The Left

Hate ‘Zionists’? Apply for Your Grant Today!

Clementine Ford, I’m sorry to report, has found a new way of making a pest of herself. Since Hamas’ pogrom of October 7, Ford has become one of Australia’s most prolific anti-Israel activists, a project she has undertaken with all the rigour and restraint we have come to expect from the feminist termagant.

This was all on display, for example, when Ford helped dox the names and details of about 600 Jewish artists and creators, an act that led, of course, to harassment and death threats. It was also around this time that Ford herself was outed as a devoted pal of Laura Allam, the Palestinian activist currently facing charges of stomping on the head of her kidnapped victim. “I love YOU”, gushed Ford to Allam on Instagram, which, to be fair, was a rare departure in her behaviour on that social media platform. More often, Ford is shouty and deranged, fond of directing her venom at Jewish women who object to Hamas’ psychopathic campaign of rape and murder. Ford has labelled these “Zionist women”, in politer moments, as pathetic crybabies.

None of this, I’m even sorrier to report, has disqualified Clementine Ford receiving government grants. To its discredit, Screen NSW has provided her with $30,000 to co-create a TV series called Smile Bitch, which, I predict, most viewers will find unwatchable.

As usual, it gets worse. Clementine Ford isn’t some weird outlier here. A penchant for anti-Israel fanaticism, I have come to suspect, is much more likely to assist prospective applicants in their quest to be awarded with taxpayer funds. For example, Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg recently introduced herself to the Australian public as one of Ford’s fellow doxxers. As The Australian reported, Ms Tuet-Rosenberg used the incident to show off her talent for organising and delegating, as she split up her various lists of Jews into categories like ‘Artists’, ‘Sports Zios’, and the like. She then exhorted her social media followers to “let these f***ing Zionists know no f***ing peace.” This seems to be about the extent of her vocabulary, though, as she has also posed for photos where she sports both a maniacal rictus and a t-shirt with profanity-laden imprecations against Zionists and Israel.

Again, none of this has prevented Tuet-Rosenberg from being gifted thousands of taxpayer dollars via — go on, see if you can guess — the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC). Her social justice organisation, Hue, is contracted to provide anti-racism education resources for — God help them — primary school children, and despite the backlash, the AHRC hasn’t thought to ask for any of our money back.

Some more familiar foes of Quadrant are also among this expanding rogues’ gallery, including Evelyn Araluen, an Aboriginal poet and co-editor of Overland. After a number of subscribers wondered why they never seemed to encounter a sentence that denounced or even mildly reproached Hamas, Araluen helpfully clarified the magazine’s contemptible stance. “Our line on Hamas”, she wrote, “is that we support Palestinian liberation from their violent oppression by Israel.” Again, to be fair, she hinted at her openness to publishing pieces critical of the militant terrorist organisation. (That’s my descriptor, obviously, not hers.) The problem, though, is that she’s never found a single anti-Hamas argument to be at all convincing. “We just haven’t received any which meet the standard of fact and good-faith that we hold as a publication,” she risibly added.

Regarding those standards, I doubt that even Evelyn Araluen’s moral idiocy can stop the Australia Council for the Arts from flinging even more tax dollars at Overland when its funding is next up for inspection.

Unfortunately, the government’s support for Hamasnik editors looks like small change compared to what the Australian Research Council (ARC) splurges. Another Quadrant favourite, sociologist Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah, of Macquarie University, stacked up $802,000 in a recent round of ARC funding, which I’m sure she’ll put to good use. I hope none of it goes towards her side hustles, though, as her academic focus has lately switched to denying the mere possibility of Hamas’ well-documented and horrific sexual violence. Abdel-Fattah’s other hobbies include calling on her followers to make Zionists “feel culturally unsafe” wherever they go, praising the “heroes” who doxxed her Zionist enemies, as well as justifying the armed resistance against — yeah, she bangs on about them a lot — the Zionists.

What makes the case of Randa Abdel-Fattah particularly bothersome is that she’s looking forward to the demise of both Israel and Australia. When Invasion Day 2024 rolled around and Melbourne’s troublemakers took to the local Captain Cook statue with an angle grinder, Abdel-Fattah was positively giddy about the crime. “This energy everyday (sic),” enthused Macquarie’s Future Research Fellow. “All colonies will fail starting here.” Her ARC grant, by the way, must have required a statement of sorts on how her research would advance the Australian national interest. I’m not sure how she could possibly have filled in that part of the form, as Abdel-Fattah doesn’t seem to think that Australia should continue to exist for much longer, a prospect I perceive she finds cheering.

All these loathsome characters could learn an important lesson from one of their comrades, Matt Chun, who is best known as Clementine Ford’s co-doxxer and a fanboy for — his words — the “freedom fighters” of Hamas. Until quite recently, Chun was also a Children’s Literature Fellow at the State Library of Victoria, but he’s just quit of his own accord. He eschewed the more formal resignation letter in favour of some creepy and conspiratorial ranting about the Library’s connection with “Zionist interests” and wotnot. In the end, Matt Chun’s conscience wouldn’t allow him to remain in a state government-backed position, and we should all be very pleased with his decision.

I encourage Ford, Araluen, Abdel-Fattah et al to follow this example. If they so dislike the Australian regime’s complicity with settler-colonialism, Zionism, and whatever else is on the bill of complaint, they ought not accept taxpayer lucre from such a tainted source. In the meantime, though, perhaps the rest of us can cultivate a bit more annoyance with Arts Ministers and their lackeys in the bureaucracies. So long as our government agencies are seemingly on the lookout for the nearest Israel-hater to throw money at, I’d say it’s time to put the latest grant-giving criteria up for review.

10 thoughts on “Hate ‘Zionists’? Apply for Your Grant Today!

  • Graham Tresidder says:

    Everyone receiving such money seems to be female and I daresay, everyone making the awards is, too.

  • Peter Marriott says:

    Thanks Timothy. One can only hope these women don’t have children, or boyfriends or husbands for that matter , but they probably have, and in their circle are possibly even admired, but their time will hopefully come one day…or night.
    From what you’ve written, sadly I don’t think there’s much chance it’ll come about as a result of any pangs of their own conscience.

  • pmprociv says:

    Tim, I’d go a step further than your: “If they so dislike the Australian regime’s complicity with settler-colonialism, Zionism, and whatever else is on the bill of complaint, they ought not accept taxpayer lucre from such a tainted source.” Why don’t they just go back to where they came from, or to the lands of their heroes? It must be so hard on them, having to live in this rotten racist, colonialist, Zionist enclave. Douglas Murray’s “War on the West” has definitely established a loud front right here in Australia; pity we have only Quadrant fighting back. Why are our administrators and politicians so gutless, if not frankly idiotic?

    • Ceres says:

      Good question. “Why are our administrators and politicians so gutless, if not frankly idiotic?” Around half the population fit that bill too and vote for them. Presenting facts is a no no it’s the vibe and flavour du jour which matters Whether it’s hamas, Sall Grover, Climate BS, Biden’s dementia, whatever, the spineless repeat obvious absurdities in the face of what’s obvious to the rest of us.

  • MargieCJ says:

    Great article Timothy Cootes, very well written.

    It is strange that the following law does not seem to apply to these anti-Jewish feminists:-
    “The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 forbids hate speech on several grounds. The Act makes it “unlawful for a person to do an act, otherwise than in private, if the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people; and the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person, or of some or all of the people in the group.”
    WIKIPEDIA – Hate speech laws in Australia.
    Or is it that spewing such vile anti-Jewish rhetoric in Australia is safe under a traitorous Labor government where hate speech only applies to those on the Right.
    The ignorance of these women about the plight of Islamic women & girls is remarkable. Islamic women are second class citizens. The burqa highlights the horrendous plight of Islamic women who are trapped and suppressed by male Islamists who follow the doctrine of the 1,400 year barbaric, sadistic, Islamic cult that adheres to an ideology of hatred, murder, brutality, misogyny and domination over all women and girls.
    The burqa and hijab are everything to do with female entrapment and a life of subordination, control, sexual slavery, multiple children and oppression by male Islamists. The burqa is a covert method of controlling women and girls. By forcing women and girls to wear the burqa, they lose their identity. The wearing of the full length black burqas is an outrageous act of discrimination against women and girls; the men being free to wear whatever Western fashion they like.
    The women do as they are told. It is also a fact that the full length black burqa camouflages and conceals all physical evidence of maltreatment of women and girls by members of the male Islamic cult. How very effective is the burqa in hiding the fact that many females covered with this black cloth are child brides of adult male Islamists.
    Why does the feminist movement ignore islamic anti-women’s issues such as female genital mutilation, honour killings, women being stoned to death for adultery etc? Why does the feminist movement keep a disciplined silence when confronted by islamic violence to women?
    Are these Australian women aware of the following:-
    “It is a core belief of Islam that the Koran is the perfect word of Allah. The Koran instructs Muslims very clearly, not to take non-Muslims as their friends. They may be friendly towards Kaffirs, particularly in order to gain an advantage for Islam. However, the extent to which a Muslim is a true friend of a Kaffir is the extent to which he is not a Muslim.”
    ‘The Story of Mohammed – Islam unveiled’ by Harry Richardson, p40
    “By controlling women, Mohammed found his problems were reduced and he was free to concentrate on Jihad. Sharia Law reflects this, by placing women in a position of powerlessness from the time of their birth.
    Sharia law also imposes the most hideously barbaric punishments, to prevent any hint of sexual impropriety on behalf of Muslim women.
    These can range from public floggings, right through to being buried to the waist and stoned to death. Women are often killed by family members before such cases go to court. These extra-judicial murders are known as ‘honour killings’ and are increasingly common in ‘Western’ countries.”
    ‘The Story of Mohammed – Islam unveiled’ by Harry Richardson, p88
    Wonder whether these anti-Jewish female haters will put their tax-payers’ money where their mouth is and head off to Gaza to offer their skills and talents to the Hamas Islamic savages whose hatred of the Jews matches their own.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    “sociologist Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah, of Macquarie University, stacked up $802,000 in a recent round of ARC funding”

    Methinks its time to raise ARC funding improprieties as a matter for parliament and a Senate investigation.

    Who will do that though?

    I would be happy to give an informed sociological opinion on the worth of this woman’s project.

    • pmprociv says:

      It’s not just Macquarie University, but all of them that are rotten. Just in todays’ Oz (12/4/24), we’re informed that an Israeli engineering academic who was about to speak to a small meeting at Melbourne Uni’s engineering faculty yesterday had his talk cancelled, because of threats of protests by pro-Palestinian activists, on the grounds of security. Don’t even think of putting him on your ARC funding proposal. So much for “courageous” free speech — it’s just gutless, breath-taking hypocrisy. As Joseph Goebbels got so right, among his endless litany of lies: “It will always remain one of democracy’s best jokes that it provides its mortal enemies with the means to destroy it”. It seems that our universities are trailblazing our path to self-destruction.

  • rosross says:

    It is clear Quadrant is now a vehicle for at least one vested agenda, if not more. As an echo chamber where moderation is censorship on dissenting views, the ethical and informed will exit.

    It is sad to see the decline of a once great magazine because biased reporting and censorship can only ever bring a downward spiral and ultimate oblivion.

    Let us hope Keith Windschuttle gets his important historical information into book form because there will not be many readers on Quadrant who trust what is published.

    I doubt anyone believes Quadrant is paying for coverage of the US election over the space of a year.

    If I have missed just one article presenting the Palestinian view of the situation accept my apologies. I do not think I have.

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