Michael Connor

The countdown to Obama

Seems to be the most popular headline in the MSM. It’s reminiscent of a 1960s US election ad. The one that began with a girl pulling single petals from a daisy as a voice counted backwards – to a mushroom cloud. To take your mind off Obamamania, and avoid the coronation, two DVDs are highly recommended.

The first is Brian De Palma’s The Untouchables. A four star gangster movie with Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness and Robert De Niro as Al Capone.

The film is a parable for the coming days. It’s even set in Obama’s Chicago. Scarface Capone (think Obama), organised crime and bad police (think Democrats), Eliot Ness (think Sarah Palin), good police (think conservative Republicans). This is the movie where the Republicans win.

The second movie is Marcel Ophuls’ Sorrow and the Pity. The famous  French documentary about life in Clermont-Ferrand during the German occupation. Its moral, if you remember the shaven women’s heads, is that sleeping with the enemy is not a good idea.

You may not want to watch a DVD so just turn off and imagine the enticing joys of opposition that await American conservatives – and worry about what lies ahead under President Obama. Or cheer up, and think about President Palin.

Good luck, America.

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