
Lawyer’s Holiday

This is luxury I’ve never known
outside certain books I’ve read.
Beautiful girls take my clothes off
And then take me to my bed.

A paradise for a lazy man
Who likes a woman’s touch.
Perhaps I’ll read something later.
Now, I’m doing nothing much.

A Regal time. For such a reward
I must have been living right.
I ring a bell and a beautiful girl
Comes to my bed at night.

This pampering is quite the thing,
It’s really living in style.
I thought I needed a holiday
Like this for quite a while.

To be able to live as grandly as this
Is almost the stuff of dreams.
I have to remind myself that all
Really is as it seems.

A special chef prepares my meals,
Pretty girls serve them with charm,
And my drink comes with no effort
Straight through a tube in my arm.

I’m even attended in the bath
By another comely lass,
And sometimes I lie and admire the view:
DRAW CAIDRAC on the glass.

Hal G.P. Colebatch

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