
Jamie Grant: What about the groom?



The bridal party crowds the dressing room

with bouquets, food and patterned drapes.

But does anybody think about the groom?


Jewels, fabrics, over-priced perfume,

bowls of pineapples and grapes:

the bridal party crowds the dressing room.


Condemned, he stands before impending doom,

a prisoner with no means of escape:

has anybody thought about the groom?


Perfect bliss, we happily assume,

is present in its most idealized shape

among the party in the dressing room.


The bride is an exotic flower in bloom.

Held together with string and masking tape,

does anybody think about the groom?


A wedding is an antidote for gloom,

a remedy for bruises, scars and scrapes.

The bridal party crowds the dressing room.

Has anybody thought about the groom?


Jamie Grant


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