
Otherwise, What Was it All For?

My father returned from the war with ten quid in his pocket. He’d been flying Spitfires and Hurricanes over Europe and later in Burma. He was invalided out, worn out by what he’d seen and done. One dream had kept him going during the three years away from Australia—to marry his fiancée, settle down and become a farmer.

He arrived in Melbourne, with his faded RAAF uniform hanging off a lanky body scrawny from bouts of malaria and burnt near-black from the tropical sun. His aim was to buy a wedding ring, as the long-awaited event was planned for two days hence. My mother’s family was not about to allow time for any pre-marital hanky-panky!

This is a letter from Quadrant‘s May issue.
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Dad found a jeweller’s shop near Flinders Street station and went in to purchase a ring. The shop was run down and gloomy and the counters dusty. Buying jewellery had obviously not been a priority for Melburnians during the hard years of war. The elderly jeweller shuffled out from a back room.

“I need a wedding ring, please. Doesn’t have to be fancy, just something simple will do the trick.”

The old man looked at him thoughtfully. “You have been over there, to my side of the world?” 

“Yeah, just got off the boat, and I’m getting married in a couple of days. She’s been waiting three years.”

“Well,” said the jeweller slowly, setting the dust motes dancing as he pulled out a tray of rings. “I am thinking, perhaps one of these?”

Dad’s heart sank when he saw the prices.

“I only have ten quid,” he said, embarrassed.

“Let me see, this one here should suit. It’s excellent quality, and wide enough to last a lifetime or more. That’s what you want, is it not? One day your great-great granddaughter will wear it.”

Dad shifted from one foot to another. “It’s just fine. In fact, it’s more than just fine. It’s a beautiful ring, but …”

“I’ll wrap it for you then.” The jeweller polished the ring carefully and found a small box.

“I can’t afford it,” said Dad loudly.

“You see my name up there, on the sign? Ezra Lieberman. You know what that means? Of course you do. So this ring is a gift, an offering of thanks, from someone who was too old to go and fight for his people. Now leave me, my friend, and get married and live happily ever after. Otherwise, what was it all for?”

And so Dad left, with the tiny box in his pocket. He married my mother as planned, brought up a large family and eventually owned the farm they so desired.

Eighty years later, as shrieking ghouls from earlier times rise up to stalk our streets, his great-granddaughter will wear this ring when she marries her beloved. And that is just as it should be. Otherwise, what was it all for?

86 thoughts on “Otherwise, What Was it All For?

  • Peter OBrien says:

    Beautifully put, Joanna. Brought a tear to my eyes.

  • rosross says:

    It was all for a defence of rule of law, justice, human rights, freedom, democracy and common human decency as principles applied to absolutely everyone.

    It was all about Never Again applying to every human being on the planet. It was all about ending brutal occupation and genocide.

    It was all about things we have failed to achieve but for which we must continue to strive.

    • Citizen Kane says:

      Which involved striving to end vile racism and antisemitism manifest as Nazism, which now seeks to hide behind the mask of Anti-Zionism.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    Me teary too as I read it, Joanna. What a touching tale, with it’s end just as it should be.

    ‘Shrieking ghouls’, that is a good way of describing those anti-Semites on our campuses and howling menaces in our streets today, while our police and politicians quiver and dissemble and do nothing.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    ‘just as it should be’ – your words, but my feelings about it as well.
    Ezra’s ring will carry its message always.

  • David Isaac says:

    This is a very affecting story and it reflects very well on Mr Lieberman, who clearly felt intense gratitude to your father for his undeniable gallantry but I’m afraid the superposition of the anti-Zionist rally photograph renders this article blatant manipulative propaganda.
    Fighting in support of Jewish interests in 1939 was only sensible if it was in Britain’s long-term interests, not to get a free wedding ring after three years of dodging death. Germany had promised to support the Empire and fight the Bolsheviks but was attacked anyway with great encouragement from Jewish spokesmen, Judea having already declared war on Germany in 1933. Poland was maneuvered to provoke the German attack on her and trigger the treaty with Britain which only provided for defence against Germany, not against the Communists. Germany was gutted and shackled and the superpowers proceeded to dismantle all the European Empires. Britain is now an insignificant island with a demoralised populace which is being rapidly replaced. Australia is not far behind.
    The Hamas raid, which was almost certainly allowed to happen and made more bloody for Israel by the Hannibal directive to prevent hostage-taking, was followed by standard atrocity propaganda (babies beheaded etcetera). The taunting from leftists and Muslim agitators that came next was unseemly but given the seventy-five year trajectory of the Palestinian Israeli conflict and the historical imbalance between the two in attracting media sympathy somewhat understandable. This imbalance seems to have evaporated in the last six months with leftist outfits anti-Israel and neo-conservatives firmly pro.
    Neither the historical Germans nor the Gazans are the irredeemable villains they are purported to be. As usual we have conflicts of ethnic interest and tsunamis of propaganda to try to make war into a morality play. That’s the game. Both the Allies and Israel conducted bombing operations against civilians on a far greater scale than practised by the supposed baddies.

    • Katzenjammer says:

      Dear little upside down cake, your top is on your bottom. How do you manage to get so much inside-out, back-to-front, upside-down.

      • David Isaac says:

        Your point being?

        • Lonsdale says:

          You are an idiot

        • STD says:

          David Isaac, I think he’s trying to tell you that it is actually you who is holding the Joker.
          Grab yourself a packet of Arnott’s ginger biscuits, take a Bex and pronate yourself to a rested position…. Reflective introspection will summon the cause for your historical derangement.
          David if I may say so, you are being a bit of a jew with the truth.

          • David Isaac says:

            Feel free to mount an argument instead of just using bizarre biscuit-based mockery and random anti-Semitic ‘hate speech’ in your ad hominems.

            • STD says:

              Firstly, you won’t get any argument out of my opinions Davy boy- their selfishly all mine.
              Secondly the name David has Rootstock in Judaism and similarly Isaac has Abrahamic and biblical roots. Alas you could be bit of a jew or there could some Jewishness in there somewhere – frugally!
              Thirdly in regard to the “ bikky tin’ : my mum and sisters used to make the most yummy biscuit base ‘lemon’ slices when I was at boarding school, and David believe you me, they were ever so scrum diddle de dumb delicious.
              And forthcoming, in response to your feelings and prejudices; regardless of what you do or don’t think, I am not an antisemite; in fact I really like Jewish people, and unlike Muslims they are warm, friendly and highly intelligent (all3) as they not only think similarly to Christians they are unlike your Islamic brethren, a very culturally compatible peoples- evidence- 911- Lindt cafe- Bali bombings- London bombings- isis beheadings ,kidnapping, hostage taking, pro Palestinian war marches, western mosque hate speech and rantings, and lest I forget the constant peppering of Israel with Iranian made Islamic inspired rockets and missiles, all being the moronic drone of Koranic thoughts and teachings.
              And Davy on October 7 last year a herd of brigaded animals from Palestinian Gaza broke into someone else’s ( Israel’s) house and slaughtered hundreds and a thousand thereof of Israeli citizenry and violated the human right to life of young babies and children by baking them alive in ovens.
              I think we can agree that in a civilised society and in other parts of the kingdom of Animalia as well’ the basic tenet seems to be that anything goes but it’s hands off children – most animals and even undomesticated ones have a primary sense of care and integrity for their young ( the young at heart).
              And lastly to wrap up my reference of the word jew was a reference to frugality specifically your interpretation and frugality in relation to the truth- which was another way of using the meaning in English word hypocritical.
              (The word jew by the way is an old Australian jargon for someone who is tight; as most Jewish people are hard working and clever and very discerning with how money creates value (spent)=thrift-specifically frugal or tight with money ( Jewish)(case in point being- Australian girls would tell their boyfriends and husbands to go to the chemist and buy Viagra; conversely Jewish wives would instruct their husbands to buy shares in Pfizer); in your case tight fisted with and in regard to truth the whole truth or as I would call it-deception by stealth- obscure truth.
              To suggest that Israel allowed Hamas to invade in order to retaliate is absurd. It is the Palestinian/ Hamas that for years has been egging Israel on for a barney by firing rockets, so to my mind it has been Gaza, Palestinians/ Islam/ Hamas who has been looking for deconstructive engagement with Israelis / the Jewish motherland- be careful what you wish for, eh!
              I’m not wasting anymore time with ‘your’ belligerent Roman nosed pro Islamic psycho- babble.
              There’s a rumour doing the rounds that ginger bikkies are hot to trot at Woolies – a price drop – there running out- crack your tooth on that …… subtlety removed-Davy boy.


    • Paul.Harrison says:

      How much are they paying you, Mr Isaac? You missed an interesting consideration, though. Try this for size. I know nothing about Churchill. I often wonder if he had been prescient enough to understand what his role may have been in an alternate reality, such as you live in. If Winston had been stupid enough to think that Adolf would not have invaded Britain, and had instead sued for a truce to bide his time, which he would have needed a lot of. Because Hitler would then have been confident about his back, and perhaps would have felt free to invade Russia as soon as the truce was in place. Who cares what would have happened, either Germany or Russia, or maybe both, would have murdered, slaughtered, jackbooted, tanked, burnt, executed everybody, friends and foe alike, and exhausted themselves in the Russian winter/s. This would have left them both helpless against a combined and co-ordinated Western invasion. In that alternate, make believe land of fairy dust, two of the worst abominations in the history of the human race would have been wiped from the face of the earth. If Winston had been prescient enough. If……….but no such luck as alternate realities do not exist in the adult world, and evil writ large is with us again, and as you are so eager to tell us, the only universal truth is, again, from the abominations of the Nazi Party and the Communist Party. You are not among friends here, and I advise you to pack your tent and go back to the Glorious Motherland of…wherever you prefer, but do not remain in Australia.

      • David Isaac says:

        Dear Mr Harrison,

        This is the far right edge of respectable discourse in Australia. Unlike many of my interlocutors here I am not peddling hatred of anyone, only an alternative way of looking at events which we have largely only heard about from one side, history being written (and re-written) always by the victors. What I write here is to the best of my knowledge factual, in as much as facts can ever be securely known. Like Mr Battle I have read widely on as many sides of these issues as possible and I would suggest you do the same. Try starting with Pat Buchanan’s “The Unnecessary War”.


        • Citizen Kane says:

          Joseph, You live in a perpetual world of self delusion. You contribute nought by way of factual, logical or Rational debate. Each contribution you make just takes you further down your pathological antisemitic rabbit hole, a hole to which you have now consigned yourself for the rest of your inconsequential life. The only person who thinks yourself as genius or an intellectual radical’ is you in a kind of intellectual equivalent of masturbation. You have a handful of useful idiot fellow travellers but overwhelmingly we all see you for what you are..


    A moving story about our dad’s generation who volunteered their lives to fight for frredom and dignity. Those ‘shrieking ghouls’ noisily, violently and ignorantly pushing an evil cause are a hideous cancer on humanity. They will realise too late that their mentors and facilitators see them only as cheap and expendable useful idiots,

  • Sindri says:

    Your grandfather (and mine) and countless others fought in a noble cause. To paraphrase Churchill, it was to stop the “lights going out”; to confront a tide of barbarism.
    That cause was delusional, according to “David Isaac”. We should have joined with Hitler – whose policies towards Jews, he asserted recently, were “humane”. Tell that to Mr Liebermann.

    • David Isaac says:

      I think the ‘lights out’ thing is usually attributed to Sir Edward Grey in 1914.
      Hitler asked for a free hand in the East to deal with the Bolsheviks and offered military support if required for the Empire. Naive but hardly dastardly. In the end Churchill was content to ally with the established atheistic mass murderer Stalin rather than allow Germany to rise. He was encouraged in this by Jewish sponsors, how decisively can’t be certainly determined. Germany’s name had to be blackened after the war and fortuitously it was, first with the legend of planned world domination and then with the holocaust legend TM (protected by law in over 20 countries – like all good ‘history’)
      German policies towards Jews were humane albeit calculated to encourage them to leave the Reich. Mr Lieberman did very well to land in marvellous Melbourne but the Old Testament is an eye for an eye, not count your blessings. The basis for punishment of Jews was involvement in leftist subversion, remembering that Europe was still in a foment of communist agitation.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    Yes, Sindri, David Isaac argues for the absolutely unthinkable, the overpowering forever of Europe and Britain by some very vile forces of darkness. There is no ‘realpolitik’ in this. Churchill was very aware of the fight for Western civilisation that had to happen to root out the insane ‘volk’ culture of scientism and militarism that had combined into one very nasty genocidal ideology, not just against Jews but also, for leibensraum, against Poles, Ukrainians, Russians and any other group disliked and in the way..

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    ‘David Isaacs’ can your hear yourself?
    ‘Humane’ Nazis towards Jews, and the Holocaust a ‘legend’, i.e. a fabrication; liebensraum the same?
    Jews ‘punished’ for subversion, something to do with an ‘eye for an eye’ and ‘lucky’ old Mr. Lieberman. Jewish ‘sponsors’ of Churchill.
    Kindly Nazis and Germany just a misunderstood player not an evil rapacious plundering force with plans for extermination of all by the Master Race who would settle and farm Europe in some bucolic Aryan fantasy land displayed so well in Hitler’s Bavarian Berchtesgaden retreat which I visited recently?

    What a load of bollocky old disgusting anti-Semitism that all is to be sure.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    Please don’t answer me, David Isaacs, as I have no desire to engage further with your tripe.

    • lbloveday says:

      Please stop replying to him. I generally like reading your comments, but not when they contain references to his tripe. It’s a bit like reading his posts which I long ago stopped doing.

      • Elizabeth Beare says:

        Simply doing my bit to pull apart his ahistorical lunacy for what it is. It is not just a ‘different’ perspective on possible strategies of war, it is an outright refusal to accept the historical fact of Nazi racial terrorising.
        Letting it stand is not an option. Having done that, with others, I hope we never see him again.

        • Elizabeth Beare says:

          I haven’t been reading too much of the commentary on issues here recently, as I have been rather busy, but exploring back a little today I see that ‘David Isaac’ has been having an anti-Semitic field day, popping up everywhere with his so-called arguments and thinly-disguised Jew-hatred. This thread has been my introduction to his world, and a very nasty scene it presents.

          Sad that the blight of extremist trolls has finally hit Quadrant. This one packages his bile in various sorts of historical references that make him seem well-read. He is not though. I think he’s had quite enough of a say here and would be glad not to have to bother ignoring him in future.

    • David Isaac says:

      It’s always painful to refuse the request of a lady and if we were in private conversation I would of course comply but I can’t accept your veto in an open forum such as this.
      It’s a simple case of alternate facts, repeated ad infinitum in newspapers, journals, books, encyclopaedias, documentaries, films etcetera. That’s how you make people believe. Once they believe they will denounce anyone who challenges the orthodoxy. Do you really believe what you’ve just written above or are you a conscious propagandist?

  • Sindri says:

    I can’t help adding that, hot on the heels of the revelation that Hitler’s policies towards the Jews were “humane”, comes “David Isaac’s” more recent assertion of Jewish complicity in 9/11. Jew-baiters are so predictable.

  • padmmdpat says:

    Drag all those scum university protesters and secondary pupils AND their teachers and show them films of the concentration camps. And show them to Albonese and our politicians too.

  • David Spong says:

    What beautiful letter. I was definitely watery eyed when I read the final paragraph. Such a simple but touching story.
    Which makes the present tribulations and anti-Semitism all the more despicable.
    Must we really go through all that again?
    If we must, we must and the sooner our so called leader makes a start, the better.

  • Paul from Sydney says:

    Beautiful thanks Joanna. Not sure much more commentary is necessary here.

  • PeterS says:

    Amongst the spurious “histories” Mr Isaac has read was clearly no copy of Hitler’s Mein Kampf which called for the elimination of the Jews as early as the early 1920s. This makes Jewish nervousnous about Nazism well developed by 1933 when as Mr Isaac claims the Jews declared war on Germany. I have never read his stuff before; it’s actually entertaining. Like a comic fairy tale. Aside from that the original letter is brilliant and sympathetically written.

  • whitelaughter says:

    thanks, that was a joy to read

  • MungoMann says:

    Mr Issac’s comments are a sad indictment on where we find ourselves today in respect of civil conversation. Any mature person would realize that Joanna’s beautiful piece was just that – a beautiful family story with a short, sharp, poignant message to remind us of our humanity, or as she says, “Otherwise, what was it all for?” – a message that is as relevant today as it has ever been in history.

    And that should be it – no more elucidation is required. Mature readers would draw a line and reflect on what Joanna has written. Period.

    Unfortunately, Mr Issac wants to take centre-stage himself and cajole us into following him down a politicized rabbit-hole. It does not matter how correct or just Mr Issac’s views are, the point is that they are totally inappropriate at this time, in this place, as commentary on Joanna’s piece.

    He reminds one of a father at his daughter’s wedding reception, who stands to give his speech, only to launch into a diatribe on how his marriage has been so unhappy as he only married the bride’s mother because she fell pregnant. If I ever receive an invitation to the wedding of Mr Issac’s daughter, I will politely decline it, like a customer’s cheque, to avoid embaressment.

    • Francois Stallbom says:

      “He reminds one of a father at his daughter’s wedding reception, who stands to give his speech, only to launch into a diatribe on how his marriage has been so unhappy as he only married the bride’s mother because she fell pregnant.”
      What a pathetic comment.

    • David Isaac says:

      The sad truth is that the war against Germany was a gargantuan mistake for Britain. Even if one accepts the holocaust legend, peace in 1941 or earlier would have meant far less suffering for Jews too.
      Orherwise see my original post above.

      • Citizen Kane says:

        ‘Even if one accepts the holocaust LEGEND’

        Joseph you really are a miserable little intellectual Pygmy. A Neo Nazi to be sure.

        ‘The sad truth is that the war against Germany was a gargantuan mistake for Britain’


        And here you were just a week ago pitching your moral charade as a champion of the British Empire’ and the accomplishments of the Anglosphere.

        This is your pathetic little transparent strategy whereby you seek to placate the Quadrant audience in Non- Israel/ Jewish posts by posing as a mainstream conservative simply as an in for your vile Neo Nazi, Iranian regime supporting antisemitism at every opportunity.

        Given this statement about the apparent futility of Joanna fathers war efforts in destroying your beloved Nazi’s and the sacrifice the world as whole made to ensure it wasn’t run by little Goebbels such as yourself along with the complete indifference to humanity that it demonstrates in your vile little mendacious mind – I think it’s high time Quadrant editors seek to banish this little turd to the annals of Quadrant history where he belongs.

        His posts are not in good faith contributions they are simply Neo Nazi Antisemitism propaganda, so the free speech question does not come into play.

        • Rebekah Meredith says:

          3 May 2024
          Surely it is in such cases that the principle of free speech is most important? Propaganda or not (and I totally agree that it is), Mr. “Isaac’s” beliefs are his beliefs. If he does not have the right to proclaim them, what happens when you or I want to state beliefs opposed to the ethos of this journal? For example, criticising Catholicism?

          • STD says:

            There’s no problem with free speech. The corporeality of his idea of objective truth seems to be the sticking point.
            His free speech is one part of a the chemical equation that is being reordered and balanced with other peoples as yet not e commissioner nullified free speech.
            Think of Mr Isaac’s responses as being a physical and psychological reaction to the ingestation of something distasteful and cerebrally poisonous that has induced various poisonous convulsive reactions leading to the various deleterious cerebral frontal lobe induced reactions-negative leftie responses- cough- truthful brain sickness.
            Some of us are just boring into an Albanesesque type of take on what constitutes as being truthful.
            I think the likes of Mr Isaac need to be coached by the likes of ‘Chris my voice won’t be budged Kenny’ and likewise review Anthony Albanese’ media foray’s to gain better insights in how to deliberately and coercively deceive and remain unmoved, by the use of leftie legalistic language and jargon coupled to real political mealy mouthed dribble and what I would term as ‘the Brandis’ acumen-half the truth and nothing but the other half of that truth-cry, then trust me God.

  • delhcon says:

    Dear everyone,
    We all support freedom of speech! Let David Isaacs be.If it riles us, don’t read it.
    Just remember the letter from Joanna Hackett and how it raises our hopes for
    kindness and compassion. Surely that is not too much to ask in our fractious world.

  • STD says:

    Prophetical. Beautiful indeed, Joanna-very moving.
    The wonderful generosity of that old jewellers Jewishness and similarity with your fathers Australianess.
    There is indeed no greater love than that whereby man lay’s down his life for another(s) life-the generosity of spirit-the currency of the transaction being simply love.
    Money cannot buy love, however at heart generosity endeared and endears the sequencing that creates love.
    Know doubt your dad’s life must have had its ‘fair’ share of ups and downs even outside of war- I wonder if that little shop keeper’s promise of the treasure in Calvary as he pointed above the entrance of his store provided your dad with the eternal drive to keep soldiering on as husband ,father and patriarch – when grit and determination were shepherded into being.
    Gee, Joanna “when one delves deeply into scripture” as Fulton Sheen would say – it’s here that we not only find the seeds of creation (created love) bringing creativity and the capacity for evolution of the human character into true unison with its right and proper purposes – Genesis being the beginning of the lineage of the vintage nature of charity in true love, reflected love – pondered – charity.

  • Bron says:

    Joanna Hackett
    Like most of your readers I found your contribution very moving. Thank you so much!
    What annoys antisemites is that this story demonstrates the humanity of Jews. I hsve always found Jews to be good human beings. When I was a boy, the local chemist was a Jew, as was the medical specialist and later the University lecturer. All treated me well with respect and generosity. All were successful and upper middle-class. Envy
    .underlies hatred.
    But what really irritates me is that DI’s vitriol takes away attention from your story.

  • jventham says:

    great article Joanna!
    methinks mr isaac and his associated comments are a timely reminder as to why artificial intelligence should be avoided at all costs.
    he/she/it may not be intending to be insulting but he/she/it surely succeeds …

  • cbattle1 says:

    Right-thinking Quadrant Online writers, readers and commenters take heart, soon we will rise up and exterminate the Nazi evil from this earth once and for all! Ideate on the wondrous vision of a tribunal set up to declare David Isaacs guilty of the pro-Nazi hate-speech he utters, followed by the order for his death! Perhaps he could be dragged out and stoned to death against the city wall, as per Mosaic Law! And don’t forget his Mussolini-like junior-partner in hate-crime, the odious “Mr Battle”! Soon we’ll be burning all those books and historical records that they quote from, so never again can people deny our Truth (which of course is THE TRUTH)!

    • Citizen Kane says:

      Joseph stands condemned by his own words pure and simple. If Neo Nazi and Islamist inspired Antisemitism is your TRUTH – own it and stop hiding behind moral relativist rhetoric Heinrich.

    • Sindri says:

      Really, not one of your better efforts CB1. And I’m not sure what you mean exactly by “exterminate the Nazi evil” but if you mean banishing expressions of support for Nazism at Quadrant, it’s an idea at that.

  • cbattle1 says:

    At great risk of being denounced as a “relativist” or worse, surely there are other stories just as valid in evoking sympathy as the Ezra Lieberman story? Could we not find an old woman in Gaza, who would invite us into the remains of her house for a cup of tea, and show us an old photo of a happier bye-gone era? Perhaps a photo of a happy little girl in front of the family home in Haifa? And what’s that key in her hand that she is showing us? Why, it’s the original key to the front door of her childhood home, and all the happy family memories that were locked inside! Sadly, her grandchildren are still buried in the rubble of Gaza!
    I actually once saw on TV (probably the ABC) where a Palestinian woman walked up to the front door of her family’s old home with the original key in her hand! I can’t remember if the key still fitted the lock, but the Israeli occupying the house was not the least bit welcoming!

  • Bron says:

    Citizen Kane
    I agree with you, DI and his follower need to be controlled in some way.
    I wonder if either has visited Auschwitz?

  • Jack Brown says:

    There can be times and places to consider the interests of the Jewish nation and nation state and whether or not they always coincide with those of other nation states where members of the Jewish nation live but Joanna’s beautiful family memory of kindness extended by Ezra and the role it played in her coming into the world is definitely not it.

    • David Isaac says:

      As I said in the original post, which has riled up some people, the anecdote of Mrs Hackett is very affecting and I honour the acrions of both her father and his auric benefactor. However that anecdote, with its superb poignancy, is being used to a definite propaganda purpose, namely tying the modern Amalek of Gaza and it’s anti-colonialist supporters to the ineffable Nazis, with the implication that once again Jews can never share any blame in a conflict. This, and the effluvium of lies told in both cases, demanded to be highlighted, the river of real or pretended tears thus evoked notwithstanding.

      • Jack Brown says:

        And they riled you up to respond with rhetoric to rhetoric when. By doing so one distracts from where your concerns pertain to current or near recent events where the questions are relevant. For example in regards to the very prominent role that descendants of Jewish refugees from Russian pogroms and discrimination now in positions of influence in the US under have played in the US campaign to extend Russia in Ukraine, and obtain the private benefit of revenge from the exercise of their public offices. Or the common thread of three Jews running an espionage operation in the US to buttress the security of the Jewish nation state at the immediate expense of vulnerable US citizens, and UK Royals, and US citizens in the long run. But raining on Joanna’s parade is not one of these occasions and doing so dilutes the validity of any factual posts.

        • David Isaac says:

          We’ll have to agree to disagree. Im loathe to allow such obvious manipulation to go unchallenged and contesting the utilisation as propaganda of a poignant (not tragic) story eighty years old is unlikely to genuinely offend anyone of a non-hysterical bent. Perhaps somebody might care to make a counter-argument rather than virtue signalling.

  • Davidovich says:

    My recommendation is that if you see the name David Isaac on a comment, avoid reading the drivel which follows it. Certainly do not enter into discourse.

    • David Isaac says:

      Good plan. It’s never wise to allow one’s preconceived notions to be challenged?

      • Citizen Kane says:

        Your dribble deserves as much consideration as the notion that a man can be a woman or a gold fish for that matter. Exactly none.

        • David Isaac says:

          Dribble cannot yet, to my knowledge, be transmitted via the internet and mine is most infrequent (hardly ever) and demands no consideration other than by me. I presume you meant drivel (chidish foolish talk). Do you know the story about the speck in your brother’s eye……..?

          • Citizen Kane says:

            No it’s dribble ie. spittle from someone who can’t control their autonomic reflexes. And you have well and truly mastered its transmission via the internet.

          • STD says:

            David be advised to head to the temple in which the betrayers of the truth in integrity were given the punt with short shrift. Christ left no rock unturned in relation to that which is holy-the truth. Surely we can agree at least on one thing. that we can all keep our grubby little self centred hands off the pure truth.
            As a friend of mine once opined, “ that we Christian’s are not going to standby and just cop this type of garbage on the chin”. And believe you me she was and is a lady in the truest sense of that word.
            Mate if you want to delve in BS I for one will take the challenge right up to you.
            PS….on notice and forgiven- I will let the good Lord remove the log from eye!

  • Sindri says:

    Some are calling for “David Isaac”, aka Horst Wessel, to be shown the door here at Quadrant. It’s a suggestion that I support up to a point. No, it’s not “censorship”. There are plenty of crackpot websites where he can air his views, and to be clear I think that he should be free to say whatever he likes, incitements to violence aside. But the editors of this or any independent publication are entitled to publish, or not publish, whatever they like. For example, if some mad leftie was continually posting turgid marxist claptrap laced with conspiracy theories, I imagine the editors, perhaps after a period of tolerance, would sensibly bring out the red pencil. It’s a question of editorial discretion, and of what the editors of a magazine decide to publish. If the editors decided to red-pencil, perhaps not all “David Isaac’s” posts – I love a laugh – but his poisonous, neurotic posts about Jews, and his attempts to rehabilitate Hitler and the Third Reich, it would be no-one’s business except the editors’.
    Time call BS on Horst, I suggest.

    • David Isaac says:

      I agree, I should be gagged from saying things that everyone is afraid to argue against. It gets so tiring for them always playing the man and not the ball, with the occasional exception of your good self @Sindri, who usually plays both.. I suspect you at a minimum know the real lay of the land.
      Send him off! He always wants to talk about Nazis. But hang on, he only talks about them when we bring them up. I know, maybe we could just stop referencing those guys and talk about a sensible plan to save Christendom and ithe European people who are being destroyed under our noses.

      • Sindri says:

        You attempt to rehabilitate and sanitise the nazis, and you play the free speech card? Come off it.

        • David Isaac says:

          I’m attempting to undo some of the effects of ninety years of unopposed anti-German propaganda so that we can evaluate the real nature of that fearful war which signalled the demise of our civilization.
          You’ve already demonstrated you don’t actually believe in free speech, at least not here at QoL. This suggests that you think your arguments are vulnerable in this forum. Your implication that I want to take away everyone else’s free speech just beacause I am trying to challenge some ingrained assumptions is a classic case of accusing your opponent of your own crime.

          • Citizen Kane says:

            It’s not ‘Anti German’ propaganda it’s the painful lesson of antisemitism and Nazism writ large. Your argument is not clever or radical, it’s just plain moronic.

            • David Isaac says:

              You again? Let’s play tennis, shall we? It’s not ‘anti-Semitism’ and Nazism writ large (whatever that is) it’s ninety years of anti-German propaganda, more if you count the prelude to 1914. I can’t return your ad hominem, sorry.. I can’t get down that low.

              • Citizen Kane says:

                Joseph, to get down low you need to be off the bottom in the first place. It’s not Anti German’ propaganda what ever that is, it’s the humane worlds response to Nazism and Antisemitism. Thoroughly deserved and eternally vigilant against the emergence of little Goebbels like you out of their toad burrows.

                • David Isaac says:

                  No, it’s the permanent propagation of pre- ,intra- and post-war propaganda to maintain the myth of the ‘good war’ fought to destroy evil, which has allowed the capture of America and the West by a plutocracy bent on destroying the European peoples and leaving an atomised, miscegenated mass with no history and no knowledge of the past, other than what they are told by their rulers, who despise them.

  • Bron says:

    David Isaac
    The thing is, Joanna did not mention Nazis in her article.
    Have you been to Auschwitz? Afraid to answer?

    • David Isaac says:

      For goodness sake. She didn’t use the ‘N’ word but the Jewish jeweller generously gave the Australian pilot a ring as consideration for fighting against Germany on his behalf. There’s a definite allusion to persecution of Jews by “____”. Surely you picked that up.

  • Bron says:

    David Isaac
    Have you been to Auschwitz?

  • wdr says:

    David Isaac (so called) is carrying a superficially plausible argument ten million miles too far. Hitler’s aim was to conquer all of Europe, not just Russia. He attacked and conquered Poland, the Low Countries, France etc. Initially his aim appeared to be to unify the German-speaking areas of central Europe- Austria, the Sudetenland, and then would stop,which was the basis of Appeasement. But he didn’t stop. He then set out to conquer the lot. This was also totally contrary to the UK’s age old policy of maintaining the Balance of Power in Europe. It is absurd to think that Hitler would have respected the independence of the UK. By 1939-40 no one in the UK believed it. Hitler also declared war on the US for no reason a few days after Pearl Harbor, this signing his own death warrant. He and his regime had to be destroyed, and was. David Isaacs’ comments on the Holocaust are offensive drivel. There is a useful point to be made in pointing out that the Allies killed an estimated 600,000 civilians in air raids on German cities in WWII, which no one on the left claims was “genocide,” unlike the Israelis trying to destroy Hamas in Gaza.

    • David Isaac says:

      11th May 6:50pm eastern time.
      Prof. Rubinstein, your claim that my arguments are superficial is pretty funny given the threadbare nature of yours. It was France which declared war on Germany. Poland was encouraged by Britain and the US to goad Germany into using the army to resolve the question of west Prussia and Danzig (both German until 1919). And what of it, if Hitler attempted to destroy Stalin’s mass-murder machine in Russia? His success would have been a far better outcome for Russia and Europe than what transpired after Germany’s defeat. Britain’s balance of power policy had already half-destroyed Europe in 1914 and it finished the job in 1945. It seems like you’re admitting that the British deep state was determined to crush Germany as soon as practicable, and I agree it was so determined but only because Germany represented a credible threat to Anglo-American hegemony and after 1933 one which proposed to exclude Jews from influence within its sphere.

  • Bron says:

    Joanna Hackett
    I thank you once more for your emotive contribution. I hope your granddaughters wedding goes well.

  • jbhackett says:

    Oh my goodness! I have only just had the opportunity to catch up with Quadrant Online and am more than a little surprised at the many and varied responses to my small piece. Heartfelt thanks to all those contributors who appreciated that I was describing a simple act of generosity, kindness and gratitude from one human being to another. No more. No less.
    Joanna Hackett

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