naulty, Colin Pratt, Peter Proudfoot, Tony McCurdy, David Secomb
Literary Academics Are Full of Pooh
Michael Giffin
Victoria Field