Why intellectual is a dirty word

According to Keith Windschuttle, “Intellectuals work in universities, they work for the state, they drive old bombs, they wear cardigans, they look awful, and they talk rubbish.”

The editor of Quadrant talks to Steve Austin on ABC radio on history, the ABC, intellectuals and how he became a writer.

Keith Windschuttle is an historian, author, editor and publisher. He is the editor of Quadrant magazine and the publisher of Macleay Press. He began his career as a journalist and remains a frequent contributor to major Australian and international newspapers, international journals and academic publications. He has written eight books on Australian history, journalism and the media. For twenty years he was a lecturer in Australian history, journalism and social policy at a number of Australian universities. He has also been a visiting and guest lecturer at a number of universities in the United States.

Listen to the interview here…

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