
David Hush: ‘The Lemon Tree’, ‘Stream’ and ‘On Symmetry’

The Lemon Tree

A fledgling tree,
Roots planted in Mother Earth.

Basking in the shade,
Resplendent in the light.

A harbinger of growth,
Of renewal and hope.

David Hush



Rill o’ run,
Droplets of water,
Flowing peacefully.

Boughs of trees,
Reflected with
Miraculous clarity.

A shoal of fish,
On their way,
To somewhere.

Late afternoon sun,
Shining forth,

David Hush



On Symmetry

Looking in wonder,
At the layered patterning,
Ingrained on a leaf.

The markings,
On a butterfly’s wings,
Are quite different,
Yet similarly symmetric.

No two leaves are the same,
Nor two butterflies the same.

Unity in diversity,
Diversity in unity.

David Hush

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