
The Quadrant Book of Poetry 2001-2010

Edited by Les Murray


From the second decade of his twenty years as literary editor of Quadrant, Les Murray here presents a selection of the best verse he published between 2001 and 2010.

Pellentesque non nulla in quam sodales rhoncus. Suspendisse luctus ipsum odio, ut facilisis erat accumsan ac. Proin lacinia rhoncus justo.

It has been known for decades”, Les Murray writes in his introduction to this collection, “that poets who might fear relegation or professional sabotage from the critical consensus of our culture have a welcome and a refuge in Quadrant—but only if they write well.

From the second decade of his twenty years as literary editor of Quadrant, Les Murray here presents a selection of the best verse he published between 2001 and 2010.

It is a prodigious body of work: 487 poems by 169 authors.

These days, he observes, when poetic values are increasingly being seen as real enrichment, readers are turning to the few journals that nurture them:

“At a time of such turn-about in the life of magazines, a Quadrant anthology seems well overdue.”

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Weight 0.80 kg

Edited by Les Murray