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Peter Smith

Mar 22 2016

4 mins

slanderDonald Trump said that there might be riots if he was denied the Republican nomination. In saying this he was, of course, assuming the most probable outcome: that he will get to the convention in July well ahead of Ted Cruz and John Kasich but without a clear majority of delegate votes. And then the wheeling and dealing will deny him the nomination.

Two things then went on. First the media, the Democrats and his Republican rivals criticised him for inflammatory language. He may have meant the reference to ‘riots’ figuratively. Who knows? He was never going to get that benefit of the doubt and the days are in the past when Bob Askin, then Premier of NSW, could say jocularly to Lyndon Johnson that he ought to have told his driver to run over demonstrators (who had thrown themselves in front of his car) and to which Johnston reportedly responded ‘a man after my own heart’

The second thing to happen is that some anybody-but-Trump conservative commentators went back to 1860, when…

Peter Smith

Peter Smith

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Peter Smith

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