
Kevin Densley: ‘Three Bushranger Trials in Berrima, New South Wales, September 1841’ and ‘Contemplation upon the Death Mask of Alban Berg’

Three Bushranger Trials in Berrima, New South Wales, September 1841

There is, sometimes,
a lack of light …

Paddy Curran, tried
for rape and murder.
Found guilty.

James Berry.
Guilty of murder.

John Wright.
After his sentence was passed
the judge extended
no hope of mercy.

Wright thanked His Honour
then coolly asked
if he might have a candle,
as his cell was very dark.

Kevin Densley

Contemplation upon the Death Mask of Alban Berg (1885–1935)

Alban Berg,
in death, looks
deeply sensitive,
eyes closed as if reflecting
upon his final work,
a concerto for violin
composed for a young lady
who died from polio at age eighteen.
He loved this young woman, Manon,
from the time she was born
as if she were his own daughter.
Hence, unsurprisingly wonderful
the concerto’s dedication:
“To the memory of an angel.”

Kevin Densley

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