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Goodbye, free speech

Andrew Bolt

Nov 17 2010

1 mins

In a blog post by Andrew Bolt, a sad indication of the perilous state of free speech in Australia:

One of the most interesting things about Roberta Sykes is discretely overlooked, and, given the new legals risks these days, probably wisely.

The Australian does mention it, though:

"While Dr Sykes was careful to define herself by colour rather than as being indigenous, she was widely believed to have been part-Aboriginal until her white mother disclosed that Dr Sykes’s father was an African-American serviceman. The revelation led to controversy in indigenous circles, with Dr Sykes widely criticised, among others, by lawyer Pat O’Shane and academic Gracelyn Smallwood for adopting the Aboriginal snake motif as her own when she entitled her three-part, prize-winning autobiography Snake Dreaming."

Apologies, but to better protect my right to free speech, I must prevent you from commenting on this thread.

Source: Andrew Bolt’s blog



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