Public Health

Now Would Be a Good Time to Lead, Mr Morrison

Death stalks the land. Bought a coffee and sat down outside with my morning paper in an area that the local council has configured to be a recreational area within a shopping-cum-café area. Didn’t get a chance to read my paper. Struck up a conversation (against the advice of NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant) with a masked ex-Englishman aged 74 years. He’d had his flu jab and was waiting for his second COVID jab; and, more immediately, for his wife.

He explained that even someone strolling by could pass on the virus and he was intent on living longer and travelling again. Having noted my un-jabbed and un-masked state he asked whether I wasn’t concerned about catching it. No, I said, I’ve more than had my three-score and ten years, which I’d made a mess of in any event, and had to die of something.

It was a pleasant conversation which ended when his wife arrived and I gave her my seat explaining that she was safe, I didn’t have COVID. Of course, I haven’t been tested and don’t intend to be if I can help it, so I might be Typhoid Mary reborn for all I know.

One thing you notice when you talk to people is how little they know. For example, he had no idea how many people die each year in Australia. I asked my daughter. She went from ten to twenty thousand. Very few people can get close to the right number or their heads around the actual number who die. Where do they put all the bodies?

Take the hype about India. On average, about 850 have reportedly died per day from the virus. Each day 27,000 people die of all causes. Perspective has been the first casualty of COVID.

Unsurprisingly, this chap I met hadn’t caught the news item about the UK Government’s chief scientific adviser, Patrick Vallance, correcting a mistake about the number of people fully vaccinated in hospital but, nevertheless, confirming that 40 per cent were vaccinated (double jabbed). I am not sure how he processed this information. Might have thought I was making it up.

Should we be so relaxed about so many fully-vaccinated people being admitted to hospital? This isn’t about people being confined to their beds or being supine on the couch, as I was when I caught what I imagine was the flu four years ago. These are people in hospital. OK, maybe the vaccination will prevent them dying, hardly a small thing, but still, it’s puzzling. Is it not?

Separately, I read in the Jerusalem Post last Wednesday that of the 143 Israelis in hospital with COVID some 58 per cent were fully vaccinated. And that of the 20 people who had died in July (up to the 21st) fifteen had been fully vaccinated. Imagine, if it were reported that of the twenty people who died of smallpox this month, fifteen had been vaccinated. Might cause a stir.

I just have a feeling that this story is only beginning to be written. True, hospital admissions are well down on their peaks and, so far as I can tell, the US experience does not parallel the situation in the UK or Israel. However, some of those fully vaccinated Democrat lawmakers absconding from Texas to Washington DC managed to contract and pass on the virus. The fully-vaccinated Kamala was worried. Got tested.

My main concern, however, is not so much with the effectiveness of the vaccines per se, but with the reaction of state premiers to “cases” within the vaccinated population. How adult are they likely to be? Not very, based on the evidence to date. Having squibbed it so far, Scott Morrison’s time is here again. He has a second chance. And, for our sakes, he must seize the day. He has to start now laying the groundwork for Australians (including all those who’ve been scared witless), and for each state government, to accept infections and deaths from COVID continuing to occur after most of the population is vaccinated.

The Morrison back in May who criticised the sensible comments of Virgin boss Jane Hrdlicka, saying in part that “every single one of those lives [lost to COVID] was a terrible tragedy,” has to go back to the drawing board. We can’t afford him. Come forth Churchill, go away Chamberlain.

12 thoughts on “Now Would Be a Good Time to Lead, Mr Morrison

  • pgang says:

    In regard to the general level of ignorance of the facts, that is true of most things. People rely on ‘authority’ for truth, not their own minds, and these days that’s the government and media. It will take a seismic shift in our culture for people to lose faith in government/media and turn to another source of truth.
    However I have found that suggesting, ‘If we stopped testing, all of this would vanish into thin air,’ tends to shock people out of their malaise a little. It is such a radical concept to them that it requires digging up all sorts of data and weird ideas to even process it. After a few seconds, it often starts to dawn and they might even laughingly agree.

  • brandee says:

    How good to be a young man Peter, in rude health and dismissive of the need to vaccinate against COVID 19 which can strike the elderly most hard.
    I must be elderly now because after graduation I needed a smallpox vaccination prior to a first overseas adventure to the UK via Ceylon and Egypt. Thankfully the horrible post vac reaction only lasted days unlike the post pustule scar which I could from then on display at passport control to support my yellow colored international vaccination certificate.
    My older brother had caught polio at 8 years of age at a time before the Salk vaccine. An answer to every parent’s prayer was that vaccine against infantile paralysis.
    Where is there any sign of leadership from our PM? The answer is in the heading and in the line: “Having squibbed it so far, Scott Morrison – – “.
    Why is there such inability to lead? Glyn Davis,chief executive of the Paul Ramsay Foundation, is quoted by Chris Mitchell in The Australian today: ” I think the preponderance of former staffers in politics and the narrowing of the system __ has narrowed greatly the skill set”.
    How good to read today that former Queensland premier Campbell Newman will run for the senate most likely for the Liberal Democrats. That man is indeed a proven leader!

  • rod.stuart says:

    Before this is over, we might be calling Oz “the lucky country” again.
    Lucky that they didn’t get to inject each and every one with the toxic shit shot.
    Maybe the ‘vaccine’ won’t murder half the poulation as seems to be forecast by Deagel after all.

  • Peter Smith says:

    Dear brandee
    “How good to be a young man Peter, in rude health.”
    Don’t let my picture fool you. It was taken eons ago. Vanity all is vanity.

  • Stephen Due says:

    It is most important to ensure these vaccines from hell are not made compulsory. They are certainly unnecessary and are known to fail the main test of a good vaccine – they do not stop transmission. The most certain science in this lamentable situation – after one discards the hype, the useless PCR tests, the rubbish about masks, the evidence-free lockdowns, and the fake death statistics – is the fact that early treatment protocols endorsed by practising physicians around the world do actually work.
    Sadly it is impossible to imagine Scott Morrison turning the tables on the drug companies and the TGA and insisting that the necessary drugs, which are on the shelf of every pharmacy, are made available to the general public. However there is just a chance he might hold the line against compulsory vaccination. Sadly, though, there are many who will support compulsion. Ignorance is no barrier. They have their little fantasies in which they deploy their own vast intelligence and superior wisdom to save everyone. They are ferocious opportunistic enforcers of masking, and avid social distancers. Their rage if others are not compelled to take the vaccine will know no bounds.

  • Lawrie Ayres says:

    I am concerned that even with vaccination the “leaders” will insist on counting cases and instituting lockdowns. If the vaccine does not thin the population the effects of going broke in the productive sector certainly will. It is unsettling that it is the productive sector that is suffering the most sort of like preparing us for full scale socialism where independent thinkers (and doers) are done away with to be replaced by compliant serfs.

  • Biggles says:

    The virus and its mutations will probably be with the people of planet Earth forever. My great concern is that, given the state of mind of Australia’s premiers, (we can eliminate it, folks, we just need another lockdown), imprisonment in our homes will be unending.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    Peter, I am nine years over 70, just had a major abdominal operation to forestall ovarian cancer (it was benign), and was jabbed with the AZ first go three weeks ago, all good so far. I want to resussitate my yellow vax card from bygone years and wave it around to travel. I have had eight fantastic years after 70 for fun and travel, only held up in 2020-21 due to government edict, but enthuastically looking forward to another good nine years when they let us out of this prison continent.
    It is very defeatist to believe that life is no fun after seventy. Like you, my vanity has no bounds.
    Give up on vanity and you basically give up on life. So keep that youthful pic up there and enjoy!

  • ianl says:

    >” … the productive sector that is suffering the most …” [Lawrie Ayres, above]

    Decades ago, I was talking to my then General Manager, an accountant with a personality quite somewhat larger than a computer. The topic of interest was the advent of yet more regulation being laid on the productivity of our overarching enterprises.

    “Don’t know why, but production is always the first target of regulation”, he said.

    Many decades later, and with a smatter more of experience now than then, I suggest that bureaucratic jealousy is a large enough factor. Enterprise may generate wealth, but bureaucracy has unaccountable power. C-19 is a perfect scenario for this to play out.

  • ptoomer says:

    Thankyou Peter for another contribution to rational thinking in this disordered time.

    I have listened so long to the mantra of case numbers being used by the media, premiers, ministers and chief health officers that it is just so much buzzing of cicadas. They were of questionable reliability from the start. I certainly don’t trust them to make rational arguments now we have have reached the point of talking about the numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated and respective “cases”.

    According to NSW Health, a “case” of “Covid 19” one in which a person returns a positive test. Setting aside for the moment the reliance on the PCR test as a complete or reliable diagnostic tool, it is dismaying to see over and over the equating of positive test returns with “cases” and therefore the disease burden. A positive test result is not the same as individual risk, and it is not to be equated unqualified with disease burden to the community. Normally, a “case” is a case only if there is person in a state of disease ie ill. The language is important. It is an instance of disease, an episode of illness or injury underway. A case of measles is a case because the person is demonstrating the signs and symptoms of measles. Or pneumonia, or heart failure, and so on.

    What we should be asking when a positive test result arises is this: is this person ill, and if so, how ill are they? What is their acuity? Do they need treatment, and to what degree? What is the actual disease burden here? Then we can better evaluate the disease risk.

    I’m not sure even wilful ignorance adequately covers the performance of chief health officers, premiers and media cheer squads, and their idolatry of case numbers that have driven this collective impulse. The underlying elation at the attention, and at accumulation of power is revealing. I have worked in the field long enough to know a lunatic asylum when I see one.


  • lbloveday says:

    “It is very defeatist to believe that life is no fun after seventy”.
    Also very biblical: Psalm 90:10:
    The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

  • lbloveday says:

    “Don’t let my picture fool you. It was taken eons ago.”.
    A common practice of commentators. I reckon Greg Sheridan’s was taken 30 years ago, and Clementine Ford’s (the Mad, not the film star) 30kg ago.

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