
The Threat, the Damage, the Solution

Curtis Cheng shot dead in in Parramatta in 2015, the Khayat brothers planning to blow up an Etihad plane in 2017, Abdul Haider, 18, attacking two police officers with a knife three years earlier in the Melbourne suburb of Endeavour Hills. Now, while Lakemba imams preach death to Jews and attack thecountry that has taken them in, a 16-year-old Muslim has stabbed an Assyrian Church bishop as he said Mass,

How much more evidence is needed to conclude Islam is a deadly threat to Australia and the West? Overseas evidence includes the September 11attack on the Twin Towers, the terror and death inflicted on thousands of Christians in Iraq, Syria and Egypt, and the death, rape, torture and abduction of innocent and vulnerable Israeli citizens on October 7.

As argued by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who was raised as a Muslim, Islam is not a religion and certainly not a”religion of peace”.  While countless Muslims co-exist and live peacefully in Western societies, including Australia, there are those committed to imposing an Islamic caliphate where Mohammad’s words reign supreme.

Unlike Western liberal democracies, which protect inherent rights and liberties, what terrorist groups such as Hamas seek is a theocratic state where women and girls are oppressed, LGBTIQA+ people are killed or imprisoned, and religious leaders like Iran’s Ali Khamenei are dictators with the full force of the State at their disposal to enforce compliance. No matter how much governments push multiculturalism, lately re-badged as “embracing diversity and difference”, and the mistaken belief all religious and ethnic groups deserve equal respect and tolerance, the reality is not all religions and cultures are equal.

It starts, of course, with Mohamed, a military figure intent on conquering unbelievers by violence. Jesus, on the other hand, in the Sermon on the Mount preaches “blessed are the peacemakers”, “blessed are the meek” and “love your enemies”. Whereas Islam’s religious leaders control the State, Christianity renders “unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.”

So long as the Anglosphere’s political and legal systems are underpinned by Christian virtues and teachings, religious leaders can never be supreme rulers. Instead, as stated by Abraham Lincoln, a democratic state is “of the people, by the people, for the people”. Unlike Saudi Arabia and Iran, sovereignty in the West lies with the citizenry, the right to govern circumscribed by national constitutions and the rule of law.  In Australia, unlike Islamic states, where those guilty of apostasy face punishment up to and including death, citizens are accorded the presumption of free will.    

Even as much of the political and media debate surrounds the external threats represented by China’s plans for world dominance and an axis of evil including North Korea, Russia and Iran, Australia is also threatened by enemies within. Since the rise of political correctness, rationality and reason have been replaced by mind control and emotive groupthink. Instead of acknowledging what unites citizens and is held in common, the emphasis is on victimhood, self-interest and the politics of identity. Multiculturalism, as  Geoffrey Blainey warned many years ago, has led to a nation of tribes consumed by imported hatreds and prejudices.  In Western Sydney imams preach Islamic fundamentalism calling for Israel’s destruction.

Instead of nation-building and teaching the unique strengths and benefits of Western civilisation and Judeo-Christianity, the school curriculum indoctrinates students with cultural relativism. As a result, all cultures are respected regardless of how unacceptable and dangerous are their customs and beliefs — except, that is, for Western culture, which is condemned and denigrated as Eurocentric, imperialist, racist, sexist and guilty of heteronormativity. Even worse, students are no longer taught how privileged and lucky they are to live in a Western, liberal democracy where, compared to China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos, essential rights and freedoms are guaranteed. Rights and freedoms so many have suffered and died to defend only exist because of concepts such as the inherent dignity of the individual and the foundational concept that all are equal before the law.

Singing the National Anthem and taking the oath of allegiance have been replaced by the indigenous ‘welcome to country’ and reciting snatches from the Uluru Statement from the Heart.  As a result of teaching a black armband view of the nation’s history it should not come as a surprise that so few young people feel national pride.

Nations rise and fall and there is no guarantee cultures will always prosper and grow.  Australia and the West in general are facing an existential threat from enemies both without and within. What is needed, in addition to ensuring the nation can defend itself, is the willingness to acknowledge and celebrate what makes Australia unique and such a prosperous, free and open society, the current efforts by eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant to decide what Australians can see and discuss notwithstanding.

The time for national self-doubt and self-flagellation has long since passed. Now is the moment for renewal, patriotism and nation-building. If the void created by the relentless assaults on our heritage and society continues to grow, the thought of what might fill it is chilling.

Dr Kevin Donnelly is a senior fellow at the ACU’s PM Glynn Institute

14 thoughts on “The Threat, the Damage, the Solution

  • Andrew Campbell says:

    To be sure, Abraham Lincoln popularised the phrase, ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people’ .but it was first said by John Wycliffe in his prologue to the first English translation of the Bible, 1384 AD. This illustrates for all time the inextricable link between the Christian faith and democracy. Even Richard Dawkins, a ‘cultural Christian’ would prefer to live in a nation founded by the Christian faith rather than Islam.

    ”This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.’

  • Gordon Cheyne says:

    Inspired by the heading, I read down, searching for “the solution”.
    The nearest I got was “Now is the moment for renewal, patriotism and nation-building. ”
    That’s pretty vague: how do we go about it?

    • lbloveday says:

      My gut feeling is it now matters not how we go about it as China will annex Australia before we do much “renewal, patriotism and nation-building”.

    • whitelaughter says:

      the solution? From a top down perspective, easy: make access to western benefits dependent on supporting the West. Want trial by jury? Prove that you support OZ. Otherwise, we let imams judge you under sharia law. All refugees must be settled in the electorates of the MPs lobbying for them.

      From the bottom up? Best option I have heard is we have to create a new social structure that is specifically woke free. Only use shops that avoid the vomit icon, abo flag etc, join a church that opposes woke and so forth. Finding these is tricky, so network with other sane people in your postcode.

  • Daffy says:

    The solution is to ensure that everyone understands Islam. Most possibly think it is like the Church of England, but in Arabic: an innocuous and stale formulaic practice. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even a brief encounter with the Koran and the hadith, let alone the Sunni Hanbali, Maliki, Hanafi, and Shafi’i schools of law, would convince anyone this is a delusion.

  • KemperWA says:

    Thank you Kevin for trying to bolster our self-esteem. Friends and family counsel me to think ‘in one ear, out the other’, but is is difficult when the antagonistic ‘welcome to/respect of/acknowledgment of/bugger off etc, etc country’ is, for instance, plastered over ones grocery docket (Coles). It is longer than the list of food items I buy! I shudder at the destruction of self-esteem and confidence this is doing to children and indeed our adult selves. How can they stand there and spout this nonsense against innocent Australian civilians? How much longer can we take it? Why are they called ‘Traditional’ Owners anymore anyway? The way native title is being handed over, are they not in fact ‘Current’ Owners of all (likely) land in Australia? If they own the sky, air, water and soil do they not own me? Do they not own my body seeing as I breathe ‘their’ air and consume food growing in ‘their’ soil? How far do we take this sickening insanity?

    I have not lost my pride in Australia but alas, increasingly I have no desire to support it. Why should I when the elite socialists harangue us so. I have no problem buying the French jam over the Australian jam anymore. It’s small potatoes I know, but this is the end result. I do boycott any and all businesses which have this threatening spiel on their websites and/or buildings. Any e-mail with these statements is politely replied to but with a Nota Bene (NB) that the race and land statements below their signature caused me unnecessary distress. I don’t know how else to shield myself from this.

  • KemperWA says:

    What frightens me about Islam is how quickly their adherents can amass in ones neighbourhood. Within seconds 15 cars of men turn up to hang around a friends rental. Smoking, spitting, staring, loudly gesticulating on our street and verges. You know how we tolerate this diversity? Buy staying inside our houses. Once the cacophony of humanity exits our street, tranquillity is restored, I venture outside, my neighbour takes a turn about her garden and her neighbour brings her two toddlers out to play.

    I don’t wish to deny freedom of association, however, it is undeniable that this massing of large numbers of Islamic men is confronting. Australian powers-that-be have rocks inside their head if they think otherwise. They have the data of exactly how many Islamic men are granted visas from newer intake nations such as Pakistan and Bangladesh. They must have. Their lack of integration and assimilation is changing our living standards. Do Australian politicians, closeted in their upper-class suburbs, understand this? I urge Australians, particularly young adults, to get yourself up and moving around via a bike/e-bike, train or walking, Buy your own food and cook it. Take responsibility of your daily chores instead of pushing it onto immigrants who have no intention of respecting us.

  • Mike says:

    Islamic beliefs compared with Christian beliefs www(dot)

  • kh says:

    Western liberal democracy insists on the separation of church and state. Islam insists on a coerced godliness, which sits more comfortably with a tribal as against a civil society. The two are in necessary tension. Neo-Marxists (who dominate the intelligentsia and fixedly hate the bourgeois ideals of liberal democracy) try to inflame this tension and enlist the support of Muslims by crying “Islamophobia” and promoting Western decadence – which convinces Muslims that that the non-coercive godliness of Christianity is unable maintain a decent society. The global ambitions of near-totalitarian China support anything that weakens and divides the West. This seems to be the fundamental world dynamic that needs to be resolved in the immediate decades – whether with tectonic violence or not. A Christian spiritual revival, as well as benefitting its adherents, would reduce Western decadence and challenge the wrong assumption of many Muslims that freedom and godliness are incompatible. We can only pray for this.

    • Rebekah Meredith says:

      29 April 2024
      Thank you! Far too many people–Christian and non-Christian–ignore the fact that the greatest need is for revival, not for political or societal solutions. On the other hand, many Christians hide behind the spiritual side of things and believe that we have little or no responsibility beyond it. Praying, going to church, reaching people for God–these are the most important things we can do for the Lord and for our country; but they are the start rather than than the sum total.

  • Greg Lloyd says:

    Unfortunately all this bs has not only been ignored by both sides of government and allowed to fester , but government has actually encouraged and pushed it along , as well as our education system and private corporations.

  • says:

    It’s worth noting that there the annual number of murders in Australia sits in the high 300’s. Islam has hardly been responsible for the bringing of deadly violence to our shores. Absolutely religiously motivated violence by a very few, and tacit support by many, and the failure to codemn that support by govt must be confronted, lest this problem grow. However we do need some perspective that thus far it has been a very minor cause of murder.

    • kh says:

      The failure of terrorists to establish a beachhead in this country is likely due to effective policing. There are plenty would like it to be otherwise.

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