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Brendan Craig: ‘Felosophy’

Quadrant Verse

Sep 29 2024

1 mins


Nobody ever owned a cat.

if you’re lucky
it will circle an arc
to include you in its orbit
or graze along your leg
park at your feet
insisting itself.
But you cannot
will not
own it.

Throned atop your fresh-folded
basketful of clothes
it will linger
tilt a curious head
at your strumming paw
then fast as blink
unseam your finger
with a razor claw.

And if you think
you understand
that assassin’s smile
go check the mouse
tossed and batted
left disembowelled
on your lawn
while you patted
and fawned
inside your house.

Or try nuzzling in when
his-or-her Highness
is not in the mood.
A rude one-eyed exit
will leave you stranded
on the carpet
by your misplaced affection
your crude human need
for connection so candid.

Brendan Craig

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