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Melbourne Burning

Ashlley Morgan-Shae

May 01 2009

1 mins

Melbourne burning in tempestuous, high flame

Grim Saturday, mid-forties, loud and fast game

Black sky, whirly fires surround—wind-turning

Car has run out of road, my guts are churning

Hide in pipe, no air, sparks licking clothes, leg-lame

House is gone; now trying to save barefoot dame

Burnt eyes, mind says: “Lay Lady, stay—sleep the same”

Heart-wrench to leave, too late—keep spirit-yearning

Melbourne burning

Ravager race, wild animals bound—char-frame               

I still breathe—somehow my dog escaped and came

Mary, Flower, King blaze, bravely-fight—spurning

Ash Wednesday, Black Friday—late for learning                                         

Lovers die arm-in-arm—some lost without name

Heaviness lies on black land, naked, un-tame

Melbourne burning


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