Michael Connor

Right wing pornography!

Astonishing times in Melbourne. Non-Left books have been sighted in city bookshops.

I saw some at Dymocks (under Current Affairs) in Collins Street and an even better collection in the politics section of Reader’s Feast in Swanston Street.

Authors included F.A. Hayek, Thomas Sowell, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly. Pleased to see a paperback edition of the excellent Suicide of Reason by Lee Harris. There seemed to be a number of titles from Free Press and Regnery Publishing.

At Reader’s Feast, Norman Podhoretz’s World War IV sits on a shelf beside volumes of John Pilger’s nonsense.

To see the usual infamy we suffer drop in at the big, chain owned bookshop opposite the Melbourne GPO. Like the other city bookshops the collection is 100% Left. Actually being offered some non-Left titles makes you realise, again, just how exclusive and censorious our bookshops are.

Another seemingly hopeful sign is that practically everywhere, even at the airport bookshops, you will find Penguin paperbacks of Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism. However, I wonder, do the reps selling it and the booksellers buying and displaying it realise that the Liberal in the title doesn’t refer to our Liberal party?

Don’t forget that Australian Conservative is also offering a bookselling service – here

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