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‘That’s Just What Hyenas Do’

Peter Smith

Oct 14 2023

4 mins

The Voice is one of the defining issues of our age. What was — I hope my tense proves right later tonight — contemplated was the insertion of racial discrimination into Australia’s founding document. You can argue that it’s not race but heritage. Okay, have your way. It’s discrimination between one citizen and another based on the identify of their forbears. It’s giving rights to one denied to another. It’s equally obnoxious. Here, little Johnny, you can have a cake because your great grandfather was the descendant of a native Australian. Sorry Bill, no cake for you.

Our very being, brought up in a Judaeo-Christian civilisation, cries out against such cruel and unkind discrimination. So why were so many taken in by the Voice? Quite simply, because of the widespread undermining of our civilisation; its debilitation from within. Thankfully we are, in Australia, still far away from losing it. And even more thankfully, we are a chasm away from morphing, in its stead, into some violent and oppressive civilisation. That’s effectively what happened in Nazi Germany. It can be characterised by mobs chanting “Gas the Jews”.

Oh dear! That’s too close to home, isn’t it? That chant at the Opera House has now gone around the world. Of course, it goes without saying, it does not represent Australian values. But it does represent the values of some Muslims, and by extensions their children, who we have invited into our midst to share our citizenship. How has that happened? How is that still happening as we speak?

Here’s a theory. We have outsourced immigration policies to a reinvented breed of leftist-cum-Marxist apparatchiks, who have hijacked the public service and every institution which isn’t avowedly conservative. You don’t think that’s right? It’s going too far? Well then, what is the explanation for the bringing in of millions of people into the West who don’t share our peerless values?

I left my club’s Gym in Phillip Street in Sydney on Monday evening to find what I thought was the tail end of anti-Israeli demonstrators passing by. I’m not brave. So it was without thinking that I cupped my hands and, in response to “Down with Israel,” shouted “Up with Israel.” Not particularly inventive. A nearby policemen warned me of the dangers by pointing to the even larger crowd behind. I stood on the side wondering whether to boo. Thought well, I’m too weak to protect myself and would rely on the police to protect me, and if they were hurt it would be my fault. You shouldn’t stand your ground unless you can do so without endangering others, I think.

What I realised was the gulf between me and those marching. An unbridgeable gulf seeded in a  religion which is an unremitting blight on humanity, as Churchill pointed out well over a century ago. And if you need a more authoritative source: “Beware of false prophets [quintessentially Muhammad]…Ye shall know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:15-16.) And what fruits they were in Israel! Unspeakable acts of defilement and slaughter perpetrated by savages on men, women, children, even babies for pity sake. And some Australians cheered this on? Thought it was a cause for celebration?

Daniel Greenfield sums it up for me.

Civilizations have become too sophisticated and decadent to understand … When faced with barbarism, they go down a dialectic rabbit hole … Did they hurt their feelings, overthrow their governments or draw mean cartoons? Did capitalism leave them adrift in the world economy? How did we fail to integrate the newest generation of immigrants with all the welfare checks? These sophomoric sessions are pointless.

A hyena doesn’t eat your chickens because you failed to integrate it. That’s just what hyenas do. 

It’s my own theory, but I think this time Hamas underestimated how “successful” they would be at their favoured pastime, killing Jews. A big mistake. Hopefully Israel will now rid the world of them once and for all. Unfortunately, Islam will live on, throwing up barbarians everywhere it occupies the planet.

I’ve drifted with intent from the Voice to Islamic barbarism. No, they are not nearly the same. But as Andrew Bolt quite rightly put it the other evening, they are both steeped in tribalism. In an us versus them mentality. Unfortunately, tribalism still afflicts much of the world. It’s Un-Australian.

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Peter Smith

Peter Smith

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Peter Smith

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