
Transgender Sex Education for Primary School Children

The full extent of the indoctrination of Australian primary school children crystallised for me soon after I hopped on a domestic flight to the Gold Coast. Next to me sat a grandma with her bag of knitting nestled on her lap, ready for a chin-wag. The conversation turned to her eleven-year-old granddaughter. Grandma was still in a state of confusion and shock about the girl’s announcement that she was “a pansexual”. Having made the leap of faith to send my children to be salt and light in a public school, this wasn’t the first eleven-year-old “pansexual” I’d encountered. However, I raised an eyebrow at the school her granddaughter attended. Deep in Victoria’s suburban sprawl, it was a world away from the progressive, utterly woke school environment within which these labels usually arise. Unsurprisingly, Grandma had no idea what “a pansexual” was and had been too afraid to ask. My explanation didn’t help her state of shock, until I reassured her that the eleven-year-old child had no real way of understanding what being “pansexual” meant in practice. It was simply one of a cornucopia of trendy labels on offer to impressionable tweens and teens.

At the time of that conversation, I was well versed in gender ideology—a cult-like doctrine of gender and sexuality that’s been propagandised throughout leftist-captured elite institutions by the so-called “transgender” sect and their allies. I’d supported a good friend whose husband’s mid-life crisis entailed “transitioning” to his “true self”—an actual woman and a lesbian, with the lesbian dating app to prove it. Upon their divorce, his “transition” gave him a boost in salary, freedom from responsibility (“I won’t see the children until they accept me as my true self!”), continuing celebration, more attention than he’d ever received in his ordinary white middle-class life, and a simpering audience of “allies” and other self-identified “transwomen”. He had obtained what our demented elites venerate the most: supposed “victim” status. My friend was left to pick up the pieces from the kind of man who calls his children “transphobic bigots” to their faces.

This report appears in October’s Quadrant.
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Another friend’s twelve-year-old daughter was well down the path to “transition”, having “socially transitioned” to a “he/they” (encouraged by the school for the first six months, without my friend’s knowledge), binding her breasts with a modern-day corset (as damaging today as it was in the seventeenth century), and ingesting the chemical attack of so-called puberty blockers with my friend’s eventual support. Of course, she was still allowed on the “all girls” soccer team, and welcomed at “all girls” sleepovers, because, wink, wink, she’s not really, you know … That they didn’t take the opportunity to let her feel the natural consequences of her decision shows the foolish mentality of the so-called progressive parent.

Even with this background knowledge, the insidiousness of regressive gender stereotypes and flight from biological reality in primary schools caught me by surprise. I’d endured the gender cult’s menacing self-declared “Progress Pride Flag”, hanging like a Soviet-era hammer and sickle in each classroom. (My children were carefully versed in the biblical truths that rainbows represent God’s promise to Noah, and that humility, not pride, is a virtue.) However, my radar hadn’t become finely tuned to the bureaucratic euphemisms that the permanent Green/Labor-conquered Victorian Department of Education uses to slip the new religion into the curriculum. This all changed two years ago when a friend’s son came home upset for being called a homophobic bigot. His crime? Telling the teacher that the way to determine one’s gender was to look in one’s underpants. Honestly, isn’t that the correct answer? Not in Danistan. According to the gender zealots, biological sex is a “social construct”. Being reasonable parents, my friends were furious and immediately called a meeting with the school principal. The answers they were given were unsatisfactory. No, what had been discussed—including any slides—would not be provided. No, there was nothing they could do except exclude their son from the deceptively named “health class”. (Although how long that choice will last is questionable—the classes are mandatory in most government high schools.) This seems to be a theme around the world, with one mother in London going so far as to spend two years and a court case trying to access the lesson plans her child’s school wished to conceal from parents. She ultimately failed, and still has no idea what her children were taught.

Had the “pansexual” granddaughter been taught something during a “health class”? How widespread was this? And where were they sneaking it in? It was obvious I needed to look into whatever scraps of the school curriculum I could find. What I found shocked me to my core. Hundreds upon hundreds of pages of militant extremist “trans” theology are being distilled into an attractive, colourful package, and implanted into our children’s consciousness. (I say theology because of the religion-like language and teachings, idolatrous rites and festivals, and guilt/shame transgressor punishment for blaspheming the new regime ideology, this “queer gnostic cult”.) I sifted through it all, including many of the references and resources (where they hide the bulk of the theology), and felt as if I had been slapped in the face. The twisted radicalism the Danistan regime calls “health education” (really theocratic religious instruction) forms part of the physical education curriculum! Alongside soccer and netball lessons, children are not only exposed to, but taught as fact, ultra-radical gender ideology. They don’t have to be boys and girls any more, they can be, if they feel moved by the gender spirit, a fluid mixture of “gender identity”, “gender expression”, “sex assigned at birth”, and “physical attraction”.

How did we end up teaching these confused tenets to impressionable eleven- and twelve-year-olds? I discovered that the progenitors of the gender cult, such as radical cultural revolutionary Judith Butler (“they/them”), started by spreading this nonsense throughout American university campuses. The ideas then oozed forth rapidly into Australian universities, and into the curriculum via the Safe Schools Coalition. It was no small feat: gender theo­logy seems to re-promulgate, in a warped fashion, the gender stereotypes the twentieth-century Left told us it was revolting against. Boys with long hair and effeminate characteristics who prefer the company of girls are encouraged to consider themselves to be actual girls, taught they were “born in the wrong body”. Girls who are uncomfortable with their growing breasts and the onset of their period—or simply don’t want to live life as a member of the victim-group called women—are taught they might be happier as a boy. And, they are assured, this “transition” is possible, and normal! Children are also inculcated in the belief that anyone who speaks ill of “transition” is a bad person.

To be crystal clear—during the time when children’s bodies are developing (or are about to develop) in strange and new ways, they’re being taught by trusted teachers that feeling uncomfortable in their bodies might mean it’s the “wrong body”. What youngster feels thoroughly comfortable in their body? I certainly didn’t! To make these bizarre beliefs even more attractive to children, the “gender unicorn” resource is used to illustrate them. (Why do you think the activists chose a unicorn? Because little girls, and a handful of boys, love them almost as much as they love rainbows.)

As I read on, I learned from these doctrinaires that we don’t say “sex” any more, because it’s “vague and transphobic”. When I clicked on the link to show a further clarification of this statement, I was directed to this fantastical propaganda piece:

Time and time again, transmisogynists and transphobes go back to that old excuse that they are just standing up for the reality of “biological sex” when they spew their ignorance and hate. They say that no matter what a trans woman does, no matter what she believes, she’s still actually a man. Others cede the fact that trans women are women, but stop there and say “gender is what’s between your ears, sex is what’s between your legs” and therefore trans women are still males. Although this is a popular idea, it is based on a misunderstanding of biology, social constructs and anatomy, and it needs to stop.           

This is the sort of language that teachers are being told to use when they proselytise about “gender” with primary school children. My friend’s son being called a bigot by his Year 5 teacher suddenly made sense.

Even if you exclude your children from “health class”, there’s ample opportunity for the gender missionaries to attempt to convert them. In my child’s class, when the first child was baptised into the gender congregation, all the other the children were required to write down and display their pronouns or neo-pronouns (a religious rite). Failure to do so would be considered bullying and bigotry (heresy). Equally, when these ideas are presented, children were told everyone is on a neo-genderist spectrum—therefore, it is implied, “queer”—and can have their own special flag, no matter how they “identify”. How appealing for tweens! I didn’t find out about this until I was inspecting a group project on my Year 5 son’s laptop. Slightly triggered, I did my best to remain calm and ask why the “asexual” flag had appeared on the final page of the presentation. “It’s Sarah’s flag,” he said with an uninterested shrug. Upon further investigation, I learned that Sarah (not her real name) is not the only one in my son’s peer group to “choose” “asexual”, which according to gender doctrine means they are not sexually attracted to anyone. Most eleven- and twelve-year-olds are not sexually attracted to anyone, and it is inappropriate to sexualise children by discussing sexual attraction in the first place! But good luck convincing a wild-eyed true believer they are doing something harmful rather than generously and bravely liberating us all from the oppressive chains of biological reality.

Whether one’s child will be converted and “identify” into the roughly 2 per cent of the “gender diverse” isn’t easy to determine. But you can increase your odds if you label your child with autism. Children led to think they have autism are much more likely to go on to believe they have “gender dysphoria”, the diagnosis that leads to the “treatment” of “gender affirmation”. It makes sense. If the self-esteem boost of empowerment and popularity by declaring to the world you’ve “always been trapped in the wrong body” works for a self-absorbed forty-something man during his mid-life crisis, how much more potent is membership in this victimhood group for a sensitive, socially awkward child who isn’t coping well with puberty?

Once a child “comes out” as “non-binary” or “trans”, the religious rites begin: social transition, then endocrine-system-destroying puberty blockers, then iatrogenic-disease-causing cross-sex hormones, then irreversible mutilation surgery to slice them into a grotesque facsimile of what the opposite sex is said to look like. Never mind that much of Europe has woken up to the worst medical scandal since eugenics. Here in Australia, it’s very hard to get off the gender theology express train once it leaves the station. And despite the hype, the evidence that puberty blockers are “reversible” is flimsy at best, meaning children who desist will suffer lifelong effects. We may never know the true impact, however, as most academic research in the field has been taken over by gender zealots, making free scientific inquiry impossible.

None of this is helped by self-styled progressive parents who I’ve watched delight in their newly “trans” or “non-binary” child. In fact, there’s a term for the phenomenon: transhausen by proxy. These parents spread the religion by posting gender theology on Facebook and have ceremonial bonfires to rid the house of all non-affirming (blasphemous) items, including Harry Potter books (purge that TERF J.K. Rowling!). They chastise (as heretical bigots) anyone who “misgenders” or “deadnames” their precious ticket to sympathy and victimhood points in the endless parade of faux victimhood that modern Australia has sadly become. And they will hold on to their beliefs for dear life.

Unlike such true believers, most parents are bewildered and shocked that their previously pink-loving princess has cut her hair, chosen a new boy’s name (usually ridiculous, given the age group), and has a “gender clinic” appointment booked, thanks to their “supportive” teacher. The parents often don’t understand their child has been shanghaied into a religious cult, and short of de-programming them, they’re left with few options. Parents who push back will be labelled transphobic bigots (heretics) in need of re-education (conversion). Terrifyingly, attempting to stop this tide is forbidden, and is unironically considered “conversion therapy” by the ruling regime, increasingly punishable as a crime. Naturally, only one direction of “conversion therapy” can be punished—the gender god is a jealous one, and conversion to the gender religion is cause for celebration. In some Australian states, you can look forward to your child being branded by the state a “mature minor” which allows your parental rights to be taken away if you push back too much. The forced obeisance is soul-destroying and punishes the natural protective instinct parents have for their children.

A new book, Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans, catalogues sobering stories of despair from parents around the world, including Australians, who were often caught unawares and unprepared by their child’s “transition” (initiation). Many have been shunned by their children for refusing to affirm their choices. Others, including many who have putatively “accepted” their child’s transition in order to keep them close, worry about the physical consequences for their children’s bodily health—the very real risks of blood clots, stroke, dementia, heart attacks and the other known effects of Frankenstein-esque cross-hormone guesswork. It makes heart-breaking reading and becomes all the more Kafkaesque when we consider the government is silencing and criminalising dissident voices, along with the ultimate insult of calling this government repression “inclusion”. There are countless books and articles on this phenomenon. (If you want to learn more, start with Binary Australia, However, few seem to appreciate how the medical profession became an ideologically captured handmaiden of gender theology. The answer is in the origins of the original “disorder”.

In the before times when psychiatry branded homosexuality a “disorder”, transsexualism was not a cultural norm. The term “transsexualism” was coined by Harry Benjamin, a German-born American endocrinologist and sexologist, in the 1950s, and was later picked up by psychiatry in its 1980 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-III) in the category of “Gender Identity Disorders”. Gender theology and Big Psychiatry are sympatico because the diagnosis (of psychiatric disorders) or categorisation (of gender) rely on subjective, feelings-based theories. They share some common ancestry from psychoanalytic theory. Both are buoyed by well-meaning professionals and supported in schools. Both are heavily criticised, and yet somehow remain above criticism. Those harmed by each either remain silent or tend to be drowned out and ignored when they speak up.

Pathologising feelings of dissatisfaction with the body diverges from pure gender theology. But it is necessary to pathologise those feelings if a person wishes to realise their “true” gender through any medical intervention. Helpfully, psychiatry has a range of categories—“body dysmorphic disorders” cover a fixation on something that the person believes is wrong with their body; “body integrity disorders” include those who wish to amputate a healthy limb; and of course “gender dysphoria” (the rebranded term for transsexualism) covers those whose gender and “sex assigned at birth” are said (by the gender theologians) to be mismatched. Regardless of how these powerful elites engage in their classifications, the overarching message is clear. If a person is dissatisfied with his or her body, there is something wrong with his or her brain (or body) that needs to be—and should be—fixed. Indeed, about twenty years ago in Scotland, an obliging surgeon decided to take treatment to its logical conclusion and amputated the healthy limbs of some psychiatric patients in a well-meaning yet demented attempt to relieve suffering.

Not so different to the 1949 Nobel Prize-winning lobotomy (called leucotomy in Australia), where the part of the brain thought to be causing the problem is surgically disconnected to relieve suffering. Lobotomy is an absurdly destructive “treatment” (still practised today in some forms), but it is a comparably heavy-handed psychiatric “treatment” to the chemical and literal castration of children through puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries like hysterectomy, double mastectomy, gonadectomy, and the excision of perfectly healthy tissue and other procedures to help children appear as the opposite sex—or as an ambiguous or designer gender. This butchery is similarly irreversible and has about the same evidence base and long-term success rate. To quote an excellent review of leucotomy in Western Australia: “the troubling lack of criteria for measuring leucotomy’s outcomes reminds us that the history of psychiatry is peppered with treatments that lacked a robust clinical evidence base”.

The official Australian Standards of Care for children and adolescents declared by the gender theologians to be “trans and gender diverse” requires a rubber stamp diagnosis of “Gender Dysphoria in Adolescence” before any “treatment” can commence. Without a diagnosis to legitimise it, such medical intervention in healthy children would be as unjustifiable as female genital mutilation for (other) religious reasons. The gender dogmatists now wish to have the diagnostic criteria removed altogether, finally smashing the “heteronormative binary” and plunging us into a world where “gender queerness” is the unquestioned norm. But they’re not there yet. In the meantime, with the combined power of Big Psychiatry’s disorder-treatment paradigm and the activists’ relentless march of queer theological propaganda through the school curriculum, there’s little to be done to stop it when children truly believe they were “born in the wrong body”. The troubles caused by a life situation, hormones, emotions and learned ideology remain after transition. The effects of the “treatment”, let alone the lifelong dependence on the medical and pharmaceutical industries, cannot be fully comprehended by a child. Even if these ruinous long-term effects could be grasped by the child or teen, we must remember that the gender-cult-captured child is a true believer. Many see their future bodily damage as the price worth paying for “gender” salvation. There’s no way to explain to your child the cognitive dissonance that may arise when maturity eventuates, causing great distress, painful regret and detransition, if not suicide.

Having the scales peeled from my eyes has been an unsettling experience. Now I’ve learned we are under constant assault from hostile, faux-religious ideology, I’m forced to scrutinise everything, for each of my children. At our school’s Book Week, I must intercept the flood of “inclusive” books and pray a drag queen doesn’t make an unannounced appearance. Theatre excursions require investigation—who’s running it and what’s the theme? As for the endless post-Covid “wellbeing programs” … honestly, I’m thankful when it’s just another ex-footballer spruiking more generic self-help positivity! Ultimately, I’m not concerned my children will turn up one day with an appointment to the “gender clinic” house of worship, as I’ve done my best to inoculate them against the poisonous colourful candies the LGBTUVWXYZ+ wing of Danistan’s regime is selling to minors. I’m more concerned my children could buy into the less extreme elements of this joyless, puritanical religion of self-obsession, and either pick “their own” ridiculous flag or spend their youth as (gulp) “allies”. (A friend’s nineteen-year-old daughter is an “ally”, and it’s like living with the self-loathing lovechild of Greta Thunberg and an Antifa fanatic.)

Many of my fellow parents have opted out of the public school system, either home schooling or sending the children to conservative Islamic or Christian schools (which is probably the only sensible response, and in line with current trends). At least those choices remain—although for how long may depend on the outcome of the Australian Law Reform Commission’s report on Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws, due at the end of this year. Don’t expect much pushback from our elected politicians. Only a handful have the backbone to stand up for children’s rights, let alone safeguard them from radical trans indoctrinators. I’ve spoken with state and federal conservative MPs who wholeheartedly agree with my concerns but do nothing about it. (Don’t worry, their children are safely tucked away at conservative private schools.) I can understand their hesitancy—those who do take a stand are ostracised and often fired. Instead, it’s left to parents and grandparents, whose vigilance is mandatory.

When I was growing up, I had a friend (a twelve-year-old girl), who for about a year assured me and anyone who would listen that she was a boy. There was no hysterical “affirmation” mandate in the culture then. We just accepted she was like George from Enid Blyton’s Famous Five, and that was okay because we had other things to think about. She desisted in this odd belief and grew into a happy lesbian woman. Thirty years on, with puberty blockers, breast binders and affirmation, any such similar young girl is at grave risk of being robbed of the opportunity to grow comfortable with her body and accept her natal sex. Heartbreakingly, this is so with a friend’s daughter, now fifteen years old, who’s about to commence testosterone. Soon she’ll have facial hair, a strange faux-male voice, and the male pattern baldness of her father. Social proof, affirmation and celebration have locked her into a path most cannot deviate from, even when they realise they’ve made a terrible mistake. Primary schools becoming the delivery mechanism for these religious cult-like ideas is but one of the escalations in the endless cultural revolution fomented by the Left.

Margot Pearce is a suburban mum who remains in Danistan due to extended family ties and inertia.


25 thoughts on “Transgender Sex Education for Primary School Children

  • David Isaac says:

    Thank you for this piece. As you alluded to the word gender is doing a lot of quite nefarious work in all this. Nobody uses sex any more to denote the binary distinction between those who, congenital abnormalities aside, were born with testes or ovaries. Gender is the word used instead and we don’t quite understand what it is, so that even intelligent people come to believe that it can be changed by an act of will, just by checking a box.

    A person’s immutable sex is determined at conception. Anyone who thinks differently is categorically wrong. You cannot become a man or a woman by dress-ups, drugs or surgery. If you think you can, you have a mental disorder for which society may very well be to blame. Gender is a grammatical property of nouns and pronouns, which you are not free to choose.

  • Stephen Due says:

    This could not be happening without the support of the medical profession. But they sold out on this even before they sold out on Covid. Basically their collective position is that they are willing to inflict any kind of harm on children (and adults for that matter) provided it is legal and profitable. A few brave doctors stood up and formed the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) during the Covid fakedemic, and are continuing to campaign against the unscientific and inhumane Covid response adopted by the ill-advised Australian governments. I note, incidentally, that the original poster-child for the Pfizer vaccine in Israel (a boy) died a few days ago of a heart attack aged eight. I don’t know whether AMPS has a position on child sexual mutilation aka transgender ‘treatment’. The profession as a whole had turned against circumcision until the Muslims turned up, when the medicos became reticent to give a clearcut opinion. But apparently they cannot see any parallel between cutting off the foreskin and slicing off the entire genitalia. The practice of female genital mutilation by Muslims may actually be illegal in Australia, but presumably must be kosher if done as part of a surgical ‘transitioning’ process. Could this be a double standard? Not if you are a typical Australian doctor, who is perfectly happy doing anything the government demands or permits. Say goodbye to the Hippocratic oath. Doctors have effectively become agents of the state. This might remind some people of what happened in Germany in the 1930s. My impression is that most would not see anything wrong with it.

    • David Isaac says:

      Of course there are plenty of doctors who disagree with both of these scams but in terms of speaking out publicly, well that’s easier said than done. At least one who spoke out on social media against the compulsory jabs was deregistered. He received very little mainstream media coverage for his troubles. An array of coercive measures was brought to bear on all health professionals, who are conditioned to listen and obey, and generally did. Taken as a whole health is an overwhelmingly female profession and there is less deference to the medicos than ever. It’s all about doing what’s good and right and makes people feel good in tune with community (media) consensus and following the guidelines.

      As for the small number involved in sex change (NEVER ‘gender reassignment’ ) they are surely either ideologues or opportunists. But if you’re underemployed and this sort of work lands in your lap… may be easy to convince yourself you’re performing a community service, especially if you’re relatively young and were never exposed to a more nomal, fairly fixed set of values.

      • gareththomassport says:

        Agree entirely.
        The feminisation of medicene has led to a workforce where low trait disagreeability, high trait conscientiousness and neuroticism are de rigeur.
        Medical practitioners were already higher on these traits, but the rigid enforcement of “standards”, ie not questioning the zeitgeist, has led to dissenters being deregistered or retiring.
        The colleges, medical boards and AHPRA, are female dominated.
        Medicine is now a profession of rule- followers and not free thinkers.
        Anyone remember Beuce Shepherd?

  • Jack Brown says:

    Males who wish to present as females such as the first case mentioned and like Bruce Jenner, and a man I worked with, will with a bit of digging reveal they have been screwed by their mothers wish to have had a daughter and these men deepbdown believe they can only be worthy of being loved if they are a woman.

    The other and much more voluminous cases pertain to girls who were tomboys. These girls gave Asperger’s Syndrome AKA on the spectrum and have Extreme Male Brains as a result. They are not looking to be lovable but are seeking to align their reproductive organs with how they think.

  • Hugh Jaase says:

    In the words and falsetto of the late, great Dame Edna, I say “call me old fashioned”, but I remember school being about learning how to read, write, count, think, deduce, plan and be a good citizen. It appears times have changed, not for the better it appears and I grieve for the young ones being put through these traumas.

  • Sir Peter says:

    The chemical castration and surgical mutilation of children is the ultimate evil of the insane age we are living through. It is on a par with the evils perpetrated by corrupted doctors in Hitler’s Germany.

    We sent our best and brightest to fight and die to end THAT particular form of insanity. At least half of us vote for this one.

    After victory the evil doers were tried in Nuremberg and hanged How can this be happening in a country which kids itself that our opposition political party are Conservatives.

    At the very least parents should be out in their thousands demanding that heads roll. Ideally we should be setting up a Nuremberg-style enquiry to root out and destroy all those responsible.

    • rosross says:

      Well said. One presumes, or at least hopes, that the children who experience such violence and the lifetime of suffering which follows, will be able to demand compensation from all those who played a part in the atrocities committed on their bodies. As you say, those involved must be held accountable.

  • guilfoyle says:

    Mrs Pearce’s alignment of the transgender push as a religion is intriguing- it is definitely gnostic and draws upon millennial alarms engendered by climate hysteria and the end-of-the-world industry.
    The take-up by various groups is perhaps a consequence of differing pressures: The mature man who decides he is a ‘woman’ is a world away from the teenage girl- many of whom are confronted by an overly sexualised world, together with boys who have had their sexuality defined by pornography. Who would want to be a girl in this landscape? The mature men, however, get sexual arousal from, not only dressing as a woman in women’s underwear but, importantly, in the power they have in compelling a woman to accede to their demand that they are a woman. In my experience of men who dress up as women, I can say that there was present a very profound and deep-seated hatred of women. This, on analysis, is evidenced by their grotesque parodies of what it is to be female. If feminism actually had any truth to it, they would examine the phenomenon of men parodying women and using their male physical presence and dominance, together with the state-compelled speech, to dominate and cower women into denying their own existence. But that won’t happen.

    In the religion described by Mrs Pearce, it seems that there are decided Puritan characteristics- virtue-signalling is a more telling symptom of the Puritan pathology. Of course, the give-away as to the Puritan origins is the absolute lack of humour. Another symptom is the social competitiveness of both the ‘victim’ status, together with the faux ‘caring’ that is designated as the correct response.

    The lack of free will draws one to conclude that it’s nature is that of a cult – but cults, (in the modern sense, not the Catholic sense), although frequently appropriating religious language or imagery, seem to arise in circumstances where there is an absence of belief, or, at least, where there is a distortion of legitimate belief-called in old terms, ‘heresies’.

    Which leads me to GK Chesterton’s observation that ‘When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.’

    The world at the present time is capable of believing something that would have been scorned ten years ago. Now we are ostracised and fined, maybe imprisoned, if we don’t agree to the proposition that a man is a woman and that sex is determined by ‘looking in one’s underwear’.

    The cult of transgender is obviously evil. It is something that has been imposed from the top down. It is by no means a grass roots phenomenon. There are powerful forces pushing this and the resistance requires a determined action by anybody who cares for our young people. The politicians and medical authorities are cowardly and unprincipled. The action is left to ordinary people to stand up and refuse to go along with it. Every person who gives up and uses the nonsense pronouns for the sake of a peaceful life is enabling this movement, with its attendant compelled speech and thought control.

    • rosross says:

      I do wonder if the religious aspects of many agendas, Veganism being another one, result from a largely secular world and arise unconsciously from an innate human need for spiritual and religious expression.

      A similar case has been made for science as a religion in this age and for allopathic medicine to be a cult form of that religion. But from what I can see, any issue which arouses passions has a religious aspect, albeit, wrongly and dangerously misdirected.

      Quote: Put forth in this book is the assertion that medicine is actually ruled by a set of beliefs, myths, and rites of Christianity it has never freed itself from. Supporting this claim are discussions about the ways in which physicians have taken the place of priests, vaccination plays the same role as baptism, the search for health has replaced the quest for salvation, and the hope of physical immortality (cloning and genetic engineering) takes priority over eternal life.

      This book argues that the medical establishment has become the government’s ally, as the Catholic Church has in the past. “Charlatans” are prosecuted today, as “heretics” were in the past, and dogmatism rules out promising medical theories. It contends that only by becoming aware of how religious beliefs and primitive fears unconsciously influence one’s relationships with medicine can people start walking on the path of freedom, personal responsibility, and individual sovereignty.

      Modern Medicine: The New World Religion: How Beliefs Secretly Influence Medical Dogmas and Practices Paperback – April 1, 2004
      by Olivier Clerc

      • David Isaac says:

        I think there’s a lot of truth in this. The induced hypochondriasis keeps people from seeing the real chances for, if not immortality then posterity in form of kith and kin.

        “Then out spake brave Horatius,
        The Captain of the gate:
        ‘To every man upon this earth
        Death cometh soon or late.
        And how can man die better
        Than facing fearful odds,
        For the ashes of his fathers,
        And the temples of his Gods,

        ‘And for the tender mother
        Who dandled him to rest,
        And for the wife who nurses
        His baby at her breast,
        And for the holy maidens
        Who feed the eternal flame,
        To save them from false Sextus
        That wrought the deed of shame?”

        -Thomas B. Macaulay of

        • rosross says:

          It is fear which drives zealots, albeit unconscious and transformed into rage about something or someone which reduces their ability for rational thinking.

          Perhaps if we had continued in the insightful paths of Jung and Freud, instead of diverting into drugworld, we might have more understanding of this particular human weakness.

          That which is denied and driven into the subconscious does not die but becomes more powerful. What is the psychology at work in the transgender issue, or indeed any issue? That is the question which contains the answer.

  • Stephen Due says:

    I cannot understand why any parent would tolerate a schoolteacher talking to their child about sex. This is a private matter between parent and child. The teachers who pursue this subject area with children are perverts. Can any adult reader of this column even imagine beginning a series of conversations with the child of a perfect stranger on this subject? Would not any normal parent, having discovered such a conversation had taken place, be outraged and immediately withdraw their child from the school?
    Parents beware! The legal tentacles of the totalitarian state are rapidly ensaring your family. The agenda is to destroy parental and child rights and effectively make the state the parent of every child. Concerned parents should band together and form associations capable of confronting schools, doctors and the government, at least with effective protests, but preferably with legal action if possible.

  • rosross says:

    Great article. Unfortunately we live in a time of overt and covert censorship. Open and robust debate on many issues is not allowed because powerful agendas are in control.

    To think we allow children to be sacrificed, on many counts, to these delusional agendas where dissent is not permitted and indeed, those who try are demonised.

    Perhaps it has always been thus. History records many episodes of generalised human insanity on many counts. It takes a lot of courage to buck the system and take a stand for principles which are clearly inconvenient, regardless of how much we betray future generations.

  • padmmdpat says:

    Parents went to the Nazis and said they were concerned about many of their policies. The Nazis replied, “Do you think we care what you think? We have your children. “

  • lbloveday says:

    One of my nephew’s 2 daughters was very much a tomboy/butch in the old terminology, while the other was as girlie as can be.
    She refused to wear dresses or play with dolls. Her sister used to give me a big hug when we met; she stuck out her hand……
    When she left school she got a job on a farm, driving trucks. Today she’d be a prime candidate for attempted indoctrination and agreement to mutilation. Fortunately not back then, although I’m confident her father, a pastor would have put a quick end to such nonsense.
    She is now married to a nice, rugged country boy with a family in the offing.

  • Stephen Due says:

    Readers of this column may also be interested to know of the Albanese government’s plans to re-educate boys in order to stamp out ‘toxic masculinity’. This diseases according to the government afflicts as many as 25% of boys – possibly more. See
    What about stamping out toxic feminity? This comes from the same stable as people who claim to decry ‘sexism’.

    • Stephen Due says:

      PS: Apologies for the spelling mistake and the grammatical error above. I assume that 25% of the girls who are miraculously changed into boys will also exhibit toxic masculinity, and will therefore need to be re-educated by the state. Unless of course the medical miracle not only confers masculine ‘gender’ on the recipients but also preserves the innate feminine moral perfection with which we are already so familiar,

    • rosross says:

      We live in a fanatical age when every position is exploited to the hilt even when the clear facts make it ridiculous, unjust, unreasonable and even cruel and criminal.

    • Jack Brown says:

      Toxic masculinity is never defined but the context where the term is used suggests that it references the tendency of some men to carry over their attempts to win a place in the male dominance hierarchy (to borrow a term) outside of the structures setup to manage such activities. In a word by not being a gentleman.

      Toxic femininity is similar and on display whenever a bunch of females congregate in the schoolyard or workplace, in sufficient numbers to comprise a majority, or local majority, of kids or people in a locale. If men seek to achieve a place of dominance (for its ultimate utility of reproductive success) so too do girls and women. Their strategy is to be bitches who seek to eliminate and marginalise other girls/women by social ostracism and even downright bullying to a degree men will not engage in so as to eliminate rivals in their attention seeking behaviours.

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