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It’s all Greek to a Warmist

Tom Quirk

Nov 27 2016

2 mins

socrates fingerSocrates sought truth by asking questions.  He might have employed the following line of questioning to explore the subject of global warming. 

Socrates Nice to meet you Mr Smith.  I hear you are very concerned about dangerous global warming.

Smith Yes, we are facing the alarming prospect of a global-warming catastrophe.

Socrates What gives you such concern?

Mr Smith Emissions of CO2 from burning fossil fuels.

Socrates How were these fossil fuels formed?

Mr Smith Plants grew, died and formed fossil fuels during the Carboniferous Period.

Socrates Was there dangerous global warming prior to the Carboniferous Period?

Mr Smith No.  It was a very good time for life on earth.

Socrates So where did the carbon in fossil fuels originate?

Mr Smith Plants absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere prior to the formation of fossil fuels.

Socrates So the CO2 absorbed by plants at that time is now being released from burning fossil fuels.

Mr Smith It must be so.

Socrates You have observed there was no dangerous global warming prior to CO2 being absorbed to form fossil fuels, so how could the same CO2 now being released cause dangerous global warming?

Mr Smith I find the implication of your question provocative and disturbing.  You should know there is a move to bring charges against you for corrupting youth with your philosophical questions.

Socrates I am well aware that people are disturbed by my philosophical enquiries which reveal the truth with compelling logic and facts which refute long held beliefs.  Our conversation has been no exception.

Mr Smith I have to go now.

Tom Quirk is a member of the Climate Study Group. His analysis of the woes ahead for Victoria when the government of Premier Daniel Andrews shuts the brown-coal power station supplying more than 20% of the states electricity can be read at Jo Nova’s blog


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