
Unsought Advice for our US Friends: Vote Trump

In a powerful speech at the recent CPAC in Hungary, Dutch campaigner Eva Vlaardingerbroek made clear her vision of Europe’s furture. Iit’s not pretty. She believesthe Continent is being invaded by a hostile culture, not by stealth but through the sheer stupidity of powerful elites, particularly those in Brussels.  Muslim immigrants make no bones about it, and they are exploiting the fact that birth rates among European populations are below replacement rate, whereas those of Muslim communities are soaring.  And why wouldn’t they soar when being paid to procreate.

The issue is that this is a worldwide problem. We are not immune, already see its effect in the disgraceful anti-Semitic protests that daily assail us, and the mealy-mouthed response to them by Albanese ministers.  As an example of the latter, it is hard to go past Education Minister Jason Clare, as reported in the Weekend Australian:

I’ve seen people say that those words mean the annihilation of Israel. I’ve seen people say that it means the opposite.

Is this bloke for real?  Are we to believe that thousands of people, flaunting Palestinian flags, and blocking Jewish students from entering campus and chanting ‘from the river to the sea’, are really saying ‘long live Israel’?

Which brings me to Donald Trump. In 2016, I didn’t know much at all about Donald Trump and, initially, I viewed his candidacy for President with curiosity at best. That changed the moment he announced that, if elected, he would pull out of the Paris climate agreement.  From then on, he had a firm supporter in me, albeit one who couldn’t vote.  Up until then, to the best of my knowledge, the only national leader to call out the CAGW scam was Vaclav Klaus, former President of the Czech Republic from 2003 to 2013.  So, this was big.  It seemed to me that if the president of the world’s largest economies was prepared to make this stand, it might embolden other world leaders to follow suit.

And Trump was as good as his word.  One of the first things he did as President was to pull the plug on Paris. 

One of the many slurs thrown at Trump is that he is a ‘populist’.  Merriam-Webster defines a populist as “a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people; a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people.”  In other words, not someone who thinks government has all the answers and that the common people must be protected from their own ignorance.   There is a pejorative connotation to the above definition and that is the word ‘claiming’, implying that a populist doesn’t actually believe what he is preaching.  Does anyone seriously believe Trump is just going with the flow of common opinion?

In pledging to pull out of Paris was Trump being populist?  In 2016, was there a groundswell of ‘climate denialism’ among the unwashed that Trump was seeking to exploit?  Or, put another way, were the majority of US voters in 2016 smarter than, say, Australian or British voters?  I’m guessing not.  I’m guessing ‘climate action’ was still largely a vote winner.

In pledging to build the border wall, was Trump being populist?  In 2016, I think this would have been a vote winner in border states, but not a big issue elsewhere.  This time around it will be different.  Is he now being populist in seeking to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, over 7 million of them since Biden took office?  If so, let’s have more populism, please.

Was he being populist when he reduced unemployment among black Americans to its lowest level ever?  Was he being populist when he restored US energy independence?  Was he being populist when he brokered the Abraham accords.  Was he being populist when moved the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem?  Were at least four previous Presidents being populist when they promised to do the same, but failed to do so?  I could go on but I’m sure you get the picture.

Getting back to my original point, it turns out I was wildly over-optimistic.  Not a single world leader followed Trump’s example on Paris.  On this one issue alone, Trump stands head and shoulders above the lot of them. 

For any US reader that may come across this column, here are my five top reasons you should vote for Trump. My top reason is national unity.

One of Trump’s initiatives during his first term – one that was controversial at the time – but gets hardly a mention nowadays, was to ban immigration from a list of certain countries.  His executive order was vigorously challenged and amended twice.  The Supreme Court upheld the third version.  As at February 2020, nationals from a total of 13 countries were impacted including Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, North Korea, Venezuela, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Myanmar, Tanzania and Sudan.  Not all Muslim countries you will note, but I don’t imagine even the luvvies lost much sleep over Venezuelans, Burmese or North Koreans being denied entry to the USA.  But Muslims must be cosseted t all costs.

One of Biden’s first Presidential acts was to reverse this ban.  And to facilitate the current flood of refugees.  Is he unaware of developments in, particularly, the United Kingdom and France?   That the Muslim invasion of those countries is now well advanced?

Trump is having none of this.  Last October, speaking in Iowa, he said,

If you empathize with radical Islamic terrorists and extremists, you’re disqualified. If you want to abolish the state of Israel, you’re disqualified. If you support Hamas or any ideology that’s having to do with that or any of the other really sick thoughts that go through people’s minds – very dangerous thoughts – you’re disqualified.

He also said he would aggressively deport resident aliens with “jihadist sympathies” and send immigration agents to “pro-jihadist demonstrations” to identify violators. He continued,

In the wake of the attacks on Israel, Americans have been disgusted to see the open support for terrorists among the legions of foreign nationals on college campuses. They’re teaching your children hate.  Under the Trump administration, we will revoke the student visas of radical anti-American and antisemitic foreigners at our colleges and universities, and we will send them straight back home.

Trump could see the writing on the wall way back in 2016, a prophecy ignored in most of Europe, to those nations severe detriment.

My second top reason is …   Well, let’s not worry about the other four.  All you need is the first.  Everything flows from this one initiative.  Policies come and go.  But this election is, above all, about national values. And in the above statement, Trump has nailed his to the mast.  Compare his words to the mealy-mouthed attitude on this topic of most of the leaders of the Western world.  Including our own State and Commonwealth leaders.  And look where conciliation and tolerance of Muslim intolerance is leading us.

The first duty of the President is to protect his country. 

Also back in October, hapless journalist Don Urquart accused Canadian Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre of ‘taking the populist pathway’ and ‘taking a page out of the Donald Trump book’.  When pressed by Poilievre, Urquhart could not actually specify which page he was referring to. 

Trump’s words above are a ‘page’ that our own Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, would do well to adopt before the next election.  If Trump does get back and re-institutes his immigration regime, it might strengthen the resolve of others to do the same.  But, having said that, given my disappointment over Paris, it’s not a hope in which I will place too much faith.

As Rowan Dean observed on Outsiders last weekend, Britain vilified Enoch Powell and ignored him.  And now they are paying the price.  Many of us too (not me) have vilified Pauline Hanson, but we still have a chance to avoid the fate of Europe.  We must curtail immigration from Muslim countries, starting with Palestine.

That’s, of course, easy for me to say and, I accept, a big call for our mostly pusillanimous politicians.  But we have to start somewhere.  A list of proscribed countries a la Donald Trump’s would be a good place.  (And keep in mind that if the Coalition had pushed back on the CAGW scam from the word go (as I and others advocated in these pages) we might not be in the energy mess we are now in.)

Our own birth rate is below replacement level, but unconstrained immigration is not the answer.  To begin with, immigrants should bring something to the table.  And integration into our way of life should be non-negotiable.  Let’s consign multiculturalism to the dustbin of Australian history.  Call me xenophobic if you like.  It’s a good thing to first fear your enemies.

20 thoughts on “Unsought Advice for our US Friends: Vote Trump

  • Peter Marriott says:

    Hear , hear Peter.

  • sabena says:

    Peter,my top reason for advising voters to vote for Trump is the restoration of the rule of law.

  • Botswana O'Hooligan says:

    Thank you Mr. O’Brien, many people equate political office holders as winners of some popularity contest and politicians more so along with the fact that they want to hold office for the benefits instead of being there to govern the country for the good of the country and it’s allies. President Trump did just that and like him or hate him he isn’t interested in a popularity contest and is to be admired and our political lot of all persuasions scorned for what they have done to our country. I am forever beating the drum about Enoch Powell and his “Rivers of Blood” speech in 1968 and of course the forgotten remarks made by “Cocky” Arthur Caldwell in 1947. Both men were right and we have ignored them and are suffering the consequences.

  • pmprociv says:

    Thanks for this boost of optimism, Peter. While not enamoured of Trump, I really can’t see much of a future for the USA with the present Democrat regime, given its pandering to wokeism. The poor Yanks just don’t seem to have been given much of a choice. At least Trump will give the sick system a serious shake-up.

    As for your “We must curtail immigration from Muslim countries, starting with Palestine.”, all I can say is “Hear! Hear!” Why is it that we’re expected to accept refugees from Gaza, while none of the Arab countries, nor Iran, is opening its doors to them? And if the West is such a great Satan, especially the decadent USA, how come it, and us, and the UK), are also the preferred destinations of the world’s millions of “refugees”, including Muslims? We don’t see too many aiming for the Arab lands, or Iran, or Russia, or China, or Noth Korea. Are the wokeists too stupid to see this? or understand it?

    • Botswana O'Hooligan says:

      About 10% of the Russian population or fourteen million moslems, live in the Russian federation and from time to time have a few problems of their own causation. One was resolved when it was thought that a mosque in a mid sized town had what was possibly an infernal machine placed in it by some miscreant, so the authorities opined that it was possibly dangerous and so detonated the possible infernal machine in situ but over egged the procedure somewhat and the mosque and some surrounding buildings were blown into matchwood. That resolved the problem, a sort of gunboat resolution but nevertheless a resolution and the populace in the surrounds became peaceful once more. We could learn a lot from their pragmatic approach to problems like that, but we won’t of course for that is a solution our grandfathers would have adopted without a qualm.

  • STD says:

    Yes, great article Peter!
    At the risk of unintentional offence – offending people who don’t like the idea of the mere thought of someone else even toying with the possibility of ,or even the idea of thinking of the truth and making use of the evolutionary tool of Darwinism- the deconstructed idea of the correct pronoun.
    I think it was the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who said to John Howard, “to take the sugar off the table” in relation to arresting the scam, that is lifestyle and welfare immigration.
    This particular Indonesian President was in my opinion fair dinkum. if not also maybe a fair dinkum friend of Australia and Australian’s: if memory serves me truthfully no Australians on death row in that country were executed on John Howard’s watch. Ex Army.
    The modern day scamming and undermining (intentional and covert Islamic -Hamas operational tool) of the post WW2 refugee convention that was drafted in the interests of people like the Jewish people who were migrating within an inch of their lives after been earmarked by Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini for pre meditated extermination,relocation and cultural obliteration at the hands of the Reichstag-the Chancellor’s peoples representatives in the gas chambers.
    The present day lifestyle immigration of refugees and asylum business – is tacitly insinuating that we Australians are mugs ; this is an intellectual and moral slight, an affront to all Australian’s, not the least of which is our totally demoralised ex serviceman such as your self Peter. Australians are being played for mugs by our own elected polity and the socialist governance structures within the framework of the so called United Nations.
    If the collective stupidity of our moronic polity can give a minority a democratic voice and plebiscite on the societal approval of strange coitus within the confines of a secularised same sex need for unsanctified marriage, surely for Gods sake they could give all Australians at the very least a plebiscite if not a referendum, 1 on multiculturalism and 2 on the harmonious discrimination or discernment in immigration in the interest’s of societal harmony and cohesion..
    Furthermore I suggest if people now want to emigrate here, there is no welfare or taxpayer perks during a trial period for fair dinkumness – say 10 – 12 years- and no citizenship or voting rights for the said period as well. This would probably make the other people who are rorting the immigration system; the Labor party , the bureaucracy , the CVs in academia and the ever unyielding pigs in banking, real estate and the corporate ionosphere have a superficial rethink on how they may undermine democracy in future with renewed fervour and insincerity.
    Yes I know it doesn’t sleeve with Matt Comyn’s commonwealth satisfactory levels in regard’s to immigration

  • Paul.Harrison says:

    To be where the WASP’s (White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants) of Australia are right now, beggars belief. I sense being hollowed out, bewildered, angry, etc., (/ɛtˈsɛtərə/), although at 72 years old I have seen enough betrayal and treason to find it easy to diagnose the condition/s as PoliticoSensoNeuropathy, an emerging, socially oriented issue of the middle class of Australia, and at present, there is no evidence of a successful cure for the condition. Yes, WASP’s, the backbone of the Land of Oz, and we have been ignored for many, many years, while our enemies laugh at us for not defending what we have achieved. Anyway, we have a long and painful journey back out of the shadows, so that we have plenty of time to write about it, secretly naturally, for in the imminent transliteration of our country into something unimagineable, WASP’s will be exterminated, by the same methods employed by that piece of filth, Adolph Hitler.

    At present, I am helpless, and that feeling gives rise to this: His name is known around the world, and that name is Tom Clancy, RIP. I’m sure he would accept a contract to write about the state we find ourselves in, from the outback to the entire world. Our self-engineered catastophe is unbeliveable, with the feeling of fiction oozing out of it, and it is fertile ground for a fiction novellist of his genre.

    What fictional character would he construct as the plot unfolds, this character to be the man who leads us out of perdition, and on towards the very end, when the enemies in the shadows surrounding us are banished, never to be seen again.

    The question remains though: If such a book comes to pass, it will never get published, not because he is dead but rather the inadequate, clueless and vicious Litterati of sewer scum who rule us now are so stupid that they will cancel Tom and his book purely because of fear of the unknown. It would seem to me that, at that point, they will realise that their mania is a failed, mindless exercise in thought control, and they are left without the means to redeem themselves.

    They have won a battle against we WASP’s, but they will not win the war. Their sole recourse is to scream at all who do not fit their imaginarium of lunacy, and perhaps in the doing of that they will meet their end when they look around at their fellow scum and scream, “Who will lead us now?” Well may they do so, but aren’t we all equal now. There must be no sympathy given to them when they finally realise that, yes they did once have an Emporer, but he has no clothes.

  • ianl says:

    “… the sheer stupidity of powerful elites …” [quote from the O’Brien article here]

    NO, not stupidity. Deliberate, cynical dismissal of large segments of the population in order to keep control for ends other than democratic response. The only real squabbles are between these self-appointed elites is for for seats at the table. Uniparty really exists.

    Continually ascribing “stupidity” to cynical powermongering loses every time. In this last week, for example, Elbow has lost some bark (as the common saying goes) only because he has been flat out caught several times in deliberate lies, not because people thought he’s stupid.

    I suspect that most people find it easier to live with the fiction of “they’re just stupid” rather than the uncomfortable reality of being constantly lied to because they are too powerless to stop it.

  • Peter OBrien says:

    Peta Credlin has a piece in today’s Australian which is good as far as it goes. It concludes:
    “Importing the world’s troubles is what happens when we allow immigrant arrivals to live in Hotel Australia rather than join Team Australia.”

    My online comment (predictably rejected):

    A very well argued piece Peta. But what is missing is any detail as to how we make Muslim immigrants join Team Australia, other than by slogans. That will require some very hard decisions by politicians who have, hitherto, been almost uniformly pusillanimous on this issue. Some suggestions. Ban immigration from any country that is overtly hostile to Israel, i.e, any country that does not recognize Israel’s right to exist. Restrict the numbers coming from other Muslim countries. Immediately deport any non-citizen who overtly displays antisemitic leanings. Severely limit family reunification provisions. Only take migrants who possess skills we need in Australia. Rigorously enforce legislation that prohibits incitement to violence and hate speech, such as is being displayed in all these pro-Palestinian protests. Insist that prior to becoming citizens, immigrants have a functional level of English and other knowledge such as the basic workings of our governance. I’m just getting started.

    • Davidovich says:

      I agree entirely with your rejected comment, Peter. It beggars belief that the censors at The Australian reject such words which, contrary to the words of many Islamic preachers, are not calling for violence against or extermination of a whole country and its people. However, the West has to massively cut its intake of Muslims to ensure the survival of the Judeo-Christian ethics which underpin our civilisation.

    • lenton1 says:

      In other words, do pretty much what Mr. Trump tried in his first term, and for that matter, what Ms. Hanson has been trying to get across since her get-go. But of course both have been misrepresented and cowardly derided by the MSM and political wets from both sides of the divide.

      While I’m sure they’d both rather not utter it, but unless a compete 180* turn in social policy occurs (snowflake’s chance in hell with Albo et al) they will have deserved the right to say “I told you so”.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    Peter, there are also policy levels we can use to increase the birthrate in our own families. Hungary has a template for some useful ones. It won’t happen though until energy prices are reduced, which will halt the inflation that makes more children seem impossible right now.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    That should be ‘policy levers’. Just family-friendly policies, hardly rocket science.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    “My online comment (predictably rejected):”

    lol, Peter, along with mine and those of many who think similarly.

    Perhaps we should have an online ‘reject bin’, where we can all put our rejected comments.
    It would be a lively demonstration of just how left-oriented the j-school moderators have become.

    • lbloveday says:

      7 of my last 10 comments Accepted by The Australian!

      • lbloveday says:

        I was particularly surprised that this was published:
        Quote: …the psychological violence heterosexual women can wreak on their male partners. These are, of course, far rarer than male-on-female violence

        What evidence does the author have for that claim, let alone passing it off as “of course”?
        My empirical evidence, of course limited, is that the opposite is true. It seems that outside DV, psychological violence is ever more recognised and prioritised – Hate Speech laws, Safe Places, Misgendering, Content Warnings…..

    • Jackson says:

      Now, that’s a great idea, Elizabeth!
      I would have a great stash of Oz rejected comments to contribute.
      No doubt the bin will fill to overflowing in no time.
      Maybe, just maybe it would give some people who still believe in the objectivity of publications like The Oz pause for thought.

    • lbloveday says:

      Quote: “ left-oriented the j-school moderators have become”
      A regular, long-term News Corp columnist (not for The Australian) recently unsuccessfully tried to have a comment of mine “un-rejected” and said they have even rejected his comments on his own article!

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