Doomed Planet

Plea for tolerance


In response to the article on koala killing by the Greens Candidate for Higgins, and calls we have heard for making Higgins koala free by 2010, may I remind your readers of a famous bit of human bush lore: 

First they came for the koalas, and I did not speak out –
     because I was not a koala;
Then they came for the climate sceptics, and I did not speak out –
     because I was not a climate sceptic;
Then they came for the political dissidents, and I did not speak out –
     because I was not a political dissident;
Then they came for me –
     and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Kieren Koala

[Sent from a gum tree in Higgins. Email address withheld for security reasons]

Video of the Candidate for Higgins:

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