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Climate shame

Piers Akerman

Jun 12 2011

2 mins

Piers Akerman on the government’s failure to respond to a scientific audit of the Climate Commission’s report on climate change.

The science behind tricking the public

Piers Akerman

THE mendacious Gillard government is continuing its drive to impose a punitive carbon dioxide tax on Australians while refusing to address the key issues.

Put aside, if you can, the lies that both Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her deputy, Treasurer Wayne Swan, told the electorate before the election.

They are both trying to frighten the nation into accepting a new job-destroying, economy-wrecking tax they vehemently declared they would not have a bar of less than a year ago.

I recommend anyone who wishes to be truly informed about climate change look at the work published online last month by Quadrant magazine by four first-class scientists of international renown: geologist Bob Carter, carbon modeller David Evans, hydrologist-climatologist Stewart Franks and meteorologist-climatologist Bill Kininmonth.

These four scientists writing these reports have great individual and collective professional experience, ability and respect from their peers.

Beginning with then Climate Change Minister Penny Wong in 2009, their critiques utterly demolish the shonky IPCC “science” that continues to be repeated as a mantra by Gillard’s handpicked Climate Change commissioner Will Steffen and his supporters in academia, the CSIRO and the Department of Climate Change. Copies of their report, based on weeks of work, were sent to all MPs and to the climate-change commissioners, none of whom have yet offered any public refutation of the material.

The question must be asked why the government and its advisers will not address this scholarly analysis.

The failure to respond indicates that neither Gillard nor her Climate Change Minister Greg Combet, or Steffen and his team, can refute the arguments – if they can, they should, otherwise there is no other possible conclusion to be drawn.

Source: The Telegraph


Read the report the Gillard government is afraid to debate:

The Critical Decade: Part I

The Critical Decade: Part II 


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