Another ABC humourist

pobjeThe prayers of all decent people who follow the great game of cricket are with Phil Hughes, felled yesterday at the SCG by a one-in-a-million ball from bowler Sean Abbott.

And then there is alleged humourist Ben Pobjie (above), who supplies half measures of wit to The Age and, because Mark Scott’s ABC finds the bad taste of luvvie “comedians” irresistible, The Drum, where the joke is always on taxpayers. As Hughes was being taken to hospital, where he remained in a coma until his death was announced this afternoon (Nov 27), Pobjie tweeted:

Sean Abbott hits Phil Hughes in the head, continuing the tradition of Abbotts f*****g up Australia

Having slashed the ABC’s classical music content and shuttered regional news bureaux, Scott might finally get around to having a serious look at what his organisation thinks is funny.

He might do that. And, yes, pigs might fly.

(This item was updated upon news of Hughes’ passing)

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