Stephen Goldrick: ‘I Love to See the Old Blokes’
I Love to See the Old Blokes
I love to see the old blokes standing, looking out to sea,
above the storm-carved sand cliffs, surfing morning’s memory,
I love to see the scattered people dotted on the beach,
dogs indulging owners thinking they control the leash,
throw the ball, the dogs allow, if that’s what makes you glad,
the plovers show the pup who’s boss, the child swims with her dad,
wind-torn bushes link to frame the cutaway lagoon,
ships are schlepping northward, like the old men, leaving soon,
I love to hear the few sparse words they need to weigh the sea,
while out the back the young star surfs an unnamed galaxy,
I love to hear the waves roar down the dogs, and comfort me,
I love to see the old blokes standing, looking out to sea.
Stephen Goldrick
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