Michael Connor

Killer Chic

The faces of killers Che and Mao sell jewellery, beer, food, tee-shirts and movies. A new online film, Killer Chic, removes the makeup.

August 2007 and the Friends of the National Library of Australia screened the award winning and sickeningly propagandist film The Motorcycle Diaries with this gruesome and shameful appreciation:

The rivetting [sic] story of young Che Guevara’s formative journey through South America that ultimately transformed the young apolitical introvert into an outspoken revolutionary agitator.

December 2008 and reason.tv offers an online film called Killer Chic: Hollywood’s Sick Love Affair with Che Guevara. An examination of the "sick love" of wealthy Hollywood celebrities for the murderers Che and Mao. Among the interviews is one with Cuban jazz musician Paquito D’Rivera: 

Che hated artists, so how is it possible that artists still today support the image of Che Guevara? … Che was an inspiration for me. I thought I have to get out of this island as soon as I can, because I am in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Moral: Apart from being a worthwhile film Killer Chic demonstrates what can be done with a small budget, imagination, and some internet toys to challenge Left prejudice and present dissident points of view.

Viva Veritas!

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