Quisling urges ‘restraint’

brussels dead

Within hours of the latest exercise in cultural enrichment, this time in Brussels, The Guardian‘s Simon Jenkins was simpering the standard lines:

Political terror is as old as war. From the Roman legions to Bomber Command, the instilling of horror in civilian populations has been a standard weapon. “Fighting terrorism” is as meaningless as “fighting guns”.

What is not stupid is seeking to alleviate, or not aggravate, the rage that gives rise to acts of terror, and then to diminish the potency of the incident itself. The first requires a wiser foreign policy than most western nations have shown towards the Muslim world over the past decade. The second is even harder to achieve. It demands patience and restraint in publicising terrorist incidents and in responding to them.

The young men who went down in Lancasters and Halifaxes, somehow this coward feels free to mention them in the same breath as Islam’s brutes.  Barbarians push and nudge and peel back the lives and cultures of societies that take them in, and every time they crib an extra foot the likes Jenkins are there to counsel “patience and restraint”, explain the outrageous in terms of “aggravation”. Obscenely,the Guardian‘s chief quisling suggests we “diminish the potency” of severed limbs and shattered lives.  Not to worry! Two, three dozen fresh corpses? Just  “irritants”, as Waleed Aly is wont to sigh.

Had Michel Houellebecq been born in England, the soulless, contemptible anti-hero of his book Submission would have been the very image of Jenkins, just shorter.

The Guardian‘s man was born on his knees.

Quadrant contributor Timothy Cootes’ thoughts on Submission can be read via the link below.

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