Societal Devolution
What does evolutionary theory say about the development of society which gives a pass to a leader of the opposition who egregiously slanders our forebears – who claims, without evidence, because there is none, that we infected their (Aboriginal) blankets and poisoned their waterholes? I will come to it. Amazingly – at least it would be in a pre-post-modern world – the disgraceful perpetrator of this calumny still holds his office. Mind you, in context, slanderous lies are passé. When a prime minister can apologise on the nation’s behalf for a systematic policy of removing part aboriginal children from their parents, which patently didn’t happen, then factoids are the new facts. Scurrilous lies are the new truth. It’s all part of the current societal devolution.
The metamorphosis of lies into truths is not complete until they are taught to impressionable school children. And, it goes without saying, are embraced by the ABC. Done. Catastrophic climate change is happening, seas are swallowing islands, the GBR is rapidly dying off, all cultures are equivalently worthy (noting, of course, “white privilege”), uninvited border-hoppers are immigrants (just like those of old), capitalism is bringing economic inequality and injustice, And, one among the most recent, Trump is a racist, a misogynist and mocker of the disabled. I could go on obviously.
There is no point in exposing these and other lies masquerading as facts to non-conservatives. I have tried. I have explained, for example, that Keith Windschuttle has rigorously exposed the Stolen Generations tale for what it is, a very tall one. I add the killer point. Even with the litigious proclivity of the indigenous grievance industry, no test case save one has succeeded in court. And, in that one, the circumstances are particular and, in fact, when closely scrutinised, undermine the tale.
It doesn’t matter. It can’t break through. An impenetrable barrier stops ‘heretical’ evidence in its tracks before it can upset preconceived notions. To wit, evidence such as this:
- Arthur Phillip did not employ cannons and landing craft to shell and storm the shore.
- So far, hold onto your britches, catastrophic climate change has greened the planet.
- Pacific islands are not sinking. The Pacific nation of Tuvalu, for example, “long seen as a prime candidate to disappear as climate change forces up sea levels—is actually growing in size” – Nature Communications, February 2018.
- Each year millions of people flee or try to flee to countries whose culture is — or was — based on Judeo-Christian values; there is no reverse fleeing.
- Immigrants who have knocked on the door and been let in are nowhere near the same as interlopers who sneakily break in.
- Unemployed white people living in the opioid-afflicted Rust Belt in the United States are not privileged.
- Capitalism has brought untold riches and lifted swathes of humanity out of poverty.
- Trump’s mannerisms when confronted by a report from Serge Kovaleski of the NYT – whose right arm is partially withered – were no different from the same convulsive mannerisms he has used on numbers of occasions to express befuddlement. This has been well documented by those who don’t hate Trump.
I choose not to mention the state of the Great Barrier Reef, except to say that relatively speaking its death throes put the length of Jimmy Cagney’s death scenes in the shade. It has been forever dying to my memory. Think about it. Would the budget have allocated half a billion dollars to protect a healthy, robust and resilient reef? Hardly likely. The Reef just has to be always and forever in deep, deep trouble, otherwise a lot of researchers are on the street armed with an oversupply of degrees in marine science.
Back to evolution to explain all of this. Evolution must be able to explain it because, so far as I can tell, it purports to explain everything. When you believe that all life emerged haphazardly, without design, direction or intelligence from an inorganic primordial soup of some description, it is a logical step to think that mutations and natural selection led to the current state of play. So, for example, when evolutionists, such as Richard Dawkins, seek to explain our consciences they do it by assuming that communities with members (by chance) prone to helping one another survived at the expense of those communities with members prone to be at each other’s throats.
It’s tenuous at best, with the withering advantage of being undisprovable. Nevertheless, I will get into the spirit of natural selection. I assume those who are prone to believing in myths, sinking islands, the Stolen Generations, Trump’s disparagement of the disabled, and the like — those predominantly on the left, let’s be brutally honest — keep on producing offspring like themselves because they tend to partner with each other. They attract one another. Look at the romantic comings together at the ABC.
Those of sceptical minds – those predominantly on the right (conservatives) – do not, I suggest, partner with each other to nearly the same extent. It’s not that many form relationships with out-and-out lefties, God forbid, those wouldn’t last. However, they are more likely, I believe, to be relaxed at partnering with the non-committed; the vast hordes of the politically indifferent. That’s my observation, anyway.
You might sense where this going? Normally, natural selection would weed out lefties. They believe in myths and these are usually destructive of progress – e.g., windmills, open borders, socialism. But they have two advantages. They get together and propagate and they have conservatives to apply scepticism and common sense to prop up society. For example, Whitlam comes in and drives the economy into the ground. Fraser comes in and saves the day (forget about his later regression). Rudd and Gillard let in 50,000 boat people, oversee 1200 drowning deaths, and lock up children in offshore detention camps. Abbott comes in, stops the boats and gets children out of camps. Any non-leftie with half a brain knows it. The left stuffs things up. The right is called in by voters to remediate.
Unfortunately, as I explained, it would appear that sexual selection, as part of natural selection, will, perforce, produce fewer and fewer outright conservatives as against lefties. Common observation suggests this is already gathering pace. Look at schools, universities, the media, public services and the politically-aware community generally. Conservatism will eventually be left as a rump or die out altogether. Lefties will prevail. Remember too, all those fecund inter-marrying Muslims are lefties almost to a man (the hijabed women don’t count). As a result, the human race will go backwards – devolution will replace evolution. The signs are here. Trump is one of those last flickers of bright light that sometimes happen before the candle goes out. Earthborn hope seems lost; unless, of course, like me, you’re a cockeyed optimist divorced from reality. Make Australia Great Again!
Madam: Archbishop Fisher (July-August 2024) does not resist the attacks on his church by the political, social or scientific atheists and those who insist on not being told what to do.
Aug 29 2024
6 mins
To claim Aborigines have the world's oldest continuous culture is to misunderstand the meaning of culture, which continuously changes over time and location. For a culture not to change over time would be a reproach and certainly not a cause for celebration, for it would indicate that there had been no capacity to adapt. Clearly this has not been the case
Aug 20 2024
23 mins
A friend and longtime supporter of Quadrant, Clive James sent us a poem in 2010, which we published in our December issue. Like the Taronga Park Aquarium he recalls in its 'mocked-up sandstone cave' it's not to be forgotten
Aug 16 2024
2 mins