
Richard Stanton: ‘No Books for You’ and ‘Picture of You’


No Books for You

They told me I could not write about widowhood.
I was not a woman

They told me I could not write about dead aboriginal girls.
I needed their permission

They told me I could not write about Australian society.
I might offend LGBTQI

They told me I could not write about global news media.
There was no such thing

I wait for them to tell me I can’t write about being white, 70 and a man.

There is such a thing, I will trigger a hurt, I don’t need permission.
No-one can tell me otherwise.

Richard Stanton


Picture of You

I look for a picture
among the detritus of a thousand years
in vain

Memory is not enough
to sustain desire
truth is, desire like
has folded
into the iron-grey sky
of my autumn afternoon

Richard Stanton

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