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Scaring Our Kids to Death (To Save the Planet)

Bill Muehlenberg

Dec 09 2009

5 mins

The four-minute opening video at the Copenhagen Summit was a propaganda piece which would have made Goebbels proud. Entitled “Please Help the World,” it has all the hallmarks of a Hollywood end-of-the-world blockbuster. Loaded with emotional hysteria, moving imagery, and screaming children, it is indoctrination at its finest.

It finishes with the plaintive pleas of terrified little kids crying out “please help save the world”. After an impassioned video like this, complete with stirring music (heart-tugging strings, etc.), anyone would want to run out and do something immediately.

But that is exactly the problem with all this. In addition to scaring the life out of little children, it is content-free, image-soaked propaganda. The idea is to get you to forget about any rational discussion and debate about the science and social realities of the issue: it just pushes for an instant and emotion-based decision.

“We must do something” seems like the only appropriate response to such a barrage of guilt-tripping and emotional manipulation. It is a vacuous piece which does nothing to inform us and everything to scare us. Never mind that there is no scientific consensus on this issue, and that the Climategate revelations have thrown the whole matter up into the air.

Indeed, Climategate is the story of the decade, not the Copenhagen Cargo Cult. This story, which is being so assiduously avoided by the mainstream media, is “the climatology equivalent of discovering the bones of Jesus” as Cal Thomas puts it.

Yet our MSM prefers to wring its hands, falling for every bit of fear-mongering and propaganda that those at the Copenhagen junket can muster. And if the opening video is anything to go by, this entire conference is going to be one big farce which should henceforth be completely ignored.

Of course the targeting of children with bone-chilling propaganda is nothing new. The secular left is always presenting one doomsday scenario after another, seeking to persuade us to hand all of our freedoms and liberties over to the “experts” who will solve all our problems.

Thus we have had plenty of other ‘the end is nigh’ scenarios in the recent past. Remember the nuclear winter panic mongering, for example? For years our school kids were drilled with propaganda by the secular left that the world was about to go through a period of Armageddon brought on by the reckless use of nuclear weapons.

And America of course was at fault in all this. It was the nasty US which was holding the world to ransom with its stockpile of nuclear weapons. Never mind the actual truth that it was this nuclear capability which prevented another major war after WWII, and which eventually brought the Soviet Empire to its knees.

It was not the peaceniks and the nuclear winter panic merchants that did anything to empty the Gulag, but American Cruise missiles in Europe. It was that which brought down the Berlin Wall, and set the captives free. Yet if the scare-mongers had had their way, the US would have unilaterally disarmed, and we would all now be living in the People’s Republic of the USSR.

And of course the Soviets had an absolutely appalling track record when it came to the environment. There would be no Copenhagen Summit now if the nuclear winter crowd had gotten its way. So here we have yet more of the same. Scare the heck out of the little kids, who in turn will nag their parents to “do something”. Anything.

Never mind if the evidence for man-made climate change seems to be getting thinner each passing week. Never mind that the Copenhagen Religion is simply about massive international transfers of wealth, and a grand attempt to do away with national sovereignty.

Never mind the mega-carbon footprint created by all the jet-setting politicians, bureaucrats and rock stars who will attend this gabfest. In the meantime it seems that local and imported prostitutes expect a roaring trade. Going by media reports, we may not save the planet but a lot of young women will find a solid week’s worth of work.

But whenever madness reigns, it always seems that a little spark of sanity breaks out somewhere. In this case, we had what can only be considered to be the providential expose known as Climatgate. Nothing takes the punch out of emotional hysteria like some good sound evidence.

And the evidence emerging from Climategate just gets better each passing day. It is the scientific equivalent of the daily discovery of yet more lovers from the Tiger Woods’ harem. Indeed, if the MSM were covering Climategate as thoroughly and energetically as they are covering Tigergate, the Copenhagen farce would have been forced to close two weeks ago.

But sadly it is going ahead, and sadly, it is using and manipulating children to push its agenda. I wait for the day when the MSM promotes an equally moving and emotive video, highlighting the ghastly nature of something like abortion for example. Somehow I don’t expect to see that soon.

However, as long as the alternative media is allowed freedom to present what the MSM will not, bogus religious festivals like the Copenhagen Summit will be subject to close and careful scrutiny. Sure, they will keep cranking out the propaganda pieces, but as Solzhenitsyn knew so very well, in the end, the truth will prevail. 


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