Why you? Why you who suddenly stands up?
After so long I wouldn’t have been surprised
that like so many ex-students your name would have faded.
Was it just because of hearing of your accidental death
I am aware of your face, sitting right there, in the front seat,
knowing that that was where you could get away with the most?
Your rude energy, the unfashionable ‘short, back and sides’ of your hair cut,
the hair Brylcreamed flat against your head.
From a family that did it hard.
In your nickname – ‘Nigger’, ‘Darky’ -the sly slur – a touch of the tar.
Out of the snub-nosed, thick-lipped moon of your face
the assaulting whiteness of your teeth. And your laugh!
That rambunctious disruptive mocking riotous infectious laugh
–a laughter that was thrown like a balloon, a beach towel, a wet rag
into the face of everything.
Anything that was even faintly tinted with bullshit you were onto
like a dog after a rabbit.
A laughter where everything else had to sit down, shut up
and take second fiddle.
Except, of course, to the silliness of your death.
Many will disagree, but World War III is too great a risk to run by involving ourselves in a distant border conflict
Sep 25 2024
5 mins
To claim Aborigines have the world's oldest continuous culture is to misunderstand the meaning of culture, which continuously changes over time and location. For a culture not to change over time would be a reproach and certainly not a cause for celebration, for it would indicate that there had been no capacity to adapt. Clearly this has not been the case
Aug 20 2024
23 mins
A friend and longtime supporter of Quadrant, Clive James sent us a poem in 2010, which we published in our December issue. Like the Taronga Park Aquarium he recalls in its 'mocked-up sandstone cave' it's not to be forgotten
Aug 16 2024
2 mins