Moore Logic, Less Sense

clover mooreOn the December 11, 2005, my wife and I were celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in, of all places, Cronulla.  On the previous day we had picnicked with friends at Oak Park beach and there were rumours circulating of a forthcoming ‘rumble’.  It seemed that certain ‘anglo boys’, aggrieved at years of provocation on the part of Lebanese ‘yoofs’ had decided to reclaim their heritage.

As I recall, my friends and I didn’t put too much credence in the rumours.  Even the next morning, when my wife and I arrived at Cronulla railway station for a trip to the city and were confronted by a large gang of noisy young men alighting from the recently arrived train, we didn’t make the connection.  Their demeanour seemed exuberant rather than threatening.

It wasn’t until we arrived back later that evening to find Cronulla in lock down that we realized what had transpired.  The response of the authorities was drastic and effective.  For the following week one could not get into Cronulla without passing through a police check. Patrols of no less than four officers were omnipresent.

There is no doubt that this was a shameful episode in Australia’s recent history but as Keith Windschuttle has pointed out ‘blame it on the multiculturalism’.  Years of the establishment mouthing multicultural platitudes and turning a blind eye to the festering sore of Lebanese ghettos had done its work.

So we do know that, on occasions, Australians are capable of mob violence against Muslims but this occasion was ten years ago and has not been repeated since.  Significantly, the Cronulla riot was a response, by a bunch of ‘surfie’ yobbos, to years of provocation.  It was not a mob reaction to a single, isolated incident.

And now here we have Clover Moore, on the anniversary of the Lindt café siege, jumping on the same ‘let’s not provoke an ugly right wing backlash against thousands of innocent Muslims by describing a terrorist attack as a terrorist attack’ bandwagon.

Monis displayed a black Islamic flag in the window of the café so authorities had every right, at the time, to assume this was a terrorist incident. After it became known that the gunman was, in fact, Monis, authorities had the knowledge, inter alia, of his form in writing abusive letters to the families of slain Australian servicemen to surmise that he might actually be an Islamic activist.

And they had the deaths of two innocent Australians to attest that his activism had now morphed into terrorism, deranged though he may have been.

Moore is quoted:

The very real risk that the siege might set off a chain reaction of tit-for-tat attacks on Muslim Australians, fanned by tabloid columnists, was quickly dampened by our multicultural, harmonious society.

What evidence does Moore have for the assertion that there was a very real risk of tit-for-tat attacks?   What tabloid columnists advocated such action? And in what way did our ‘harmonious multicultural society’ quickly spring into action to overcome this imminent threat?

The implication seems to be that as long as Monis was just a deranged Muslim, rather than a Muslim terrorist, the racist rednecks that the left insists are lurking in every corner of our society would invoke the better angels of their nature and lay off.

Logical? Only if tosh is your stock in trade.

5 thoughts on “Moore Logic, Less Sense

  • en passant says:

    An accurate analysis of a deranged woman

  • bemartin39@bigpond.com says:

    Officialdom in Australia has well and truly settled into dhimmitude, speaking with great reverence about anything concerning Islam, refraining from anything that might remotely be offensive to Muslims, which is the right and proper attitude toward the supreme religion of the world by those whom it magnanimously tolerates even though they don’t belong to it. The jizya is also being paid by the dhimmi society to the supreme religion, primarily via Centrelink but also as grants to various Muslim organisations. It’s only a matter of time before all such arrangements will be formalised under Sharia and the proper terminology applied.

  • brian.doak@bigpond.com says:

    And today we read that Australia’s head Mohammedan, the Egyptian born Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, has links to Egypt’s banned Muslim Brotherhood. There is the photo of Grand Mufti Mohammed in discussion with the exiled Egyptian sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi in Qatar in April 2013. They discussed ” the role of Islamic communities in Australia”, and how they must rejoice in our’multiculturalism’ as it is not a concept even contemplated in Muslim Brotherhood friendly Turkey with its fractured multi ethnic mix.
    We assume the two did not converse in English because Australia’s Grand Mufti withdraws from interviews in English!

  • Jody says:

    The people of Australia under the age of 50 have been so comprehensively brainwashed with the multicultural project that, at all costs, whatever happens has to be defended. It was an adage in the teaching profession; you cannot change the behaviour of students, nor their attitudes, but you could change your own. Transpose this to our society – we cannot change the behaviour of multi-ethnic ghettos but we can change our own because it is infinitely inferior to the newer one and, therefore, it’s much easier to cower in the corner than speak from a position of strength.

    And the Thought Police have been out with their truncheons today attacking Bill Leak about his cartoon in yesterday’s Australian depicting the destruction of solar panels in India and their treatment as food. The Thought Police are on the defensive – there’s no doubt about that – and we must resist their muscular attempts to suppress freedom of thought and speech in this country.

    It is frightening.

  • Jody says:

    I found this quote today from the late American author, social commentator and public intellectual Chrisopher Lasch:

    “Progressive rhetoric has the effect of concealing social crisis and moral breakdown by presenting them as the birth pangs of a new order.”

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