Doomed Planet

The Real Reason Australia Is Burning

They’re good at it, our political class, when it comes to acknowledging tragedy while adroitly sidestepping the obvious explanation.

Up and down the east coast, fires are raging and people are dying. Our alleged leaders are blaming coal, climate change, anything but the real reason.

Here’s a video from bushie Chris Dynon that explains it all.

— roger franklin


25 thoughts on “The Real Reason Australia Is Burning

  • padraic says:

    I’ll pass this on this video. The other reason why Australia is burning is because of the scum who are lighting these fires. I trust that when they are found their identity and motives are revealed and they receive long jail sentences. I understand that about 40% are deliberately lit, 47% lit by humans by accident or carelessness and 13 % by natural things like lightning. Spontaneous combustion by “climate change” is BS. Almost as bad as the scum lighting these fires are those who are making political capital by blaming “climate change” when death of humans and animals and destruction of property is occurring as a result of the scum lighting the fires.

  • Ian MacDougall says:

    ‘Bushie’ Chris Dynon says that controlled burns are necessary for fire management. As another bushie, who has spent about half his life in the bush one way or another, a lot of it chasing cattle through scrub just like that shown in the video, I could not agree more.
    But the Greens get around 10% of the vote in state and federal elections, and have such small parliamentary representation as to be powerless against the combined vote of the ALP and the COALition: in both state and federal spheres.
    Atmospheric CO2 does raise the heat content of the Earth’s climate system, and so probably feeds some component in to generation of drought.
    But for ‘Bushie’ Chris Dynon to try to blame the Greens for the current bushfire situation in the face of NSW Government laissez faire on land clearing is pure bluff, and to use his own term, bullshit.
    Disclosure: I vote on the basis of candidate quality, as far as I can determine it: as does my wife. I have on occasion voted Green at state and local government level. (I have known a couple of local Green candidates personally) but never federally, thanks to their crazy open borders policy.

  • Tricone says:

    The Green party vote is no guide to how much greenie thinking dominates the environmental and local bureaucracies where the real power lies.

    And , unrepresentative as they are, they have held the balance of power in the senate, most notably in the Gillard government.

    I find many of them to be pleasant people, (until they realise I work in mining and drilling). And their policies are destructive, regardless of personality.

    The video shows some good and alarming examples of fuel buildup, although pretty minor to what can be seen elsewhere.

    It’s a pity that his opening remarks were bound to trigger greenies (this doesn’t just mean Green Party voters, if it ever did) who then get a mental block about what he is clearly showing them.

  • en passant says:

    A local CWA secretary has seriously told me that ‘controlled burning’ is a myth – and is supported by the local firey union rep. They claim it actually harms the bush and has no effect on the intensity of fires! Deniers and blind to the obvious.
    At our Christmas BBQ two teachers launched into a harangue about the ten years we have left before we all fry & die. The realists reacted and mocked them resulting in a breakdown in civility and Christmas cheer. I pity the children the propagandize with Greta Gumph.

  • PT says:

    Ian Mac, perhaps you could compare the sort of bushfires you lot over east have had compared to those we’ve had here in WA in December. Our temperatures were actually hotter than in NSW. But whilst there was some losses in the Yanchep area, nothing on anything like the scale of over east. Well we still have significant proscribed burns over here, whilst you easterners don’t. Now who is responsible for cutting back on proscribed burns Ian? The “fossil fuel interests”? Couldn’t possibly be pressure groups and other greenie lobbyists now could it? China is going to increase their emissions (the largest in the world for the past 13 years) by 50% over the next decade (they may well exceed this). So CO2 emissions are going to increase substantially regardless of what Australia does, and with the full blessing of the likes of Al Gore and that Potsdam Institute. You’d better hope that your critics are right about “carbon forcing”, as it’s going to happen (things like the Paris agreement simply mean more of the west’s energy intensive industry will be relocated to China, India etc, where CO2 emissions apparently don’t generate climate change, rather that reduce emissions globally). Nice deflection away from the real cause of the “bushfire emergency” and promoting their favourite cause and attacking their political opponent at the same time. Win win for them. But why do people like you fall for it?

  • Ian MacDougall says:

    Tricone: “The Green party vote is no guide to how much greenie thinking dominates the environmental and local bureaucracies where the real power lies.”
    Yes it is. About 90% of the voting population, including bureaucrats, vote for parties other than the Greens.
    Local councils in NSW are run by a NSW government department, can be over-ruled by it, and are subject also to direction by the Land and Environment Court.
    PT: “Now who is responsible for cutting back on proscribed burns Ian? The “fossil fuel interests”? Couldn’t possibly be pressure groups and other greenie lobbyists now could it?”
    No, it couldn’t. In Australia, balance of power only works when the ALP and the Liberal-National mob refuse to vote the same way on any given issue, in both the Reps and the Senate. If it suited them both to do so, the two of them could grind the Greens to parliamentary dust. That they both choose not do so says a bit. It means that the ire of people like you two can be deflected in the Greens’ direction, and you can let off steam by using them as a punching bag, leaving the main culprits alone.. Why do you keep falling for it?
    In NSW and I assume WA and elsewhere, public land, including national parks and (for the moment) state forests, is under government control. If prescribed burns have been cut back there, send the minister/s involved a please explain. On private land, the landowners can do as they please, with their own immediate short-term interest paramount. As a private landowner myself, I know it well. End of story.
    But I will say this: a lot of our neighbours, fed up to their back teeth with this current drought, as all farmers and graziers are, are starting to question the wisdom of such luminaries as the parliamentary coal-fancier Morrison and his crew.

  • ianl says:

    As usual, the trollster flickpasses hard science to indulge his grand foible.

    Higher temperatures (as actually measured with thermometers, satellites, balloons) do not cause drought. Andy Pitman (UNSW): “Current science cannot tell us of the sign of the change in future drought.” [Professor Andy Pitman, (2019) Presentation — The SEI forum: Adapting Climate Science for Business, Wednesday 19 June, 2019, Sydney Environment Institute (SEI), University of Sydney.]

    A warmer world means more rainfall (evaporation from sea surface, you know). Drought not included.

    This religious dogma of AGW causing everything from halitosis to ingrown toenails is genuinely childish superstition. That large numbers of people swallow it is no surprise. Most are scientifically illiterate and mathematically innumerate with no intention of changing that. This is why Pitman’s comments (made during a conference when he had no idea he was being recorded) have been buried by the meeja.

    The dilemma for Pitman et al is that while drought is the standard condition for Oz (for millenia), we don’t know what combination of circumstances causes the intermittent high intensity rain periods. Cyclones off the North Q’ld, or north, coast ? ENSO, IOD, SOI ?

  • phicul19 says:

    A recent article in the Weekly Times on 18/12/19 regarding the Victorian government not releasing data on fuel loads in Victoria is indicative of the response of some of our politicians to real problems. It would be beneficial to them if they traveled north of Bell Street.

  • Lewis P Buckingham says:

    Fire management in our National Parks will have to be the new paradigm for 2020.
    Practically parks around Sydney, to give an example, are flashing into incandescence and disappearing.
    Closer to the ground at the Bungonia and Tallong meetings the planning is clear.
    ‘Basically, the main message is they’re [the RFS] not doing anything until it breaks out of the bush because it’s not safe for their crews to go in,’he said ‘They’ve told us it could break out near Bungonia or go north around Tallong. A very long containment line is being built from [Inverary Road] across to South Marulan’.
    South coast register 29/12/19
    Two grass fires a long way from the ember attack started at Marulan and Goulburn.
    Incendiarists abound.
    The planning must include fire trails,
    Public lands need to be ring fenced with cleared areas in anticipation of ‘catastrophic fires’.
    As the last, of many’ Royal Commissions into fires in Victoria mandated,power lines must have earth leakage trips, be cleared or if not possible, placed underground to control sparking.
    In Bungonia the Gorge is just waiting to go. A few nice walks,observation platforms and barrier gates won’t cut it when this area finally burns.
    We are being told by many soft power ads that the NRMA is planting trees to save Koalas.
    The present hot fires wipe out all living things in their path, except seed which regenerates the forest in the ash laid from the previous fire.
    Government and corporates need look at the science of wild fires with total fauna destruction and actually spend on maintaining diversity in national parks by cool weather pattern burning and dry matter litter control. These preserve fauna and a balance of habitat.
    Lets see if there is any remedial action will take place in Bungonia National Park.
    Or will the outcome be the loss of Marulan to Windellama and the total destruction of this great national park.

  • Lewis P Buckingham says:

    Fire management in our National Parks will have to be the new paradigm for 2020.
    Practically parks around Sydney, to give an example, are flashing into incandescence and disappearing.
    Closer to the ground at the Bungonia and Tallong meetings the planning is clear.
    ‘Basically, the main message is they’re [the RFS] not doing anything until it breaks out of the bush because it’s not safe for their crews to go in,’he said ‘They’ve told us it could break out near Bungonia or go north around Tallong. A very long containment line is being built from [Inverary Road] across to South Marulan’.
    South coast register 29/12/19
    Two grass fires a long way from the ember attack started at Marulan and Goulburn.
    Incendiarists abound.
    The planning must include fire trails,
    Public lands need to be ring fenced with cleared areas in anticipation of ‘catastrophic fires’.
    As the last, of many’ Royal Commissions into fires in Victoria mandated,power lines must have earth leakage trips, be cleared or if not possible, placed underground to control sparking.
    In Bungonia the Gorge is just waiting to go. A few nice walks,observation platforms and barrier gates won’t cut it when this area finally burns.
    We are being told by many soft power ads that the NRMA is planting trees to save Koalas.
    The present hot fires wipe out all living things in their path, except seed which regenerates the forest in the ash laid from the previous fire.
    Government and corporates need look at the science of wild fires with total fauna destruction and actually spend on maintaining diversity in national parks by cool weather pattern burning and dry matter litter control. These preserve fauna and a balance of habitat.
    Lets see if there is any remedial action will take place in Bungonia National Park.
    Or will the outcome be the loss of Marulan to Windellama and the total destruction of this great national park.

  • Lewis P Buckingham says:

    Fire management in our National Parks will have to be the new paradigm for 2020.
    Practically parks around Sydney, to give an example, are flashing into incandescence and disappearing.
    Closer to the ground at the Bungonia and Tallong meetings the planning is clear.
    ‘Basically, the main message is they’re [the RFS] not doing anything until it breaks out of the bush because it’s not safe for their crews to go in,’he said ‘They’ve told us it could break out near Bungonia or go north around Tallong. A very long containment line is being built from [Inverary Road] across to South Marulan’.
    South coast register 29/12/19
    Two grass fires a long way from the ember attack started at Marulan and Goulburn.
    Incendiarists abound.
    The planning must include fire trails,
    Public lands need to be ring fenced with cleared areas in anticipation of ‘catastrophic fires’.
    As the last, of many’ Royal Commissions into fires in Victoria mandated,power lines must have earth leakage trips, be cleared or if not possible, placed underground to control sparking.
    In Bungonia the Gorge is just waiting to go. A few nice walks,observation platforms and barrier gates won’t cut it when this area finally burns.
    We are being told by many soft power ads that the NRMA is planting trees to save Koalas.
    The present hot fires wipe out all living things in their path, except seed which regenerates the forest in the ash laid from the previous fire.
    Government and corporates need look at the science of wild fires with total fauna destruction and actually spend on maintaining diversity in national parks by cool weather pattern burning and dry matter litter control. These preserve fauna and a balance of habitat.
    Lets see if there is any remedial action will take place in Bungonia National Park.

    Or will the outcome be the loss of Marulan to Windellama and the total destruction of this great national park.

  • Stephen Due says:

    Included in the myths propagated by Green ideology are the idea that forests can be maintained in a ‘pristine’ or ‘natural’ state that is unchanging. The fallacy of this argument can be seen from the fact that it is precisely the areas so maintained that burn so well. Therefore it is not possible to return ‘natural’ forests by non-intervention. Some intervention is necessary. A far better approach is that of planned human management, based on sound empirical science and agreed ethical, social and aesthetic objectives. Obviously if you are concerned about ‘climate change’ and if you believe that smoke emissions and the destruction of forests contribute to ‘global warming’ – I don’t, but if you do – then you must avoid these massive forest fires as a first priority, since one large fire is likely to wipe out the benefit of all the costly ‘carbon-reduction’ measures of the year in which it occurs.

  • Stephen Due says:

    Apologies for the grammatical errors in the above. Too hasty in posting. I wish posts to this site could be edited as on other sites.

  • en passant says:

    Perhaps our resident troll will be able to show that all predictions of doom are correct and refute the following:
    As a polymath with near omnipotent insights I continue to await his biblical Quadrant article that settles all matter and all of the climate pseudo-science for all time. Until he does, one New Year resolution of mine is that this is my last comment on his existence for 2020 as from today I will never to read anything he writes and never answer his waffle.

  • Doubting Thomas says:

    Bravo, ep, (or whatever your name is). *
    May I have the similar strength to resist the temptation. Happy New Year.
    * Forgive me.

  • Doubting Thomas says:

    Just in, courtesy of JoNova and Viv Forbes

    Returning control of fuel control and fire-fighting to local fire captains would be a good start. The huge city-based fire-fighting bureaucracies are more a part of the problem than any part of a solution. This was clearly demonstrated in the disastrous Canberra fires where NSW fire headquarters decided to allow a lightning-caused fire to burn itself out, allowing it to grow and spread beyond any possibility of control. And to cap it all, the local ACT fire brigades and NSW brigades could not even talk to each other. They did not have common radio frequencies.
    Not just ridiculous, but criminal negligence.

  • Ian MacDougall says:

    DT: Well, I would agree with you there. Whatshisname, who from memory was head of the rural fire service and afterwards became a NSW politician, was a control-freak and a grub.

  • Lewis P Buckingham says:

    The Bungonia fire proceeds apace despite great effort to control it.
    May the RFS overcome.
    Pray and weep.
    Oallen Ford Rd, Bungonia
    Updated: 1 Jan 2020 13:38
    ALERT LEVEL: Advice
    LOCATION: Oallen Ford Rd, Bungonia, 2580
    COUNCIL AREA: Goulburn Mulwaree
    STATUS: Out of control
    TYPE: Bush Fire
    FIRE: Yes
    SIZE: 348 ha
    RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: Rural Fire Service

  • Doubting Thomas says:

    Ian Mac, the very man I was thinking of but couldn’t remember his name.

  • Salome says:

    The Greens are now calling for a Royal Commission into the fires. I expect they want a nice green retired judge to say it was caused by the Prime Minister going on vacation at a time of year when it isn’t unusual for PMs to do so.

  • Lacebug says:

    Our resident troll’s real name is Ross from Mallacoota

  • Ian MacDougall says:

    Bushfires and dry conditions that feed into them:
    In criminal law, we normally favour presumption of innocence. And rightly so. But as far as chemicals, food additives and such go, it is and should be ‘guilty until proven innocent beyond reasonable doubt.’ That is why we have testing requirements for such, with no untested products allowed on the market.
    Default position: carbon dioxide (and the coal whose burning produces it) are guilty in the Court of Climate Change until proven innocent beyond reasonable doubt.
    I know that still does not explain hostility to renewables, on the part of the coal shills who appear to infest this Curate’s Egg of a site, but IMHO it is a step in the right direction.

  • Les Kovari says:

    The bush fires are Nature’s way of keeping the environment under control, burn off the undergrowth, the excess timber and if you dare get in the way, you will pay a heavy price. You build expensive mansions on the top of the highest point in an area to optimise your vista then beware, fire goes uphill.

  • Alistair says:

    I’m actually a life member of the South Australian CFS after 25 years of service. I am at a complete loss to explain what has gone wrong in the eastern States, but the lack of control burns around towns and habitations and the lack of maintenance of serious fire tracks has to be right up there. The management policy now seems to be at the first signs of smoke evacuate whole towns and suburbs and see whats left when the fire has passed. There is heaps more that could be said (like the added complexity of the management of woody weed understory which is advantaged by frequent cool fires) but the thing that concerns me most is that in South Australia, for example, millions of dollars of Emergency Services Levy have been collected in recent years but for obviously no improvement in fire management outcomes. Clearly the money has been miss-spent on displacement activity rather than fire management things that really count. At the end of all this, not a single public servant who has been responsible for the obviously poor fire management policies will ever be held accountable. More than that, the easy answer that gets everyone responsible off the hook, Climate Change, will be blamed and the same poor policies will stay in place next year and the year after and every other year and we will face the same fire situation every summer.

  • Doubting Thomas says:

    The number of fire truck related fatalities suggest to me that there is something radically wrong with truck design, driver training and/or fire track maintenance. The latter is definitely a factor here in the ACT where fire tracks have been sabotaged by green zealotry.

    Full on coronial enquiries in both NSW and Victoria should be held, with no holds barred. I’m not sure that a Royal Commission could do the job because its terms of reference would almost certainly be manipulated to protect politicians. I think a coroners should go where the evidence takes them.

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