Copyright Agency Grants to Aboriginal Entities and Individuals


$30,000: For six First Nations artists in 2022 at the SA Art Gallery
$18,000: For new work by four First Nations’ writers in Griffith Review – “Unsettling the status quo II”
$60,000: For Magabala Books (Pascoe’s publisher)for three years.
$19,590: First Nations master-classes


$15,000: Supporting Indigenous performance writers
$11,000: For artist  Vincent Namatjira
$20,000: Blackfella Films
$16,000: Griffith Review, Supporting new First Nations’ work – “Unsettling the Status Quo”
$10,000: NPY Women’s Council – a children’s story book about donkeys and Anangu
$12,000 approx: David Unaipon Award 2020 for Indigenous emerging writers


$10,000: First Nations Story Anthology
$26,655: NIRIN Reader
$10,000: Cutter & Coota – a play for young people by [would-be Aboriginal] Bruce Pascoe


$20,000: First Nations Writers Network
$10,000: First Nations Australia Writers Network
$20,000 Broome Aboriginal Media Association – emerging Indigenous playwrights
$30,000: Jumbunna Institute UTS – Indigenous writers
$26,450: UQ – BlackWords


$12,000: Indigenous-led contemporary art discourse
$17,310: Jaowyn Country Writers Workshop
$60,000: Magabala Books over three years
$51,200: Magabala Books over two years
$15,000: Indigenous-authored history
$15,000:Ninti One Ltd Aboriginal artists
$30,000: Indigenous Writers Fellowships over three years
$14,000: Wiradjuri Skywriters Pilot Project
$5800: for Indigenous stories via English teachers.
$20,725: AGNSW Aboriginal art


$33,550: Magabala Books over three years
$9500: Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative – intimate encounters with prominent Aboriginal knowledge leaders
$5000: proppaNOW Inc – Activism (Art) Program
$11,365: Desart Inc
$10,000: Indigenous [Writers] Voices from Junee Correctional Centre
$38,000: David Unaipon Award over three years

One thought on “Copyright Agency Grants to Aboriginal Entities and Individuals

  • brandee says:

    In the above list readers can note that in 2020 a sum of $12,000 approx. for the David Unaipon Award [$38,000 in 2016]. I don’t begrudge that in memory of an inventor, an active Christian, and one aboriginal Australian who could say “As a full-blooded member of my race —“. Beautifully written in his own hand this claim appeared on the $50 note until in recent times it was deleted from the new money.
    The Unaipon claim might perhaps be seen as an embarrassment to other ‘aboriginal’ writers like Bruce Pascoe?

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