The Art of the Real
Did the FBI and Department of Justice use a dodgy and salacious dossier on Donald Trump, paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, to repeatedly obtain a FISA warrant to wiretap the hapless Carter Page, for a time a bit player in the Trump election campaign? Did they deliberately omit to tell the judge about the provenance of the dossier? Did this mean that they wiretapped Trump Tower; which, incidentally, would have given them access the communications of Trump himself? Was Trump therefore right in March 2017 in claiming to have been wiretapped by the Dems?
The answer to all of these questions seems to be ‘yes’.
Is the whole Russian investigation a crock? Another ‘yes’. It is amazing really. After over a year of looking not one shred of evidence has been dug up to show collusion between Trump’s campaign and Putin. And yet the baseless slur continues, as it can. If nothing is found today or tomorrow, who knows what next week or month will bring if we keep digging.
Recall this all started with a suggestion that John Podesta (Clinton’s campaign head) had his emails phished (not ingeniously ‘hacked’ so far as we know) by the Russians in cahoots with Trump. The plot thickens. The Russians then passed them on to Wikileaks.
In other words, Trump and the Russians got into a (figurative or real) backroom to devise how to trick Podesta (or his staff) into revealing his email details and hence his dirty secrets. Why they stopped at Podesta, who knows? To this day we have no precise idea how it was done, but have to take it as fact from intelligence agencies that the Russians did it and, moreover, that Putin himself must have been personally complicit.
It is a joke. Where is the evidence? Apparently, you are disloyal if you ask. And, to boot, a Russian spy.
Though it’s true to say that Russian collusion – not a crime in any event – has lost its allure. Now, apparently, attention has switched within the Democrat-staffed Robert Mueller star-chamber investigation into obstruction of justice. This turns on Trump sacking James Comey or, perhaps, it’s to do with the allegation that Trump asked Comey if he could see his way to going easy on General Flynn.
I am not a lawyer, but Trump could have sacked Comey because he didn’t like the colour of his socks. That’s his constitutional right. And sacking Comey does not prevent any ongoing investigation at the FBI. It is also within the President’s right to direct Comey on any matter. But, as it happens, Comey is on the record to Congress (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, 3 May 2017) as saying he never felt politically pressured to do anything untoward.
Patently, it is all a beatup from start to finish. Show me the man and I’ll find the crime, or if I don’t I’ll stretch out the process to make life as uncomfortable as possible for the target. It is a strategy redolent of Stalin’s Russia and tin-pot dictatorships. It should have been ‘ridiculed out of court’ long before now.
But who does the ridiculing in these cases? Who do we depend on? We depend on a free, fearless press. But this time around the US mainstream press is in the tank for the Democrats and for corrupt law enforcement practices. They are part of the Inquisition.
How can sense be made of what is going on in the greatest, freest democracy the world has ever seen or, the way things are going, will ever see? This is how.
First, America and, in fact, the rest of the Western world is being white-anted from within by a coalition of people without patriotism. You can variously call them postmodern leftists, latter-day Marxists, greens, globalists, and LGBTQI activists. Collectively, you can call them creeps, if you like (which I do).
Their intent is to tear down traditional (family and Christian) values and Western nation states with them. They have largely taken over what used to be working-class political parties; and have infiltrated the media, schools and universities and, tragically, churches. With them, truth doesn’t matter, only their loathsome agenda matters.
Second, Trump stands head and shoulders above the limp-wristed excuses for leaders elsewhere in the Western world. And, calamity, he is ‘winning’, as he said he would. He represents a real and present danger to those prosecuting the loathsome agenda. His success is their nightmare. When you saw Democrats glumly sitting on their hands throughout Trump’s brilliant State of the Union speech, you saw a glimpse of the dark side which is our lot if he fails. They will stop at nothing to get him.
He is a giant of our age. This gives me a glimmer of hope. But the opposing forces are ruthless and operate outside of the anchors of truth and morality. Deceiving a FISA court judge is a bagatelle to them.
It seems the cardinal virtue in the modern Christianity is no longer charity, nor even faith and hope, but an inoffensive prudence
Oct 13 2024
4 mins
Many will disagree, but World War III is too great a risk to run by involving ourselves in a distant border conflict
Sep 25 2024
5 mins
To claim Aborigines have the world's oldest continuous culture is to misunderstand the meaning of culture, which continuously changes over time and location. For a culture not to change over time would be a reproach and certainly not a cause for celebration, for it would indicate that there had been no capacity to adapt. Clearly this has not been the case
Aug 20 2024
23 mins