
The Moralisers’ Quest for Status

The Moralisers’ Quest for Status

Sir: I thank Christopher Jolliffe for his article “The Left and Those They Love to Exploit” (November 2023). I found it helpful because it brought together a lot of things in the now general neo-Marxist assault on our civilisation. New to me was his introduction of Spandrell’s “Biological Leninism”, which informs his clear and chilling description of Leninism. Neither author deals much with the causes of the increased number of Leninist manipulators. I am inclined to think it is insecurity and status anxiety among the newly over-large upper middle class in Western countries.

I deplore the glut of high-income moralisers besetting us, and suspect most Quadrant readers do too. The multi-channel didactic ideological clamour must have some cause, and Spandrell reminds his readers of the importance of status to people.

Philip O’Brien


God’s Promise to Israel

Sir: Quadrant is to be congratulated for the firm support it has given to Israel both before and since October 7. It is also to be congratulated for allowing varied opinions in the comments on its website—even when those opinions directly contradict its articles and are abhorrent to many, including myself. Quadrant has stood for Israel and for free speech—not an easy thing to manage.

However, a crucial aspect of the situation has been almost completely missing both from Quadrant articles and from the on-line comments to them. We can discuss and debate for the next five years the history of the founding of Israel, the history of the “occupied territories” and those who inhabit them, the wars the Arabs have waged against Israel, and the constant attacks Israel has faced from Gaza. All of this is important, but the most important thing to understand is that God gave the land of Israel to the Jews.

The Lord promised the land to Abraham and his descendants forever in Genesis 13:14–17 and again in Genesis 17:7–8. In Genesis 17:19–21, God said that His covenant—which included the promise of the land—would be with Abraham’s son Isaac (the ancestor of the Jews), not Ishmael (the ancestor of the Arabs). God told Isaac’s son Jacob (whose name He changed to Israel) that the land would belong to him and his family after him (Genesis 35:12). Jacob’s twelve sons became the founders of the tribes of Israel.

Several hundred years later, God brought the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery into the Promised Land; had Israel remained faithful to Him, she would have dwelt in peace and safety forever. Due to their sin, the Jews were eventually taken into captivity; but Israel’s sin, while it brought judgment, could never change God’s love for the nation or His eternal promises to her. The last twenty-six chapters of Isaiah—written during a time when God was warning Israel of coming punishment for her sin—make that abundantly clear. The books of prophecy speak again and again of a time of peace and prosperity that will yet come to the Israelites in their land—a time when the whole world will be blessed because of the reign of the Messiah in Jerusalem. Revelation 19:11–20:6 tell us of that yet-to-come time, when Jesus will defeat Satan and set up His kingdom.

I realise that not all Quadrant readers believe the Bible. To those who know that it is God’s Word, however, there should be no question as to who has the right to all of Israel. This, of course, does not mean that Israel can do no wrong; the Bible is very clear on that, also. But the Jews are God’s chosen people, and the land of Israel (with borders actually extending beyond what Israel now controls) belongs to the Jews because the Creator gave it to them. No matter how many times Israel has been conquered, and even if she is conquered again, the promises of God will yet be fulfilled.

So, too, will this part of the promise to Abraham: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” (Genesis 12:3). As individuals and as a nation, we would do well to remember that. (This promise is no doubt part of the explanation for the miserable condition of those in Gaza.) For those who love God, though, this admonition should not be necessary; we should love Israel because God does.

As to those who, on the streets or at their keyboards, have rejoiced at the events of October 7—read the book of Obadiah. See what the Lord thinks of those who rejoice at, or aid in, attacks on His people.

Rebekah Meredith


2 thoughts on “The Moralisers’ Quest for Status

  • Michael Waugh says:

    I believe the Bible, Rebekah, or, at least believe in it, i.e. its wisdom and inspiration. I am not convinced everything in it can be taken literally. But it certainly makes it clear that both spiritually and historically Israel is the homeland of the Jews and has been so for thousands of years. To assert that the Jews are “colonisers” reveals absurd ignorance. Both the Biblical story and the Quran reveal that Hagar and Ismail are of the land of Arabia, not Israel. Why Arabs, or some of them, believe that they should own all of the near East and north Africa, and that those indigenous to Israel ( and other areas) have no entitlement to any part, however small, to that enormous area, and have so asserted since the Ottoman Empire fell, is a mystery. Except it’s not a mystery, is it, it’s the ancient anti-Jew hatred, it’s Nazism in modern form. I daresay we , Jew and Gentile, will have to contend with evil until the end of time, and in the meantime pray for Israel’s triumph over it.

  • NickLindsley says:

    I’m rather disappointed in Quadrant. It seems to be backing Israel to the hilt, focusing on Oct 7 as if that sums up the whole sorry saga. No mention of the dispossession of an entire people, no mention of the conditions the Arabs have had to endure. It seems to just repeat the Israeli narrative and blame everything on Hamas just as the PLO were blamed previously. And absolutely no mention of 9,000 children killed in the last three months. Obviously not worth writing about except, perhaps, to blame it on the Palestinians themselves. What has happened to Quadrant?

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