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The Executioner’s Tale

B N Oakman

Aug 24 2012

1 mins

On 18 June 2010 Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed by a volunteer firing squad in Utah State Prison

Not often you get a chance to kill a man
No strings attached that is
The opportunity of a lifetime
Five volunteers make-up the party
Names stay secret to keep wackos at bay

We shoot from behind a screen
One of us draws a blank
Never could see the sense in that
Said straight-up we’d do the job
Makes a man feel he’s not taken seriously

Prison folk strap the felon to a chair
Put a blindfold on him
Pin a bullseye over his heart
There’s a countdown from five
But we fix to squeeze on two

He’s dead quicker than he figured
Twitches for a minute or two
Seen it with animals I’ve shot
Some witnesses look a bit upset
Never gone hunting I guess

State’s striking medals to say thank-you
Blank shooter gets his too
A great keepsake for the kids
Something my girl will remember me by
The boy’s always said he wants the antlers


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