November Quadrant Now on Sale

nov14 square smallOnce again, having expended blood and treasure in the cause of planting democracy’s seeds in the Middle East, the West is confronted with the bloody threat of Islamic terror. In a debate about the wisdom and efficacy of sending Australian forces to Iraq and Syria, Quadrant editor Keith Windshuttle and contributor Tom Switzer take opposing views, neatly summarising the case for and against RAAF planes in the air and boots on the ground.

In other essays, Daryl McCann sees Tony Abbott as “the right person at the right time”, while Peter Kurti addresses secular prejudice and religious freedom and Mervyn Bendle looks at Charles Bean and the origins of the Anzac legend.

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Intrigued by what might be dubbed the neo-wowserism, Philippa Martyr dismantles the myth of Australia’s “dangerous” taste for alcohol. Then there is Gary Clarke on Aboriginal art and a none-too-impressed Jenny Stewart examining The Secret River, contrasting the historical record with its popular mutation on stage and the printed page.

Plus, November’s Quadrant features columnists Peter Ryan and Peter Coleman, as well as book reviews by Christopher Heathcote and Michael Giffen.

And, as always, Les Murray selects the best poetry and short stories.

Quadrant Online will release most of the magazine’s content in dribs and drabs over the month to come. But why wait when a few dollars on your newsagent’s counter buys the immediate satisfaction of Australia’s best and most eclectic magazine? Or, better yet, subscribe to Quadrant by clicking here.

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