Keep Kate busy. Complain today!

jenkins tweet

Every halfway competent sales manager knows that, when the business isn’t coming in, you send out your reps to scout some up. Apparently the same logic applies at the Australian Human Rights Commission, where Sex Commissioner Kate Jenkins is soliciting business.

That’s her make-work tweet above.

Would it be naughty to suggest that, since Ms Jenkins is so keen to find victims, she deserves as much help as possible? And since she is so fired-up about gender equality, that it is incumbent on the men of Australia to keep her busy by balancing the complaint books.

Have you witnessed a less qualified woman promoted in the name of tokenism and gender balancing? Ms Jenkins wants to hear about!

Have you been obliged to pick up a female colleague’s workload because she needed to leave early and pick up the kids? Ms Jenkins wants to hear about it.

Have you been accused of “mansplaining” when your tone was gender-neutral, the same one you might use with a fellow bearer of those vile XY chromosomes? Ms Jenkins wants to hear about it.

When some nutcase or thug freed by the courts kills a woman, do you bristle at the harpies who immediately blame maleness in general? Ms Jenkins wants to hear about it.

Are you similarly offended by those taxpayer-funded TV ads that paint boys as the future’s inflicters of domestic violence? Ms Jenkins wants to hear about it.

Get to it, men of Australia. Ms Jenkins needs the work lest anyone notice that the AHRC  is a body no decent government would tolerate.

Submissions can be made via this link or the one below.

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