Doomed Planet

The Grim Prospect of a Net-Zero World

‘Man must dig or die’ was a motif of Lang Hancock, a visionary Australian pioneer, pastoralist, prospector, pilot, producer, philosopher and philanthropist. His daughter, Gina Rinehart,  blessed with every one of those attributes, has gone so much further than even her father could have envisaged, after she recovered the wreckage of the family companies incurred during Hancock’s somewhat reckless final years. The human factor is as important as science in accessing and utilising virtually infinite resources available in a minerals-and-energy-rich planet.

Every Australian owes a debt of gratitude for the work of Lang Hancock and Gina Rinehart, especially in developing the iron ore industry in north-west Australia and the resultant wealth that has flowed through the entire economy. It could have been more, but  political opportunists thwarted  their prodigious efforts to open up new areas rich in minerals and energy, particularly the Galilee Basin in central Queensland.

As public opinion shapes political policies,  the slow-motion train wreck of the disastrous and ill-conceived net-zero policies have become a global issue. Hence, these diktats must be challenged in the public/political arena as a matter of top priority if we are ever to see a return to common sense.

All life on Earth depends on carbon dioxide, which has been subject to a most amazingly effective smear campaign over what is now several generations. Even today propagandists and the media present the trace gas as the sooty, particulate-laden smoke belched from old-style smokestacks lacking the scrubbers now used in the chimneys of current generation coal-fired power stations. Schools inculcate fear of the Carbon Monster and a notional carbon footprint’ is now a ruling factor in a legislative nightmare determined to enforce compliance with what is essentially a fairy tale.

The motif, ‘Man must dig or die’, has never been more needed to be understood than now. The very act of mining the primary fuel that sustains us is under threat by modern-day ill-informed Luddites.[1]

In Queensland, legislation is planned to shuty down the essential coal-mining industry within a decade. This is economic suicide, madness on an industrial scale. Ever since coal was harnessed to feed the iron horses of industry that released humanity from the slavery of subsistence living, coal has been under attack — especially from those whose jobs have been temporarily displaced. One man driving a truck or a dragline can now do the work of 20,000  navvies [2] – and those same labouers now enjoy more job options with better working conditions.

While plant, animal and other life flourished with atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over six times those that exist today (and the planet didn’t overheat), over succeeding millennia, carbon dioxide levels have sunk to a historic low. This issue is the real matter of concern, but it is something we can do something positive about.

CO2 is depleted from the atmosphere in several ways:

First, by the lungs of the Planet, the oceans, breathing in and out the trace gases. As described by Henry’s Law, this is temperature- and pressure-dependent. As the oceans get colder and hotter, they breathe carbon dioxide in and out, but they can hold their breath for extended periods, such as Ice Ages, and when surface plants are deprived of carbon dioxide, they die.

Second,  through the one-way Urey Carbon Reaction that converts atmospheric carbon dioxide into solid components of the Earth’s crust such as limestones, marble, corals.[3] This contributes to the Expanding Earth argument that challenges the Continental Drift Theory.[4] The science is far from settled.

Third, by life in all its forms that depend on carbon dioxide as a nutrient. Plants breathe it in, and by the miracle of photosynthesis, convert it into accumulations of solar energy, the giant batteries known as fossil fuels. Millions of years of this process has resulted in unimaginable quantities of coal deposits that are available for humanity to use, and in the process of extracting the stored energy, recycle this precious trace gas back into the atmosphere for plants to re-use.

The hippopotamus in the bathtub of energy is coal, and quantities stored and available for recycling their contained precious CO2 back into the atmosphere have been underestimated by a huge and still unmeasurable factor. The discredited Limits to Growth by the Club of Rome published 50 years ago gave its most optimistic forecast of remaining coal reserves at that time (1972) as 150 years at exponential predicted rates of usage. But exploration drilling budgets only cover enough drilling to prove reserves to cover a reasonable return on investment in a project. Aggregated statistics can be misleading.

The deepest drill hole ever achieved before the drill bits could not withstand the heat was the Kola Superdeep Borehole in north-west Russia, with a depth of 12,262 metres. No metals exploration borehole is anywhere near that depth, but the continental crust averages 35 kilometres thick, and coal deposits have been found below 5 kilometres in seams up to 90 metres thick – outside current mining ability to recover, but the energy can be extracted, and CO2 released back into the atmosphere if needed, using other techniques.

There is an excellent case for mining and utilising more coal, and for allowing carbon dioxide to flow freely into the fields and forests. Dr Patrick Moore, co-founder but no longer a member of Greenpeace, puts a cogent case for increased CO2 levels.[5] Approaching the issue from a different viewpoint, Professor William Happer of Princeton University affirms unequivocally that there is no climate emergency and demonstrates that carbon dioxide levels can be double present levels with almost no difference to their greenhouse heat exchange contribution.[6] Although the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide to date has been relatively small, NASA has already detected a notable rise in plant growth and greening of the Planet.

That human emissions (recycling) of carbon dioxide have virtually net zero effect on global temperatures has been demonstrated in many scientific papers. A recent study by Ian L.K. McNaughton, a scientist from Sydney[7] examined raw data from two sites, Sydney and near London, and concluded:

From examination of the trends of CO2 concentration, population growth and temperature, this paper concludes that, although there is a visible relationship between population growth and increases in the concentration of atmospheric CO2, there is little or no visible relationship between increases in CO2 concentration and temperature for the two sites examined, and by inference, for the total earth.[8]

In the scramble for net zero, it seems to have been forgotten that the Urey Carbon Reaction is continuing to work irrevocably towards removing precious carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Human recycling of carbon dioxide can only help mitigate this effect. The immediate answer to so many economic and consequent social problems is to stop ‘renewables’ subsidies, open our coalmines, fire up our boilers and surround the power stations with forests and crops to better manage this essential gas.

Our coal-fired power grid has been sabotaged by the creeping disease of subsidised solar panels and wind turbines. We now reap the whirlwind, all in blind pursuit of an unachievable and counterproductive net-zero. Skyrocketing power costs are the result of progressively and unnecessarily duplicating a once-reliable, low-cost grid while carbon cowboys play games in the futures market and make personal fortunes through prematurely closing down power stations to suit speculation in sub-standard, unreliable, wind-and-solar rich-lister toys that will shortly be landfill. We do not need any more government inquiries to smokescreen increased costs-of-living.

Glad-handing politicians are still peddling fear of the imaginary carbon monster as is exemplified by the latest brochure from our  Federal (Greens) Member:

We seem to be lurching between heatwaves and floods, while cyclones hit up north. A stark reminder that we need to stop new coal and gas if we’re going to have a safe future for all of us.

This is an outrageous claim that must be challenged in the courts if our political system fails us. At a recent national conference in Canberra, two prominent economists were promoting a ‘carbon’ levy to purportedly raise hundreds of billions of dollars to supercharge Australia’s green exports industry and reduce global emissions, quos deus vult perdere prius dementat – who the gods would destroy they first make crazy.

As Lang Hancock often observed, ‘The tax on nothing is nothing’ and ‘Man must dig or die’.

John McRobert is a civil engineer with over 60 years of experience in the design, construction and maintenance of major infrastructure, and the study of extreme natural events on manufactured structures. He founded CopyRight Publishing in 1987 to facilitate informed debate, publishing over 200 books, including seminal volumes by geologists and engineers on major Earth seismic events.

Gabriël A. Moens AM is an emeritus professor of law at the University of Queensland and served as pro vice-chancellor and dean at Murdoch University. He is the co-author of The Unlucky Country, Locke Press, 2024.


[1] ‘Luddite’ is now a blanket term used to describe people who dislike new technology, but its origins date back to an early 19th-century labour movement that railed against the ways that mechanised manufacturers and their unskilled labourers undermined the skilled craftsmen of the day.

[2] John Mc Robert, Your Future in Your Hands – Total Tax Reform, CopyRight Publishing, at

[3] Louise H, Kellogg, Donald L. Turcotte, Harsha Lukavarapu, ‘On the Role of the Urey Reaction in Extracting Carbon Fom the Earth’s Atmosphere and Adding to the Continental Crust’, 1 November 2019, at <>.

[4]James Maxlow, Beyond Plate Tectonics: Unsettling Settled Science, 2018 at : <>

 [5]At <>

[6] At <>

[7] His experience includes: Senior Scientist, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Winfrith, Dorset, UK;

Measurement of cosmic rays in the Antarctic; Management of computing facilities at the Australian Aeronautical Research Establishment, ASIO, and other IT facilities in Local, State and Federal Government areas.

[8] Ian L.K. McNaughton, Temperature Measurements versus Population Growth & Carbon Dioxide Concentrations, December 2023.

12 thoughts on “The Grim Prospect of a Net-Zero World

  • pmprociv says:

    Shutting down the coal-mining industry within a decade might be “economic suicide, madness on an industrial scale”, but it is a prime demonstration of practical virtue-signalling, de rigueur for modern governments, especially of the Labor/Greens flavour. I’d guess it’s the reaction against this that drives folk to supporting the likes of Trump, given few other alternatives.

    • Judge Boulton says:

      This is a calamity in the making! I believe that an increase of CO2 in the atmosphere from 300 ppm to 400 ppm from about the 1940’s was seized on by green extremists to explain some minor global warming and mounted an alarmist campaign which took hold in the media and scared the mostly ignorant population. Dr Steve Koonin in his book” Unsettled” points out @ p. 67 that over the last 550 million years the concentration of CO2 has exceeded current levels mostly by huge margins without climate disaster. The tactic of the green left is to simply ignore the fact and the gutless media refuses to publish the truth. Koonin, who is a world expert on computer modelling says that the left’ attempts to model climate are basically useless and this view is proved time and time again by ridiculous assertions eg that the UK will have a Siberian climate by the year 2000; or that major climate events are increasing worldwide.The media continues to support these claims almost on a daily basis. We have an idiot UN and Australian Government and Morrison was an idiot Prime Minister whose idiocy the Conservatives needs to abandon forthwith. Somehow you need to establish a ‘think tank’ which can make itself heard. Try Mr Murdoch. He is probably the only man in the world has the clout to do it.
      Ret Judge Brian J Boulton

  • Sindri says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but Australian thermal coal is just about the cleanest and most energy-efficient on the market. India and China want to electrify, and have what we’ve got. They’re not going to stop building coal-fired generators, and China is building hundreds. What the children who witter on about banning our coal exports don’t understand is that if our customers can’t get clean and efficient coal from us, they will get dirtier and less efficient coal from places like Russia or Indonesia, burning more coal and exacerbating their air pollution problems.
    Those whom the gods wish to destroy etc.

  • Geoff Sherrington says:

    Two quick points.
    1. As with coal, Australia’s uranium industry is severely reduced by political ideology at a time when world demand is to increase. Few people know why we have bans, who caused them and why they should be reversed as a matter of urgent national economic importance.
    2. One of the main expanding earth main proponents was Prof ‘Sam’ Carey from Tasmania. We used to invite him to our corporate geological seminars. He rode on ahead before satellite measurements more or less killed the main theory, an outcome that he expected because he was a realist scientist and not a dreamer. A great man.
    Geoff S

  • exuberan says:

    Totally agree with the continued use of Fossil Fuels.
    Does Mr McRobert agree or disagree that sea levels appear to be rising and if yes, what does he think is causing this?

    • John McRobert says:

      From 1971 to 1975 I was Owners Representative for the construction of Hay Point Number 1 Berth, then design of Hay Point Number 2 Berth, about 20 km south of Mackay in Central Queensland. Since then over I billion tonnes of coal have been exported from those facilities with no noticeable diminution of the coal reserves in the vast Bowen and Galilee Basins, nor appreciable sea level changes. I have published books on the geologic history of the planet, and since the arrival of humans, there was a largish sea-level rise that isolated some tribes in Tasmania when Bass Strait was inundated. It wasn’t caused by campfire smoke, neither does human recycling of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere from which it came, affect sea level changes in any way, shape or form. Hope this answers your query.

  • ianl says:

    ” … an outrageous claim that must be challenged in the courts …”

    Short part-quote from the article, offering a (non)solution to the insanity of insisting that current atmospheric CO2 levels are causing successive heatwaves. floods and cyclones.

    I’ve put the qualifier (non) to this solution because, across the Western world for over 2 decades now, the Courts and incumbent judges have done everything they may to protect this specious argument from informed cross-examination under oath. Each and every time, albeit some cases survived to the Appeal/High Court stage before being shut down, the Courts have opined and decided on some other piece of legalese. In short, shut up, as the gavel banged.

    The pattern is so obvious.

  • John McRobert says:

    ‘Non solution’?. The solution is to recycle that precious trace gas, CO2, and let it flow free into the forests and pastures that are hungry for it. ‘The fundamental reason why carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is critically important to biology is that there is so little of it. A field of corn growing in full sunlight in the middle of the day uses up all of the carbon dioxide within a metre of the ground in about five minutes.’ Freeman Dyson.

  • exuberan says:

    Thanks for the reply John, I must admit that I dont know what to believe wrt the effects of Climate Change. There are areas that have become inundated with so called rising sea levels but they all have one thing in common, that they are low lying, usually only a few metres above sea level which is variable itself. Even worse, some areas near oceans, seas and rivers are below mean sea level. Above average Spring tides and tidal surges are often the the cause of an inundation and they too are blamed as being caused by Climate Change. Apparently 71% of the planet is covered by water, minor changes to the exposed surface area of the remaining 29% would appear to be normal

  • jackgym says:

    When Donald Trump is President again he’s going to make the US energy self sufficient, which simply means drill, drill, drill. Here we have people pointing to Chris Bowen and yelling, “dill, dill, dill”.

  • John Daniels says:

    I thought plate tectonics and continental drift were more or less proven science .
    Will have to look into the alternate theory .
    Green Economists have been saying that deposits of oil gas and coal would be stranded assets as the transition to cheaper wind and solar gathered pace , that there would be huge losses for investors in those assets .They have been saying that for many years now but it has been proven to be just a Green Fantasy so far .It has frightened a lot of investment money away though but those that remain should do well .

  • MargieCJ says:

    And never forget that when the Dinosaurs roamed the Earth 250 million years ago the Earth had five times more carbon dioxide than the Earth has today. Funny that, no ‘net zero’, and no humans on the Earth so they could not be responsible for such a high level of carbon dioxide. Oh, and the Earth didn’t blow up!

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